Monday, 30 April 2018

The English Mineral Makeup Company

The English Mineral Makeup Company
The English Mineral Makeup Company 

Hi Loves
This is a really interesting post for me as it has been a real discovery and somewhat of an eye opener. The English Mineral Make Up Company is the brainchild of Mother and Daughter duo Jeanette and Grace Burrows, and was founded with the desire to find a product that could enhance mature skin whilst gentle enough for younger skins.  The reason I say it's been a discovery is that I don't like Mineral make up, this opinion was formed a few years ago when mineral make up first hit the market ( I wont mention the brand name ) but you will probably have guessed when I say it was everywhere, and you couldn't go shopping without being accosted by one of the sales girls, well !!!  yes one of them captured my daughter making her purse £80.00 lighter and she had a starter pack, yipee !  NOT it was horrible, she hated it so passed it on to me knowing I was eager to try this miracle foundation out, WELL  I looked like the corpse bride, I liked nothing it about it, well, maybe the brush, and it was banished to the back of the cupboard, my affair with mineral make up was completely over and anytime I saw an advert for any kind of mineral make up my face screwed up. 

 And when my friend Rebecca at Rougepout Beauty did a post on  English Mineral Make Up which you can read here I still wasn't convinced enough to try it.  When I was contacted by the company, I did initially say I didn't think I would be suitable to review for them as I didn't like Mineral make up, they confidently assured me that I would like theirs and here we are.

The parcel arrived, and the first thing that totally blew me away was the packaging, I know we don't use the packaging, but there is something really lovely about receiving something beautifully packaged to make you feel special before you even start trying the product, so yes I am by my own admission a packaging trollop. I also love the fact the company is 100% English 100% organic, never tested on animals and is run by a Mother & Daughter.

Starting with Fairy Godmother 

This finely milled powder containing crushed pearls was originally developed as a night time sleep product, which shows how good it is for your skin, the product contains millions of microscopic prisms which reflect light therefore minimising the look of lines and wrinkles, used as a primer it is the ultimate *do good* base, being clear it just sits on the skin like fairy dust doing it's magic, as a primer it works beautifully under the mineral foundation and equally as well over any foundation you choose as a finishing powder, it can also be used as a highlighter, so all in all it provides multi benefits.  The Product comes supplied with it's own Kabuki brush which I have to say was probably one of the softest brushes I have ever had the pleasure of using. Totally easy to use, you don't need to have any special make up skills to enjoy this powder it really is as it's name implies a Fairy Godmother for your skin, whatever your age, and the beautiful little gold and ceramic pumpkin that comes on the package it just the cutest thing ever !

Following on with

This is the part where I really got scared :)  100% pure mineral ingredients with no additives this foundation promised to minimise the look of lines and wrinkles by softening and blurring while adding SPF15 and anti-inflammatory properties to my skin. Applied with a Kabuki brush the powder was the lightest thing I had ever used, you can use as little or as much as you want without it ever looking cakey and corpse bride, it was a joy to use and I am so pleased to have had my opinion changed on the use of mineral foundations, although I cannot promise they are all equal, what I do know is this one works, and it works beautifully.  There is a vast range of shades to chose from and to allow you to have the 100% right shade for you the company offer 3 good sized   for a mere £3.50 which to me shows a huge confidence in the product as well as being totally helpful.

And to finish Blush & Contour

I have totally fallen in love with this blush, not sure about it being a contour unless you maybe bought a very dark shade, but I can live with that, at this age I am not really into the whole contouring thing too much anyway, but the thing I have always found difficult is finding a blush that doesn't leave you looking painted dolly, this is delicate and should you wish buildable for deeper colour, beware though, being pure it is highly pigmented which means you only need the teeniest amount for a perfect  *flush* 

Talking of *flush*  the thing that really did occur to me was that I wish I had found this brand during menopause, it would have made wearing foundation/make up so much easier, no more melted face, that said I am really glad to have discovered it now as It is ideal for the Summer when you need a little something to keep you from looking damp but not overly made up, if you get my gist :)

Check out    for yourself and see what you think. 

