Thursday, 27 September 2018

Blogging with PR's & Brands

Hi Loves,

Firstly please don't think I believe that I am in any position to give serious blogging advice, but this morning some thoughts came to me, which really should be obvious when it comes to dealing with PR Agencies and Brands directly but from the stories I hear and see from both sides, clearly are not obvious to us all!

A year or so ago I kept seeing the term FOMO being used all over social media, and while I like to think I am down with the kids, some things escape me and I put a shout out to ask what it meant. Fear of missing out was the reply that came back, I gave this some thought and of course it was obvious, HOWEVER it's bull and is just something that will make you miserable, I understand the feeling of not being picked for something or not being invited to something, regardless of your age it takes you back to the feelings you had as a child when a you were desperate for an invite to the popular girls party that everyone was talking about!  that feeling you would have got thinking why not me? am I not good enough?  well you know what, maybe the bird had a small living room and it was full............It is not a reflection on you, it's just life. Bloody hell I am not naive enough to think it's an easy emotion to shift, you see someone else getting great opportunities with a PR or Brand you have worked hard to build a relationship with, it's hard not to get the raging hump, but like everyone around me knows my answer is always (it's just stuff) and if you want it bad enough you will find a way to buy it, if not go buy something cheap and write about that.

Not all Brands an PR are created equal there are good and bad in all walks of life, I am fortunate enough to have some amazing relationships with fabulous PR's and when you have a great relationship you value it, on the other hand be prepared to be treated like blogger fodder, you have one of two choices, either put up or shut up, I find it easier to walk away from this type and ignore the press releases, not because the product is no good but the whole experience leaves you feeling small and worthless. Nobody needs that!  Again with brands, especially small start ups, you will be the best thing on the planet for all of 5 seconds until the next best thing on the planet comes along. Don't take it personally, this took me a while to learn as it felt pretty shitty, but hey ho you learn to get a thick skin if you want to blog.

Now here is a very important lesson, please be aware that you are not the only one out there desperate to be recognised, it's no good stalking these people or making a show of yourself by hinting tweets or blatant begging, it comes across as desperate and quite unpleasant to see, also if you do choose to get in touch with a brand or PR don't send a bloody shopping list!  please bear in mind that you are not entitled to anything EVER!  Just because Jenny From The Block got the latest XZY Palette it is not automatically yours.  Also should you decided to get in touch for product, do the right thing and test it out, don't just gather "stuff" for the sake of it, there are plenty of people out there that would take your spot.   I have heard some horrific stories where this entitled attitude comes across and gives us all a bad name. 

So this whole FOMO thing really is just nonsense, it's probably one of the most destructive things you could suffer from, just walk away, go make a cup of tea, stay off the Internet, and look at what you have achieved so far, I bet any money there is more to be grateful for than to be jealous of?  And besides not many people look good green. 

Any comments would be great, tell me if I am wrong? tell me your experiences, tell me ALL.

Lyn x 

No Brands or PR'S were harmed in the writing of this post :)  


Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Optimum PhytoEnergise 3 in 1 Moisture Balm, Primer, Mask

Optimum PhytoEnergise 3 in 1 Moisture Balm, Primer, Mask
Optimum PhytoEnergise 3 in 1 Moisture Balm, Primer, Mask 

Hiya Darlins

Don't you just love value for money?  I know I do!  Superdrug have hit the ball out of the park with this brand new product. 

Optimum PhytoEnergise 3 in 1 Moisture Balm, Primer and Mask  30ml

Optimum PhytoEnergise 3 in 1 Moisture Balm, Primer, Mask

This little miracle tube delivers not one but three products all in the same tube, if that's not value then I don't know what is?  and as always with Superdrug own brand products you can rest assured that they are cruelty free and vegan.  What is PhytoEnergise ™ it is a formula which contains - 

  1.  Illuminating Pearl to boost skin’s radiance for a luminous rosy glow
  2. Hyaluronic Acid an exceptional moisturiser which helps to boost firmness and elasticity for smoother and more supple skin. 
  3. Creatine,  an amino acid which is found naturally within the skin and helps promote a healthy looking glow.
  4. Early Boost™ - a Seaweed based Taurine, it has a clinically proven unique energising action, providing a fast anti-fatigue effect on the skin.

Optimum PhytoEnergise 3 in 1 Moisture Balm, Primer, Mask
Optimum PhytoEnergise 3 in 1 Moisture Balm, Primer, Mask 

It has the ability to refresh tired fatigued looking skin giving you a fresher more lively looking complexion. 

