Monday, 27 February 2017

Look Good Feel Better Foundation Brush Set

Look Good Feel Better Foundation Brush Set
Look Good Feel Better Foundation Brush Set

Hi Darlins

If you have never heard of the Cancer Charity Look Good Feel Better Please do check them out. The #Warpaintforlife campaign celebrates the power of beauty for all women everywhere. To feel confident, in control and empowered in life is every woman’s right and Look Good Feel Better exists to make sure that cancer doesn’t get to take that away. 

Look Good Feel Better Foundation Brush Set
Look Good Feel Better Foundation Brush Set

We all use make up brushes, but how lovely to know that the brushes you are using are donating a portion to help another woman at a time where she needs her confidence boosted to the max.

Look Good Feel Better Foundation Brush Set
Look Good Feel Better Foundation Brush Set

The Look Good Feel Better Foundation brush set are fantastic value at £17.99 for the two and are fabulous quality brushes for applying foundation, I have used these on both liquid foundation and cream compact foundation, they are incredibly soft with good weighted handles, foundation applies flawlessly with no streaks or brush marks, I particularly like the angled brush as it gets into all the crevices around your nose and eyes.

Look Good Feel Better Foundation Brush Set
Look Good Feel Better Foundation Brush Set

They clean easily and hold their shape beautifully. It's so lovely that something you use daily can help someone else.

Look Good Feel Better HERE

Lyn 💋

Sunday, 26 February 2017

DHC Double Protection Mascara

DHC Double Protection Mascara
DHC Double Protection Mascara

Hiya Gorgeous Face

Mascaras, how many are on the market ? the number must run into the thousands !
quite frankly you can waste an absolute fortune on trying them from a TV ad or a groovy looking package, I know I have wasted a lot of money over the years. My wish list for a mascara is

  • Longer looking lashes
  • Thicker looking lashes
  • No panda eye
  • No smudging
  • No flaking
  • No clogging
  • No spider leg appearance
  • Easy application within one or two coats

DHC Double Protection Mascara
DHC Double Protection Mascara

DHC Double Protection mascara does all that and more, it is a tubing mascara which if you are not familiar with this term  it is slightly wetter to use than normal mascara and as the formula dries it  shrinks and coats the lashes with individual tubes that add amazing length to the lashes, I prefer two coats to really give length, oddly while it is both waterproof an oil proof it is easily removed with warm water and by rolling the lashes in your fingers to remove the tubes, I personally prefer to use eye make up remover, but it's all personal choice.

DHC Double Protection Mascara
DHC Double Protection Mascara

The brush is small and compact with fairly tight bristles making it a joy to apply with no mess and complete control, I do have a confession, one night I committed the cardinal sin of not removing my make up before bed, I did do a quick whip over with micellar water but left the mascara, ok ok you can stop shaking your head now, my point in this confession is just to point out that the mascara looked as good the next day as it did on the first, and NO panda eye at all :)

DHC is a brand that has never once let me down, I have tried many products and loved every one, you can see my other reviews here 

You can find DHC Double Protection Mascara HERE

Have you found your perfect mascara ? let me know I would love to hear your thoughts.

Lyn 💋


Gosh Giant Pro Kajal

Gosh Giant Pro Kajal
Gosh Giant Pro Kajal

Hi Loves

I have a serious love for Kohl / Kajal pencils and have been using them since the late 70s, my reason for this admission proves I know my way around a kajal pencil or two, The Gosh Copenhagen SS17 collection has bought many new joys not least of which is this Giant Pro Kajal, I want to say pencil but its more of a giant crayon.

Gosh Giant Pro Kajal
Gosh Giant Pro Kajal

It is the deepest black I have ever experienced and is butter soft making it really easy to apply, be gentle or it will end up as too much, I used it on my waterline with no irritation at all, and it didn't collect into that horrible globby bit in the corners of my eyes ( most do ) I really like this, I love the fact that no sharpening is required, if you like a dark smudgy eyeliner this would be perfect for achieving what famous make up artists call the "bedroom eye"  I found it long lasting, not day to night but it did last a good few hours which was pretty impressive.

Gosh Giant Pro Kajal
Gosh Giant Pro Kajal

All in all I would give this a thumbs up, don't expect to be able to do a fine line with this pencil, but get smudging you will love it.

Find Gosh Giant Pro Kajal

Lyn 💋


Wednesday, 22 February 2017



Hi Loves

This is something a little bit fabulous, I do like something new and interesting, and when the lovely people at Evoshave asked me if * him indoors* would like to try it out I was fascinated, I have never seen anything like it before in my life !