Lyn 💋

Post contains Brand/Agency samples unless otherwise stated, No AF links


The English Mineral Makeup Company pt 2

The English Mineral Makeup Company
The English Mineral Makeup Company

Hi Loves
My love for The English Mineral Makeup Company continues with some new discoveries, if you have not heard of the brand take a peep here  where I first discovered them.
There are a few photos with this review as I wanted to give you the full effect of the powders
  ( especially one ! )

Tone Correctors

There are 7 tone correctors in the range one for every skincare problem, shown here is the Green which reduces redness, a fabulous base under foundation to reduce the redness of *hot moments* or Acne scars, as always the finest milled minerals on the planet apply with ease and a little goes a long way.

  • Pink
  • Green
  • Yellow 
  • Blue
  • Gold
  • Sienna
  • Raw Umber
The English Mineral Makeup Company

Blush & Contour

With the 8 shades of highly pigmented powder you can be as subtle or dramatic as you like, as a blush these are gorgeous for providing subtle hint of colour when used with a delicate hand with the little Kabuki brush included, the shade I trialled was Blush Cool which was a delicate Rosy Peach, really flattering. I have always been wary of any kind of powder blush as I often find it quite ageing, not with this it sits beautifully on the skin.

Mirror Mirror

This is something you could completely miss when looking at the brand site, it would be a shame to miss it, this is something of a little pot of genius, this crushed pearl eye illuminator is a bit of a game changer, literally used under the eyes it both conceals dark shadows, while reflecting light on the orbital bone area to really lift and brighten the area, on first impression it may look like a simple highlighter, don't be fooled this little pot is positively magic, I used a fair amount which blended away really easily, I am honestly impressed.

The English Mineral Makeup Company

Ethereal Body Glow

Now THIS I am positively in love with !  It comes in 3 shades Gold, Bronze (shown here ) and silver. I have never experience such a beautiful shimmer, glow is definitely the right word for this, it's not Christmas tree glitter is adds a beautiful glow to the body, I used this on my shoulders, collar bones and best of all shins, yep that's right, shins, If you have ever watched a film or TV show of a gorgeous superstar they always sit crossed legged, tanned with incredibly shiny shins ( daft but true ) this product gives you those shins in one easy swipe, I used the little sponge for this, it really does have a slimming effect on your legs !  I have gone a little overboard with pictures as I really wanted you to see this up close and personal.

The English Mineral Makeup Company


Don't forget samples are available.

Lyn 💋

Post contains Brand/Agency samples unless otherwise stated, may contain AF Links.


Dr Ceuticals Hand SOS Intensive Balm

Dr Ceuticals Hand SOS Intensive Balm

Hi Darlins,
Winter!  Love it or hate it we have to admit it can cause as much damage to our skin as blazing sunshine. Chapped sore skin is no joke, I can remember years ago as a child being told off for not drying my hands properly. As a child,  I thought it was something to be ignored and not having the reason explained to me couldn't see the big deal, it was only as I got older I understood the reason for the nagging!

I know lot's of women who use hand cream as if their life depended on it, I wish I was one of those. I am guilty of having neglected my hands over the years and only really paying them attention when they look dry, or I am on a pampering mission. I have recently been testing out a new brand to me Dr.Ceuticals, you may well have heard of them or indeed seen the brand in Boots, my first outing has been with Dr.Ceuticals Hand SOS Intensive Balm. Don't be fooled into thinking balm means thick or greasy as I did, it's not. A rich emollient cream that is full of Lanolin, Glycerine, Shea & Cocoa butters, boosted with a product called Allantoin which is an ingredient claimed to have super repairing properties.  This Balm works from the very first application, my hands immediately felt softer, looked better and were left with a very fine almost invisible barrier to protect even further.