Used as a moisturiser, I found this worked well with other primers although when the product is used as it is designed you wont need another primer, it took a little while to soak into the skin, so if you are in a hurry I would fan it off for speed, it is ideal if you want a no make up day as it delivers moisture while giving the skin a primed mattified finish. It did deliver an instant boost to the skin and I have to say it did look more relaxed and brighter. As a primer it works beautifully and the idea of just using the one product for both purposes pleased me no end! it fills pores and smooths out your base ready for foundation, with no silicone feel to it I found foundation lasted really well with this product, and there was no shine even after a full day out and into the evening so all in all a thumbs up from me.

As a mask, apply the cream in a thick layer and leave on for 5-10 minutes before wiping away the excess. I did this and then applied a further thin layer under make up and the result was amazing, super soft fully moisturised skin that felt comfortable, non greasy and smooth.

Optimum PhytoEnergise 3 in 1 Moisture Balm, Primer, Mask is currently  at £7.49 

Lyn x 

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.


Rodin Crema Lavender Absolute

Rodin Crema Lavender Absolute 

Hi Loves,

Sometimes a product comes along that you would never ever part with. Rodin Crema is one of those products for me, you could be forgiven for looking at this inconspicuous no frills tube and thinking it's dull, I will give you that, there are no bells and whistles with this Hand & Body Cream as it needs none, it has no need to shout, have fancy fluoro packaging, it's the classy understated woman that walks into a room and turns heads!

Once tried never forgotten.  It's an odd thought but bear with me - have you ever seen TV personalities of any age with glowing looking arm and leg skin?  I know I sound nuts here, but that skin glow that only celeb's seem to have?  this is the answer, you need the tiniest bit of this luxury cream to get you that "glow"

Rodin Crema Lavender Absolute 

Rodin Crema Lavender Absolute 50ml

Olio Lusso Luxury hand and body cream comes in a simple metal tube, it is thick and rich with the fragrance of lavender in it's natural form, not a sickly overpowering fake Lavender. The cream absorbs fairly easily, it's not a slippery lotion so give it a moment, it leaves a moisture and freshness to your skin like nothing else. This super moisturised feeling lasts until you are ready to shower, and will leave you constantly touching your skin to check yourself out! a simple swipe on the shins gives you that glow that most moisturisers cannot quite get! 
With key ingredients being Jasmine Oil, Neroli Oil, Jojoba Oil, Shea Butter, Macadamia Oil, Aloe Leaf Extract, Argan Oil, you can see that it is hydration at it's best. You can totally see how and why this is a Cult product. If Lavender is not your favourite fragrance Crema is also available in Jasmine & Neroli 

Rodin Crema Lavender Absolute 

Find Rodin Crema Lavender Absolute at Liberty London

Lyn x 

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.


5 Life Lessons I'd Pass Onto My Younger Self #ad

Hi Loves, 

I had one of two choices when writing this post I could have taken the easy route and thought up 5 frivolous things just to fill this white space but there are some (I think) important things that in hindsight could have changed the course of my life, and there is a tiny glimmer of hope in me that hopes these words may give someone food for thought.  Please be aware not all easy subjects.

  1. Life isn’t always fair! This came as a huge shock to me at a very young age when being wrongly accused and punished for writing the word shit at age 7, I can totally see the humour in it now but at 7 years old being made to stand for 3 hours in front of the class with a metal rubbish bin on your head felt really unfair at the time! Although I like to think I rocked the Dalek look pretty well 😂
  2. You can buy as many creams and potions as you like for your skin but you cannot put a price on health, I honestly wish I hadn’t thought I was indistructable for the best part of my life, no I shouldn’t have smoked, yes I 100% should have worn SPF and yes I should have taken more care of my inner self, this said I gave up smoking 15 years OK, wear SPF like its a religion and take daily vitamins and supplements including Lumity Life, which I have discovered in the last 2 years, they have helped enormously in feeding my skin from the inside out, and more than anything make me feel good in that I am now helping myself mentally and physically on a twice daily basis, I have written a blog post about them previously which you can read. 
  3. Abuse of any kind is never ever OK, trust me in that if a man puts his hand on you once it will NOT be the last time, leave, pick up whatever you can and just leave!  Do not think oh I need to stay for the children, money whatever. Just bloody leave and don’t wait 18 years to do it. I promise you if you stay it only gets worse, and you are stronger than you think, and everything does turn out OK in the end x 
  4. It’s OK not to be OK, you have nothing to prove as a woman, take the time to care for yourself and stop trying to be superwoman, the dust will be there tomorrow, get your coat and do something for yourself.
  5. It all works out in the end. We often go through stages in our lives where we honestly think we can’t cope and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, I promise there is, whatever feels like crap now you will look back in in years and revel at the strength you had and how you coped and it will all be a distant memory. Life is good you just have to “shed the shit” look after yourself and grab every single moment that makes you smile. 