These amazing little double sided razors let you shave by touch, I did have to ask himself why you would need to do this ?  as It isn't something I had ever considered, his answer was, " why wouldn't you want to ? "  it saves having a steamed up mirror to to do battle with, it means you can shave easily in the shower or bath.......duhhhh, I should have thought of that !


These little razors come in different shades and you can easily buy packs of additional blades, I have to say on looking at the price of these I found them to be amazingly good value, we all know how horrendously expensive men's razor blades are and these seemed to me to be good value at £4.99 for the razor with blade, and £5.99 for an additional 4 pack of blades.


When tested, Mr LB was pretty impressed by these, you literally use your fingertip as the guide and are able to shave either way with no clogging of the blade, he appeared from the bathroom as smooth as a baby's bum, with no nicks, cuts or razor rash. Win-Win I would say, the thing I like about these is that they come in their own handy little holder that keeps the blade clean and dry, for me it means I don't have to look at an ugly razor spoiling the look of my bathroom :)

Also, on another thought, what a brilliant little gift, it saves buying him more socks !

P.S  I gave it a try on my legs and it was pretty awesome 👍

Check out EvoShave 

Lyn 💋

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Garnier Pure Active

Garnier Pure Active
Garnier Pure Active 

Hi Darlins

A while ago I was approached by Garnier to try out a new range of skincare called Pure Active, you may have seen the recent TV ads.
I have not used a Garnier product for many years, not for any particular reason as they were always my * go to* product as a young Mum, but for some reason seem to get overlooked nowadays, so I was keen to try out this new range although, if I am honest I 100% couldn't see it being for me, as from what I can gather it is aimed at a more youthful market, not one to be deterred, you know me, I will try anything if I like the look of it. Garnier and I have re kindled our relationship :)

Whenever I see a 3 step system it always reminds me of our old Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise days, well in fact this is the same but with much more advanced products, than fragrance water that was said to remove the last traces of cleanser, this whole range is designed for Sensitive skin with blemishes, whilst I do have sensitive skin when it comes to soap products, my blemish days are thankfully over.

Garnier Pure Active
Garnier Pure Active 

I started out with the Pure Active Sensitive Anti Blemish Soap-Free Gel Wash. 150ml
A clear gel that you apply to a wet face, the gel emulsifies and turns into what can only be described as a luxurious skin cream, whilst it has a fresh almost soap clean smell there was absolutely no irritation, tightness of the skin or redness of any kind, rinsed away with warm water and a flannel this left my face feel uber clean and soft. 

Garnier Pure Active
Garnier Pure Active 

Followed by Pure Active Sensitive Anti-Blemish Clarifying Tonic. 200ml
This to me really is the star of the collection, it's like nothing I have ever used before, a gel toner that is applied with a cotton pad after cleansing, it dries leaving your skin feel almost primed with a matte finish, again no tightness, just soft skin. I personally loved this, it felt fresh, easy to use and with a fragrance that reminded me of Cucumber and Mint, although the active ingredients are Salicylic Acid and Witch Hazel.

Garnier Pure Active

Garnier Pure Active 

The final step was Pure Active Sensitive Anti-Blemish Soothing Moisturiser. 50ml

This moisturiser I found to be lightweight easily absorbed with no greasy residue, again it left a matte finish to the skin, which formed the perfect base for foundation or could easily be left make up free for a non shiny complexion.

In fairness to this product, I am not sure I was the ideal candidate to test it out on, so I roped in my 20 something Grandaughter who does have some blemish problems, she loves it, it calmed the redness of any angry looking patches, wasn't slightly irritating and did the thing she desires the most mattifies the skin for a non greasy look. I am going to be encouraging my 14 year old Grandaughter to get on board with these products as well, as she is at the I have found make up age and I think they are fabulous at applying but not so great in the cleansing area, and best to start a routine early before the blemishes hit !

Learn more about Garnier Pure Active HERE

Lyn 💋


Monday, 20 February 2017

Blogging for Bloggers

Hiya Lovelies

Am rambling again, I have just done my usual early morning scroll through Twitter, yep naughty habit I know but I do it everyday, and a thought suddenly occurred to me ( dangerous ) Firstly the number of tweets about other bloggers, sniping and just general bitchiness, and secondly the "look at me " style that seems to have become synonymous with blogging, of course I am not saying you shouldn't want to promote your blog, of course you do, it's something you spend time and love doing, but really ?  do you have to ram it down peoples throats with every bloody auto tweet on an hourly basis ?  give it a rest girl, we know you exist. You look at it and wonder if you should be doing the same, is it an English thing from my generation where we are taught that showing off isn't nice ?  what's the saying ?  "know more than you say, and show less than you own"  something like that anyway.