This is no lightweight flowery pretty little hand cream, this does the business when it comes to softening and repairing, great for those that want fast acting no nonsense product that does exactly what it claims.

NOT tested on animals.

Dr Ceuticals range of products is currently on , however for some reason this balm is not shown, it is available directly from the Dr.Ceuticals online site.

Lyn x

Post contains Brand/Agency samples unless stated, may contain AF links.


TOO FACED Chocolate Gold Eye Shadow Palette With Swatches

TOO FACED Chocolate Gold Eye Shadow Palette With Swatches

Hi Loves,
This is what real love looks like, I cannot describe the joy just owning this palette from Too Faced brings, it really is a thing of beauty from the packaging to the chocoholic fragrance there is nothing not to love.

Top row

TOO FACED Chocolate Gold Eye Shadow Palette With Swatches
Middle row
TOO FACED Chocolate Gold Eye Shadow Palette With Swatches
Bottom row

Infused with real Gold and rich Cocoa this is luxury at it's best.
16 butter soft shades including 4 matte shades, 2 of which are prefect transition shades, the foil shimmers are out of this word, easily blendable with a staying power that's second to none. It is however one of those palettes that you could easily look at and think - gorgeous but I would never use all of the shades, you may not use ALL, non of us ever do on a palette but trust me, you will use MOST, even with my unskilled application I found this a joy to use, you can be as subtle with a little shimmer as you like, or scream boldness from the roof tops, the choice is yours. To be honest, when this palette very first appeared on the market, I knew I wanted it, pretty much the same with anything that comes from Too Faced, I mean seriously? it's all irresistible.

TOO FACED Chocolate Gold Eye Shadow Palette With Swatches

TOO FACED Chocolate Gold Eye Shadow Palette With Swatches

I did have second thoughts thinking It was a whim and that as much as I wanted it in my collection I wouldn't ever use it, you know how it is, you get caught up in hype, end up buying something that has been lustworthy on Insta and it sits gathering dust, not so with this one ( thank goodness) it has been money well spent. I often think shimmer/glitter shadows can be ageing by highlighting every line, I'm pleased to say these don't, I use them as highlights to the transition shades and they work perfectly.

Too Faced love animals and the products are cruelty free, there is a huge list of the products that are 100% vegan on the FAQ page 

Check out the New here.

What are your favourite Too Faced Products?  I would love to know. Because I'm nosey :)

Lyn x 

Post contains brand/agency samples unless otherwise stated, may contain affiliate links.

Friday, 27 April 2018

DAFNA'S Revival Bio-Active Beauty Mask

Dafna Shaham founded her range of award winning skincare using her own name
which translates from Hebrew as Laurel Leaves - hence the company logo. Based
in Spain Dafna Skincare is largely based on Ayurvedic philosophy (Ayur’ = life,
Veda=knowledge). Which sees the body and mind as strongly connected. The
Ayurvedic philosophy is based on 3 Dosha (People) Types, the following will
describe these types, if it's not for you, skip this section.

The 3 Dosha Types are;

1. Vata Dosha Energy that controls bodily functions associated with motion,
including blood circulation, breathing, blinking, and your heartbeat.
In balance: There is creativity and vitality.
Out of balance: Can produce fear and anxiety.

2. Pitta Dosha Energy that controls the body's metabolic systems, including
digestion, absorption, nutrition, and your body's temperature.
In balance: Leads to contentment and intelligence.
Out of balance: Can cause ulcers and anger.

3. Kapha Dosha; Energy that controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all
body parts, moisturises the skin, and maintains the immune system.
In balance: Expressed as love and forgiveness.
Out of balance: Can lead to insecurity and envy.

Each person has all three Doshas, but usually one or two dominate. Various Dosha
proportions determine ones physiological and personality traits, as well as general
likes and dislikes. For example Vata types will prefer hot weather to cold and Kapha
types are more likely to crave spicy foods than other types.