Thanks to Lumity Life for allowing me the freedom to write this post in collaboration with them using my own words and thoughts. 

Just a quick note on the brand. When I very first started using the product I was in the process of supporting a beautiful make up artist that does a huge amount for charity and at the time was looking for support from brands to give products to her women in need, without a blink of an eye Lumity were there donating without being asked, and as always supporting women in every way possible. 

Lyn x 

Post written in collaboration with Lumity Life, words and thoughts are my own. 

MUA LUXE Powerbrow

MUA LUXE Powerbrow
MUA LUXE Powerbrow

Hiya Lovelies,

How funny is that bows are now something that are 100% part of our everyday make up routine? going out without your brows on for some people is as odd as not wearing mascara or lipstick. The choice of products for this hairy little duo are endless from pomades, powders, pencils, gels and even tattoos the choice can be mind blowing to say the least.

My personal brow journey began with pencil, then on to pomade, then to powder and I have just discovered this brow gel from MUA.

MUA LUXE Powerbrow

MUA LUXE Powerbrow Long wear Sculpting Brow Gel  2.2g

Being grey/blondish I tried the shade fair, the product comes in 6 shades, firstly the packaging and container are gorgeous with the little glass pot of product being topped by a gold lid that pulls apart revealing the brow brush, talk about handy! the gel itself is highly pigmented super easy to apply and stays in place, it dries quickly and given the finger wipe test didn't move at all, I absolutely love it! it's a genius little product that is as cheap as chips, £4.00. Having been so impressed by the quality of this brow gel I have been exploring the actual MUA site itself, as I have only ever seen it available in Superdrug so it didn't occur to me that you could buy direct. The site is brilliant with a massive sale section featuring lipsticks as little as 50p. Definitely worth a look.

MUA LUXE Powerbrow

MUA LUXE Powerbrow
MUA LUXE Powerbrow

Vegan & Cruelty Free.

  with Free Gifts or visit the MUA site direct Here  with 20% off your first order.

Lyn x

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.


Tuesday, 25 September 2018

MakeUp Revolution Soph's Party Gift Set

MakeUp Revolution Soph's Party Gift Set
MakeUp Revolution Soph's Party Gift Set

Hi Loves,

Now is the time to really pick up some bargains in the beauty department, as the gift sets start to appear at this time of year I find them  perfect value for money items as often the contents add up to far more than the gift pack itself, so although it's great to give a cute gift you can even make some serious savings and treat yourself, or maybe that's just me lol.

Makeup Revolution absolutely kill the market at Christmas time with exceptional value for money gift sets that often sell out as soon as they reach Superdrug, if you have daughters or granddaughter or any girlie's to buy for you won't go far wrong with anything from this brand.

 For those of you who don't know who Soph is, MakeUp Revolution are famous for their collaborations with popular bloggers and YouTubers and Sophie is famous for her Sophdoesnails  name.  I have had the pleasure of meeting this smiling little cutie who deserves all the love & success.

MakeUp Revolution Soph's Party Gift Set

That out of the way, lets discuss the set.

Housed in the infamous Rose Gold packaging you are presented with a Palette and 3 travel brushes, they say it's everything you need for a night out, or even OUT OUT.  
The Palette contains  3 brow shades 2 highlighters, and 6 metallic eyeshadows,  1 powder brush 1 foundation brush and 1 eyeshadow brush.  I'm sure a lot of you are thinking hang on!  my face takes more than that for a night out but you get the gist.  The little synthetic brushes are to die for, they are as soft as anything and like all MUR brushes pick up pigment well plus just look at how pretty they are!!!!