It's the same on Instagram, if every picture is one of someone showing off a selfie, I for one ain't following,  Oh my lord I fear this post is sounding bitter, it really isn't and I honestly don't expect everything I read to be deep and meaningful but come on ladies, there is more to life than just us, this brings me back to the topic of this post as once again I digress.

Who do you actually blog  for ? 
I think it's a huge trap that we can all easily fall in to, forgetting who we actually write for, I 100% hold my hands up to being guilty of falling into the "other bloggers are reading this " trap,  and it's lovely that they do, as women we need the support of others, but we are not writing for other bloggers, when I started this blog, it was with the intention to bring products to mature women that we may not have heard of, something different to what the TV tells us we should be using, and as such have tried to keep a range of low budget and high end in the mix.

BUT I am ashamed to say I am guilty of the cardinal sin of falling into the trap worrying about being judged by other bloggers, I have products here that are out of this world, have I written about them ? NO.........Why ?  because in my stupid old head I think,  "Oh Lyn everyone knows about that " everyone has written about that ages ago, and yes maybe they have, but my gorgeous audience who I started the blog for probably haven't and I am doing them a disservice for fear of being judged ( late to the party )  by my blogging peers !  Sometimes I think we all could do with a reality check and to put things into perspective every now and again, does it matter if you are not writing about a product that the world and his brother have just been sent ?  no of course it doesn't, we all love to receive surprise parcels of something lovely, and I am grateful and amazed on a daily basis that companies think my posts are worthy of their products, but who are we trying to impress ?  other bloggers ? ................... STOP, take a breath and ask yourself, does it matter that you didn't receive the latest whatever it was in the post ? and the answer is my gorgeous friend, of course it doesn't, what matters is you, your family, friends and pets.  Write your blog posts for you and your audience and sod the rest :)

Once again, I thank you for giving me your time if you managed to wade through this longer than it should have been post

Lyn 💋


Friday, 17 February 2017



Hiya Darlins

This post has been a long time coming as there was such a lot to try out, if you have never heard of Bio-Extracts you are in for a treat, not only is it a highly effective complete skincare range it's also great fun to use !


The company produce 3 skincare creams in airless containers which form the basis of the routine, these come in Light, Normal and Rich, I opted for Normal for the purpose of my trial, next there are a range of 9 Boosters, these come in airless syringes again for hygiene, I totally love the whole look of this skincare system Home Labs totally describes it, as you feel like a scientist when using it. This system is 100% personalised skincare, you select your boosters according to your skins current needs, eliminating the need for jar upon jar of different creams and serums.


The boosters come in:

Anti Wrinkle Boost -  Intensive serum to release lines caused by intrinsic and extrinsic ageing

Lifting Booster - intensive tensor- lifting serum

Firming Booster - intensive treatment for mature skin

Hydro Booster -  Intense hydration with botanical Hyaluronic Acid

Glow Boost - Intensive skin illuminating serum

Anti-Oxidant Boost - Skin cell protecting treatment

Pore Minimising Boost - Anti-bacterial & pore shrinking treatment

Clean to Clear Boost - Intensive anti-inflammatory treatment for problematic skin

Redness Relief Boost - Anti-Inflammation intensive treatment

So as you can see there is a treatment for any of you skins needs, you simply pump your Bio-Extracts cream of choice and add in a pump of your selected booster, you can use 1-4 boosters at any one time, you mix them on your cream pump and apply, it's that simple !


Each one has an almost Aromatherapy fragrance said to enhance your mood, they certainly do smell gorgeous without being overpowering, when mixed together the resulting cream feels rich and luxurious and it absorbs really well leaving you with soft hydrated skin. Although I am sure you could use any of these at night, I would love to see specific night boosters, I chose the Hydro Booster to use at night as I do love Hyaluronic Acid.


100% Vegan British Made and not tested on animals.  The site is well worth a visit for the vast list of natural ingredients used in these products.  

