Monday, 12 September 2016

Hand Chemistry Glow Oil | Deciem

Hand Chemistry Glow Oil | Deciem

Hello to your gorgeous face

It isn't often I get desperately excited about a product enough to bump it up on my list of reviews, but THIS !!!!!!!

One of my favourite brands by Deciem is Hand Chemistry I adored the first product I ever tried, read it here  and this has way surpassed any expectations.

OK, so what is Glow Oil ? It is a dry oil that is an alternative to self tan ! but wait....... it is way way more than that, upon opening you will see what looks like a simple bottle of oil, shake it up and this is where the magic begins, it turns into golden liquid pearl ( swoon)  invisible golden prisms to be precise!

Hand Chemistry Glow Oil | Deciem

Once opened you immediately get a hit of fruit fragrance from the Raspberry based Keto sugar,  I am not going to go into all the science that's Deciem's job I will place a link if you are interested.

I am totally addicted to this oil, it literally gives your skin the BEST glow and pearl sheen ever, while building a very gradual tan that has never placed one nasty streak on my body, it is literally heaven, you are nourishing your skin at the same time as making it look fabulous AND getting a tan, what's not to love ?

On first application you can only smell fruit, after I would say 12 hours you will get a very slight biscuit fragrance that is really only to be expected, but nothing at all like other tanning products you have tried, when I say slight, I really do mean slight. 

While this little 100ml bottle may not seem like a lot as it is for your whole body I promise you a little goes a long way, I have been using this daily, both before and since returning from holiday and still have way over half a bottle left.

Some products are nice, some are really nice and some you will never want to live without, this is the never want to live with out !!

As always from The Abnormal Beauty Company, this product was tested on humans.

Love n Hugz

Lyn x

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