MakeUp Revolution Soph's Party Gift Set

MakeUp Revolution Soph's Party Gift Set
MakeUp Revolution Soph's Party Gift Set

The brow shades are enough to suit any colouring and the highlighters are pure bling, softly shimmering without chunks of glitter.  I do think a couple of matte shadows or transition shades could have been included but this is a party palette so it's all about the bling,  great pigment that can be built and layered easily, I found these applied best by spritzing a little setting spray to the brush first to really grab the pigment.

Such good value and a perfect gift, even to yourself :)

MakeUp Revolution are Cruelty Free with many Vegan products, I am at this time unsure if this palette is vegan so if that's important to you please check.

Lyn x 

  • Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

I went AWOL

Hi Darlins,

You may have wondered (or not)  why I have been silent this last week?

I have been enjoying the raging heat in sunny Spain, a week of doing literally nothing other than applying Factor 30 really did hit the spot! I love going on a late September holiday although the drawback to getting a great tan is that it's too late to show it off, returning to the UK and it was straight back to jeans and (almost) jumpers!  that being said I always feel so much better with a bit of colour, I'm convinced it gives the illusion of dropping  a few pounds while at the same time giving me a much needed healthier look.  More than anything though I love just stepping away from everything and completely switching off.  

Returning the day before yesterday, today I have the builders in starting on the bathroom re-furb, I am so glad this is not a video as you would be deafened by the sound coming out of that room, my bathroom has not been the sanctuary  some people enjoy, it has been a functional space with not a lot of glamour going on at all, in fact it was a miserable hole!  hopefully now, when it's finished I will be able to put all the products away and see some clean spaces which will be a joy, as you can imagine there is a lot of going's on with all the testing so a collection soon looks a mess.  Once this space is done I will post some pictures as hopefully I will be keen to show it off and not be ashamed of my manky discoloured taps. 

As soon as I got back I attended a fabulous event in London at the Freya Cafe, which you really should visit if you get a chance, it was for the launch of the new Emma Hardie Pink Clay Detox Mask, which will be coming to the blog soon. It was a truly lovely evening and the perfect way for me to get my blogging vibe back on and to get down to some real work, you will have seen glimpses on my Instagram stories over at thelavenderbarnltd on Insta.

Anyway I wanted to put out a quick catch up just in case anyone thought I had been abducted by aliens, or decided to outstay my welcome in Spain and just not return, now there's a thought !!!!

Lyn x 

Friday, 7 September 2018

Revolution Conceal & Define Full Coverage Foundation + Concealer

Revolution Conceal & Define Full Coverage Foundation + Concealer
Revolution Conceal & Define Full Coverage Foundation  + Concealer

Hiya Darlins

This week I attended the launch party for Make up Revolutions new inclusive campaign featuring the Conceal & Define Full Coverage Foundation. To me Make Up Revolution have always been a really inclusive brand in terms of diversity but this is the very first time I have seen them include age in the targeted audience, interesting - that brands really are beginning to sit up and see us as an audience, we have seen quite a lot of inclusion this last year and now it is the turn of MUR. 

Also at the launch was the promotion of the now super sized Conceal & Define Concealer, which for many will be a god send as this concealer really does work, even on my tired old wrinkles. 

Revolution Conceal & Define Full Coverage Foundation + Concealer
Revolution Conceal & Define Full Coverage Foundation  + Concealer

Revolution Conceal & Define Full Coverage Foundation 23ml

Lets start this by saying what not many people know, Make Up Revolution are both Cruelty Free and Vegan!  which in this day and age is important, and I think that brands should shout from the rooftops when their product is.  Superdrug who feature Make Up Revolution heavily also do their own brand Cruelty Free Vegan.
The Foundation comes in a good looking ( as always) glam rose gold packaging, it has a chunky doe foot applicator for easy application, oil free and comes in 24 shades that are all mixable and blendable so easy to get the perfect shade match. I have tested this foundation out over a couple of days, and anyone who follows ltd on Instagram would have seen me do close up shots of the foundation in place on day one.  I have to be honest and say it wasn't an immediate hit for me, I think possibly on the first time round I used too much of the product with a foundation brush,  it looked dry, thick and cakey, it highlighted every line and wrinkle I didn't even know I had, I cleansed and tried again, this time with a much lighter application using both primer and a beauty blender, it was better, however I still found that it sat in lines after a short while so wasn't a hit, I tried again adding a little facial oil hoping the oil would stop the foundation sinking into the lines, that didn't work, it disrupted the formula and broke apart.  I am sad to say that as much as I love a lot of Make Up Revolution products, my palette collection is testament to that.  If however I were back in my twenties or thirties it would have been 100% perfect, full coverage all the way. 