Take a look at Bio-Extracts

Lyn 💋


Thursday, 16 February 2017

AlphaH Liquid Gold Luxe Resurfacing Body Cloths

AlphaH Liquid Gold Luxe Resurfacing Body Cloths
AlphaH  Liquid Gold Luxe Resurfacing Body Cloths

Hiya Darlin

Forget Roses and Chocolates for Valentines, I wanted AlphaH Liquid Gold Luxe Resurfacing Body Cloths, I honestly couldn't tell you were I first heard about them, but I was on a mission to try them out, well, quite frankly it was a mission, I couldn't find them anywhere, I tried Cult Beauty, Beauty Bay, Marks & Spencer all of these are my usual go to sites for AlphaH but alas no joy.

I did, however find them as part of a set on QVC, to my delight it was the best bargain ever, as it contained full sizes of a couple of other favourites for a crazy reduced price of £37.98, I am not a QVC shopper but in this case you would be nuts not to grab this offer.  I wanted it just for the Body Cloths.

AlphaH  Liquid Gold Luxe Resurfacing Body Cloths

They are amazing and I am so glad I found them, I have to admit whilst I am passionate about skincare, I do neglect my body especially in winter, who has time to be hanging around waiting for moisturises to  absorb when it's chilly? I know I should BUT........this is why I wanted to try the Liquid Gold Body Cloths, I am lazy and I love AlphaH, this pack of 25 double sided cloths are perfect for a super speedy body treatment, you literally whizz over with the exfoliating side of the cloth, flip it over and smooth over with the flat side, that it !

AlphaH Liquid Gold Luxe Resurfacing Body Cloths
AlphaH  Liquid Gold Luxe Resurfacing Body Cloths

No more dry, grey winter bits, I especially love these on my shins, which I find tend to suffer in winter from being constantly covered, these cloths really are the answer for me, I love them.   I only hope they become more readily available, as when I first got them I instagrammed a picture really as a grin to romance, and the response they got was that so many people hadn't thought of AlphaH for body care.

Fingers crossed these will appear in all our favourite  AlphaH suppliers .

The QVC Set 

  • 1 x Liquid Gold Luxe Resurfacing Body Cloths NEW (25 cloths; full-size) - dual-effect cloths infused with a signature blend of glycolic acid and botanicals. The textured side of the cloth gently buffs away dead skin cells and impurities, whilst the smooth side helps restore hydration, leaving skin feeling more supple and visibly more luminous
  • 1 x Liquid Gold (200ml; supersize) - Alpha-H's global bestseller and customer favourite, Liquid Gold is a powerful resurfacing and brightening formula which gently exfoliates away dead skin cells while you sleep and helps to improve the appearance of wrinkles and enlarged pores
  • 1 x Balancing Cleanser (200ml; full-size) - this non-detergent creamy cleanser gently removes make-up (including waterproof mascara) and grime and helps normalise the pH levels of your skin leaving it feeling soft, hydrated and comfortable. Contains extracts of aloe vera and vitamin E

Lyn 💋

Gosh Liquid Matte Lips SS17

Gosh Liquid Matte Lips SS17
Gosh Liquid Matte Lips SS17

Hiya Gorgeous

There is something a little bit lovely when Gosh announce a new season, this time
it's the Spring/Summer 2017 collection that is inspired by Urban Nature, I really do love these launches, rather than drip feed a couple of new products into existing collections, Gosh bring complete newness every season.

It is quite an impressive new collection and for this one I am starting off with the Liquid Matte Lips, as you know from previous posts I am not a lover of the liquid mattes, as being a woman of ( cough ) mature years I tend to find them dry and ageing, not so with these, Gosh have discovered the power that is Dandelion, yes you read it correctly !  who knew this wild little beastie had so much power ? did you know that the leaf contains more vitamin A than a carrot ? nope nor me, in contrast to facial skin the skin on the lips is much thinner, and produces no goodness by itself, which is why as we age they get thinner with fine lines, something else I hear you cry. 
 Gosh have Incorporated LIPerfection, an ecocert certified formula based on mustard sprouts !!!  these are said to plump, hydrate and reduce fine lines.

Gosh Liquid Matte Lips SS17
Gosh Liquid Matte Lips SS17

Enough of my twittering on, are they any good ?  
Well, who knew I would actually love them ?  Everyone is highly pigmented so you only need the tiniest amount, they really do instantly plump the lips ( without ) any stinging or tingle, I had to do a double take a few times throughout the day as they really do improve the look of your lips, no drying or cracking, they feel soft and moisturised to use, the lasting power as you would expect is exceptional, I kid you not, I had to remove this liquid lip with cleansing balm at the end of the day.