Vata Predominant Types: Creative, Quick to learn and grasp new knowledge, but
also quick to forget, Slender; Tall and a fast-walker; Tendency toward cold hands
and feet, discomfort in cold climates; Excitable, lively, fun personality; Changeable
moods; Irregular daily routine; High energy in short bursts; Tendency to tire easily
and to overexert; Full of joy and enthusiasm when in balance; Responds to stress
with fear, worry, and anxiety, especially when out of balance; Tendency to act on
impulse; Often have racing, disjointed thoughts; Generally have dry skin and dry
hair and don't perspire much.

Pitta Predominant Types: Medium physique, strong, well-built; Sharp mind, good
concentration powers; Orderly, focused; Assertive, self-confident, and
entrepreneurial at their best; Aggressive, demanding, pushy when out of balance;
Competitive, enjoy challenges; Passionate and romantic; Strong digestion,strong
appetite, get irritated if they have to miss or wait for a meal; When under stress,
Pittas become irritated and angry; Skin fair or reddish, often with freckles;
sunburns easily; Uncomfortable in sun or hot weather, heat makes them very tired;
Perspire a lot; Good public speakers; Generally good management and leadership
ability, but can become authoritarian; Subject to temper tantrums, impatience,
and anger; Typical physical problems include rashes or inflammations of the skin,
acne, boils, skin cancer, ulcers, heartburn, acid stomach, insomnia, dry or burning

Kapha Predominant Types: Easygoing, relaxed, slow-paced; Affectionate and loving;
Forgiving, compassionate, nonjudgmental nature; Stable and reliable; faithful;
Physically strong and with a sturdy, heavier build; Have the most energy of all
constitutions, but it is steady and enduring; Slow speech, reflecting a deliberate
thought process; Slower to learn, but outstanding long-term memory; Soft hair and
skin; tendency to have large "soft" eyes and a low, soft voice; Tend toward being
overweight; may also suffer from sluggish digestion; Prone to depression; More
self-sufficient; Gentle, and essentially undemanding approach to life; Excellent
health, good immune system; Very calm; strive to maintain harmony and peace
in their surroundings; Not easily upset and can be a point of stability for others;
Tend to be possessive and hold on to things. Don't like cold, damp weather;
Physical problems include colds and congestion, sinus headaches, respiratory
problems including asthma, allergies, and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

DAFNA'S Skincare uses no animal derivatives is cruelty free & do not contain
parabens, mineral oils,vparaffin, Vaseline, petrolatum, silicone's, SLG and other
artificial ingredients.

Dafna's Revival Bio Active Beauty Mask has 4 key ingredients;
Sodium Hyaluronate: Hyaluronic Acid Salt to hydrate.
Capsulated Charcoal: With it's ability to capture damaging free radicals.
Ginseng: Rich in vitamins, and antioxidants to enhance collagen production.
Reishi: Known as the Mushroom of immortality, rich in Beta-glucans to promote
cell growth and turnover.

On opening the heavy deep violet glass jar. Violet glass is often used to protect
natural beauty products from light damage. Your product is hygiene sealed by a
protective cover, remove the cover and you are looking at a face mask the likes of
which you have probably never seen before! On first glance I assumed the little
black flecks where seeds of some sort, wrong. This is the Capsulated Charcoal,
applying a thin layer of the mask in a patting action it's almost like applying a
moisturiser, almost clear apart from the Charcoal particles the mask sits easily on
the skin for 5-7 minutes before you apply a small amount of warm water and
massage into the skin for 1 minute, this action breaks down the Charcoal which
also acts a mild exfoliator, rinse off with warm water and you are left with visibly
softer more even toned skin, my face was not at all dry, itchy or red. It had a
smooth "balanced" look to it with no signs of any irritation, the fragrance of this
unique mask is botanical, it works with the philosophy of mind and body balance
as I couldn't help but breathe deeply to inhale to soothing fragrance, all in all
it was a brilliant experience in more ways than one, not only was I left with great
looking skin, I felt relaxed in the process.