Top Shade F2  Bottom Shade F3 

I am not by any means saying this is a bad product or that it won't work for mature skin, it just sadly didn't work for me, my teen grandaughter loves it, my daughter in her twenties is enjoying it, and my grandaughter who is also in her twenties is loving it for covering breakouts.

The complete range can be found here at

Lyn x 

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.


Murad Rapid Age Spot Correcting Serum

Age Spots A Thing Of The Past? ....... Murad Think So.

Murad Rapid Age Spot Correcting Serum 

Hi Darlins

I can remember a time way way back, when I didn't know what an age spot was!  I just thought my Mum was cursing the freckles she had!  Now I can confirm I definitely do know what they are!  For me they are just another part of ageing, unless you have used SPF from the day you were born or stayed in a darkened room with a bag on your head for your entire life, dark spots and pigmentation will appear, especially if you are of my generation where we didn't even know SPF existed let alone think to use it, as for safe tanning - that didn't happen to me until my 40's so my poor skin has been abused to say the least.

Thankfully nowadays we know better and skincare knowledge and science have advanced to the point that is is possible to repair the damage we so easily did.  Obviously when I say repair I don't mean I have a magic wand that can turn back time, but what I have discovered of late is a pretty impressive Clinical Strength Formula from Dr Murad.

Murad Rapid Age Spot Correcting Serum 

Murad Rapid Age Spot Correcting Serum 30ml

OK let's start by being totally honest, I was sceptical - the product claims that you can see a difference in dark spots, age spots and hyperpigmentaion in just one week!  I was left thinking - REALLY?
I am delighted to announce YES REALLY!  used twice daily morning and evening  on your face, neck and chest you will actually begin to see signs of darkness lightening and fading in around 7-10 days, I have been using this for a few weeks now and am so pleased with the results, I am even now thinking about using it on the back of my hands!  As I mentioned earlier this is a Clinical Strength Formula, you MUST use sunscreen during the day and stop using if you have an irritation. I didn't have any problems at all using the serum it works beautifully under make up so is in fact giving you a dual use. 
The key to it's success is Proprietary NHP - 3 Technology which is a blend of 3 ingredients Niacinamide,Hexylresorcinol and Plankton Extract, the Serum also contains Vitamin C well known for brightening the skin and subtle light reflecting pearls which add an almost candlelight luminosity to your complexion. 

Murad Rapid Age Spot Correcting Serum
Murad Rapid Age Spot Correcting Serum 

All in all this has been a fabulous experience for me, and one that now started I can't imagine doing without, after all.......who needs dark spots when there is a simple solution?

Find Murad Rapid Age Spot Correcting Serum Here Murad.Co.Uk  Or Worldwide at

Lyn x

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links. 

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Time Bomb 4 Piece Favourites TSV at QVC

 Save 75% on Time Bomb with QVC

Time Bomb 4 Piece Favourites  TSV at QVC 

Hiya Darlins,

Time to grab a fantastic skincare bargain with Time Bomb at QVC TODAY QVC  featuring this 4 Piece Favourites Collection with a massive 75% off normal price.  You can have all 4 pieces for £44.96 instead of the usual combined price of £184.00.

In truth you will be getting all 4 pieces for roughly the price of one!

The collection comprises of

Time Bomb 4 Piece Favourites  TSV at QVC 

Time Bomb Take Off Cleanse + Buff Supersize 200ml  

Shown here is the regular 125ml  so imagine the supersize. This dual cleanse and buff is gentle enough to use for daily cleansing, containing professional dermatological grade crystals combined with ingredients such as Sunflower Seed Oil and Shea Butter  gently lift away dirt, grime and dead skin cells leaving your face super clean, moisturised and glowing.  Gently massage the entire face, avoiding the delicate eye area, and rinse away with warm water and a wash cloth.