With eight shades to choose from you are bound to love one if not a few, and at £8.99 why wouldn't you ?

From top to bottom the colours are:

Gosh Liquid Matte Lips SS17
Gosh Liquid Matte Lips SS17

001 Candyfloss
002 Pink Sorbet
003 Nougat Fudge
004 Chinese Rouge
005 Red Carpet
006 Berry Me
007 Nougat Crisp
008 Arabian Night

Lyn 💋

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Spring Re-Decorating #Collab

Hiya Darlins

Do you get the bug ?  as soon as Winter starts to look as though it is on the move my mind starts to think of decorating and Spring, it must be some kind of nesting instinct I always get itchy for change at this time of year.

For years my style has been French Shabby Chic, it is evolving a little in that it's not so much Shabby Chic, the frills have gone although everything is still white, that will never change, I have in my dining room a white vintage set of table and chairs and as much as I have loved it I am now thinking of something a little more minimalist and as such have been having a little snoop around the interwebby.

This is what I have come up with so far, 

My number one choice is

This is from Fishpools who have a huge range of  

Mr LB likes totally modern and wouldn't have a single ornament in the house if he had his way, so I am very tentatively exploring looks that I know he would like, I say tentatively as I tend to call the shots when it comes to decorating and to be fair he is happy to leave me to it, but am wondering if in the dining room modern may be the way to go.

This I kind of like, but am unsure as it reminds me of the glass tables we had in the 70s early 80s but I guess when you get this old everything comes back around :)

This set is from Trendy Products here 

I think I am going to have to run these thoughts by himself, knowing him he will say there is nothing wrong with the set we have now, which is true but sometimes you just want a change.  YES ?

Lyn 💋

 *This post was written in collaboration with Fishpools 


Sukin Detoxifying Clay Masque | Super Greens

Sukin Detoxifying Clay Masque | Super Greens
Sukin Detoxifying Clay Masque  | Super Greens

Hiya Darlins

What's the first thing you think of when you read a label saying clay mask ? if you are anything like me the first thing that springs to mind is grey almost gritty, drying like a cracked pavement clay yes ?
Well let me change your mind, I have to be honest and admit that I was so so wrong in my pre testing thoughts.

Sukin as company I have written about before and you can read the posts here and here and am really developing a soft spot for, as much as I love the the thought of pure products I am not adverse to chemicals, there is something about Sukin that you know when using it no chemicals are needed.

Sukin Detoxifying Clay Masque | Super Greens
Sukin Detoxifying Clay Masque  | Super Greens

The mask is applied to damp skin and is actually more like a moisturiser, it kind of throws you when using it as it's not at all what you expect, I left the mask on for 15 minutes and during this time it didn't do the cracked pavement thing, it felt really comfortable, it was so easy to remove with warm water I was shocked, it rinsed away really easily and amazingly left my skin so totally moisturised I actually went to bed that night with no night treatments on at all, this could become addictive.
£11.49 100ml 

Find Sukin Here 

Lyn 💋


Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Throw Out The Guilt

Hi Darlins,

this will be another one of my rambling posts as I am currently stuck on the sofa recovering from flu, and of course doing nothing gets you thinking, I have been attached to this sofa and fluffy throw for 6 days now which is by any ones standards a very long time, do I feel guilty ? not in the slightest. 
 Having spent years commuting thinking the City of London would collapse without me I have learnt that nothing is as important as your health, back in the day I went to work with what I thought was a bad cold and ended up in the hospital for 10 days with pneumonia and a collapsed lung, having been told to rest up for 6 weeks I was back at work within 2, what a mug, seriously what was I thinking ? my boss was rubbing his hands at having such a div working for him, when you are caught up the whole career trap you really do think you are indispensable, you are not and you must look after yourself.

As women we get riddled with guilt, we think the world will collapse without us if we are out of action for a few days, people will starve and leave the house in unwashed clothes with no lunch, if you have little ones of course you have no choice but to cope,  as single parent I have lived with this one, BUT if you do have someone that can help, let them and just remember all the Saints are in Heaven, you have nothing to prove by being Wonder Woman and at the end of the day no one gives a sod if your kitchen floor didn't get done for a day !

Learning to get rid of guilt is a lifelong task and I don't think there is a single day as a female you don't feel guilty about something,  my advise.......Be like Elsa and ............Let it go 

I am stopping rambling now, as I have no clue where I am going with this post, but I think the upshot is that I want you to be kind to yourself, you deserve it.

Lyn 💋

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