I had not tried anything from Dafna before this mask, and am delighted to have
discovered the range, I am in the process of trialling the Recovery Cleanser so
watch out for my thoughts coming soon on that.


Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Weybridge Dental


Hi Loves,
I don't know about you, but the dentist fills me with dread, we know it's 100% necessary but it doesn't make it any easier, although 99% of the time I have left the surgery wondering why I made it such a big deal in the first place.
Heading to the dentist is something we all (should) endure at least every six months. But for many of us, sitting in the dentist chair is an uncomfortable and stressful experience and we dread the day when we might have to have more than a descale and polish.
So, here you’ll find some of the most common dental procedures explained – so when the day comes and you’re having a filling in Brighton or you’re seeing a root canal specialist in Surrey – you can be a little better prepared!
Root Canal
Most shudder at the very thought of this procedure, and some will tell you all the gory details of their own experience. But these days a root canal treatment is a very common procedure that comes with as much discomfort as a filling.
A root canal is used to treat a severely infected tooth before the bacterial infection spreads to other teeth, causing more damage. If your tooth has experienced trauma or you’ve had a leaky filling, then you could be susceptible to an infection. During a root canal treatment, your dentist will open the tooth and basically clean the infected area and refill it. This is then sealed with either a filling or a crown.
A Crown
Mentioned above, so let’s go into a little more detail. A crown is something that is used to permanently recap a broken or damaged tooth – or used to strengthen your tooth after root canal. Comprised of metal, porcelain or a combination of the two, these clever little things sit over the part of the tooth that shows above the gum line.
When you go for your treatment, the area in question will be numbed using an anaesthetic and the tooth will be filed down to accommodate the new crown. Or if there’s too much tooth missing, then your dentist will use a filling agent to create more tooth. How clever is that?
Bridges & Implants
If you lose a tooth or have a tooth missing then it can really knock your confidence, and that’s when a bridge or an implant comes into play. A bridge is a removable denture. Which is basically a false tooth that is held in place by the natural teeth around it and it attached by using crowns.
Implants are slightly different. An implant will look at feel like a completely natural tooth but the difference here is that this false tooth will be anchored into the empty tooth socket in the jaw bone with a series of metal posts or frames. These, in time, will fuse with the bone – giving you a more natural feel and your gorgeous smile back once again.
Quite literally, the last resort. If your tooth is damaged or rotten beyond repair, then it will need to be removed or extracted. But rest assured, your dentist will do everything they can to save your tooth!
When it comes to your dental health: prevention is better than cure so, brush at least twice daily and floss too!

Hopefully this has helped relieve some of the doubt and worry, I recently underwent a root canal and lived to tell the tale.

Lyn x

This post was written in collaboration with Weybridge Dental.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Head to Toe Vegan at Superdrug

Hi Loves

I really felt the need to write this post as whenever I put any Superdrug products onto Instagram and tag them #vegan I get so many messages from people not realising that ALL Superdrug own brand products are Vegan, Vegan Skincare, Vegan Make Up, Vegan Body care, the list is endless.

Due to the success of all things Vegan Superdrug actually have a pop up shop in London's Shoreditch that is purely dedicated to showcase their Vegan Beauty.

Cruelty Free and Vegan has become so important in the last few years, and consumers are now much more aware of ingredients and how the products are actually produced it has become an important topic.  I bet If I asked 10 people which high street drugstore provided all cruelty free own brands, possibly 3 could answer.  So if cruelty free and vegan is important to you, then you can buy in confidence.  One of the things I actually love about this is that historically if you wanted healthy cruelty free products you had to pay through the nose in and expensive health food store, and in truth the products weren't always what you wanted or gave the same quality as high street make up in terms of pigments or fashion. I stock up on offers from Superdrug when they have promotions, which is in fact weekly!!!!  Shower Gel at 79p  yes please, we have a literal stock pile here.