Time Bomb 4 Piece Favourites TSV at QVC
Time Bomb 4 Piece Favourites  TSV at QVC 

Time Bomb Powerball Intensive Moisturiser 45ml 

Did you know that water makes up 64% of your skin's cell structure? There is nothing more important for your skin than water, the problem is maintaining the water inside the skins cells. Time Bomb have the solution to retaining and adding this moisture in the form of Powerball Intensive Moisturiser utilising Ectoin a miracle working microscopic protein found in the desert ( think Cactus) It not only delivers the moisture but literally locks it in to the skin, keeping the skin both moist and plump which is the key to diminishing the look of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Time Bomb 4 Piece Favourites  TSV at QVC 

Time Bomb Collagen Bomb 30ml 

If you are really looking for the wow factor when it comes to visible results, I would say this is the product!  Lightweight easily absorbed, in fact it feels like nothing at all on your skin, this rich fluid gives instant visible results withing minutes of applying. The main ingredient of this little beauty is something called Pycnogenol™  a literal powerhouse antioxidant which scavenges and neutralises a wide range of free radicals that are well known for damaging the structure of the skin.

There really is too much to tell about this new product for me to write here, you need to watch the show on QVC to hear about them for yourself. It's amazing to me that such an inconspicuous little bottle can hold so much power.

Time Bomb 4 Piece Favourites  TSV at QVC 

Time Bomb Trouble Shooter Supersize 100ml 

Trouble Shooter neck, jaw and chest firming cream lives up to it's name beautifully, it's an area that needs trouble shooting for most of us, and it's the one thing that will give away your age quicker than a child with a big mouth, it's the area we neglect and it's the area we should show the most attention. Trouble Shooter even contains a special formula to lighten dark age spots and discolouration, free radicals are quickly dealt with by using White Truffle Extract, and a unique agent from Chrysanthellum Extracts deals with a soft sagging jawline making the skin appear firmer and smoother.

When QVC offer such amazing value in terms of the Today's Special Value events it really is worth stocking up on your skincare to save a small fortune, I personally think it's also a good time to think about gifts as it means you are giving someone a collection that they wouldn't usually buy for themselves but without breaking the bank.

Tune in to QVC, if you can't watch the feature the offer will be online at 

If you are new to QVC shopping use the Code 

  for £5.00 off your first order. 

Lyn x 

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.


Tuesday, 4 September 2018

#6 Skincare at Poundland !

 Skincare at Poundland 

#6 Skincare at Poundland
#6 Skincare at Poundland 

Hi Loves

How mad is this?  I spotted these when stocking up on cleaning products at my local Poundland store, and had to pick them up quite simply because I wanted to find out what you actually get for your shiny One Pound Coin when it comes to skincare.

#6 Skincare at Poundland
#6 Skincare at Poundland 

As you know my blog features High End, Drugstore and everything in between when it comes to prices, and I am definately not adverse to drugstore brands, in fact some are even in my daily favourites, but a quid?  seriously?  OK so the packaging is pretty basic but fresh and clean looking, the fragrance isn't too bad, I mean it's not overpowering but is a little Zoflora  (at least it smells clean!) The formula's absorb easily, do not leave you greasy and yes they actually leave your skin feeling pretty flipping good for the money.  In terms of serious skincare benefits I'm not sure these will deliver much in the way of repairing results, as although packed with a huge amount of good ingredients the quantities are fairly low down on the product list, always an indicator, I personally always look for the top 3 or 4 or the list.  As you would expect the higher the quantity of ingredient the more expensive the product will be, or not in the case of Boots and Superdrug own brands, these are always the ones that can bring surprises in terms of quality, even Aldi are up there with ingredients. 

#6 Skincare at Poundland 

All that said, I can't help but praise this own brand from Poundland I have no clue why it is named  #6, maybe they will bring out an explanation at some point. Even though I am fortunate enough nowadays to try out some fabulous products I do still remember being so incredibly skint that finding skincare for a pound would have caused me huge joy, especially if I had discovered that Pound down the back of the sofa!

So congratulations Poundland, I think this little range is fabulous,

Lyn x 

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.


Top Ten August Beauty Favourites

Hi Loves,

September is here so it's time to bring out my favourite Top Ten Beauty Products for August.

Starting with, and as always in no particular order. 

Clarins Exclusive at World Duty Free

Emma Hardie Midas Touch Revitalising Eye Serum 

Rodin Olio Lusso Lip Wardrobe

BH Cosmetics Desert Oasis Palette 

Jane Iredale Triple Luxe Lipstick + Lip Pencil 

Too Faced Then & Now 20th Anniversary Palette

AlphaH Multivitamin Super Cream 

Burt's Bees X  Justine Jenkins Collection 

MOR Marshmallow Collection 

It was as always really hard to choose only 10. But here they are in no particular order, I hope you agree with my choices :)

Lyn x 

Post contains brand/agency samples, may contain affiliate links.

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