Shown here are just a few samples of the range, I have linked where possible any blog posts I have written about these products, also it is worth remembering that Superdrug champion other cruelty free brands such as Gosh, Elf, Bilou etc.  It is always worth looking out for the bunny on the back of a package you could be pleasantly surprised at what you may find!

Superdrug B. Strong Night Cream

Click to read B.Strong blog post

B. Beautiful Make Up 

Superdrug Vitamin E Hot Cloth Cleanser
Read about Superdrug Vitamin E Hot Cloth Cleanser here.


Read about the Bilou range here 

So now there is no need to be seen as a "weird hippie"  just because you want cruelty free vegan beauty, it is becoming the "norm" and Superdrug is quietly leading the way with it's forward thinking results. 

Lyn x 

Post contains both brand/agency samples also products that I have purchased.


Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Emma Hardie Moringa Renewal Treatment Mask

Emma Hardie Moringa Renewal Treatment Mask
Emma Hardie  Moringa Renewal Treatment Mask 

Hiya Darlins

If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen pictures from a beautiful launch event that I attended, held for the release of Emma Hardie's latest addition to her world renowned skincare range.

I get really excited when something new launches and especially when it comes from a skincare favourite.  Drum roll...........presenting.........Emma Hardie Morninga Renewal Treatment Mask. 75ml 

Emma Hardie  Moringa Renewal Treatment Mask 

Here I will tell you what's in the tube, next I will tell you if it actually does anything.

  • Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil known to leave skin more vibrant, plum and gives the look of glowing radiance. 
  • Red Algae. Reduces the appearance of pigmentation and has a calming effect on the skin.
  • Trademarked  Plant Stem Cell product Resisteem™ said to visibly improve the evenness of the complexion.
  • Hyaluronic Acid which we know firms and moisturises.
  • Hyaluronic Filling Spheres to plump the skin and reduce signs of lines and wrinkles.
  • Amino Acid derivative to brighten the skin and even out even the most stressed skin.
  • Edelweiss Extract to promote a soothing effect including collagen protection and antioxidants.

On a clean skin apply a good layer of the mask to face and neck, relax for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water. I waited 15 minutes, rinsed, patted dry and studied my face up close and personal!
What I saw was a visible difference in the calmness to my skin, I do tend to err on the pink side especially after cleansing, but my skin had a calm even look to it, if felt no less than amazing, soft, hydrated, no irritation and super smooth, it had that feeling you get after a thorough salon facial.

Emma Hardie Moringa Renewal Treatment Mask
Emma Hardie  Moringa Renewal Treatment Mask 

There are 3 recommended ways to use this mask, and I tried all of them, the second being as an overnight treatment. I have to be honest and say this was my absolute favourite method, it's such a lovely feeling knowing you are giving your face the best possible hydration overnight, waking up and touching your face while looking in the mirror is something to look forward to, as you are rewarded with the best possible start to your daily make up routine possible.

The third method is to place your mask in the fridge for a cooling effect, this I would say is for the Summer or the brave!  it really wasn't something I was keen on, although it did warm up in a couple of seconds and act in the exact same way as method number one.

A top tip from Emma to ensure absolute maximum absorption of your mask is the cleanse with your Moringa Balm and adding a pinch of exfoliating rose hip seeds to act as a complete exfoliator.
I have to be honest and say this has really peaked my interest, I have yet to try the Rose Hip Seeds in my Moringa Balm, and as I do love exfoliation these are currently on my "Must Try" list, I will report back on this method.

To Sum up, I would absolutely spend my own money on this mask, and can imagine it becoming as much loved as my Emma Hardie Moringa Balm.

Cruelty Free.

Available at

Lyn x 

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated.

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