Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Revolution Eye Glisten

Hi Loves,

When it comes to new releases I honestly can't keep up with Revolution Beauty, it seems as though there is something new a couple of times a week, when these arrived all I knew is that they were an upcoming new release. I had no idea of when so I just played with them until after I saw they had become available and here we are! 5 tubes of bling that are the easiest things to apply ever, even for the most inexperienced. 

At one end you have a foil like shimmer which feels wet on application yet dries down really quickly, you can use the applicator for a heavy application but I personally found it better to apply a little with the applicator and then go over with a brush or fingers for a smooth shimmery look.  For 100% best use I would always apply a primer under these as the pigment is so good they can leave a little staining to the lid. Another newbie from Revolution is the Cut Crease primer which is literally fantastic, your make up is staying put regardless of what you get up to!

Flip the tube and in the other end you have the complimenting glitter shade, these glitters are fairly chunky although they don't drop and end up all over your face there is a chance that you will be able to feel them while wearing, this didn't bother me at all and the thing I loved about these is that you can simply put on a single shade of shimmer to your lid for daytime and then touch it up at night with a bit of sparkle, again I found these easier to apply using fingers and you also have the ability to add additional coats if you really want some really strong looking bling.

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Yours Truly

Yours Truly

It's Fate

It's Fate



There are 5 shades available in the range so you are bound to find one to suit you, apart from Desired which is quite a strong shade the others are really quite subtle and pretty. At £6.00 each these are an absolute bargain and work out about the same price as one high end for all five in the collection.

Vegan & cruelty free.

Lyn x

Post contains brand/agency samples unless sated, may contain affiliate links.


Thursday, 21 February 2019

E.L.F Lip Exfoliator

E.L.F Lip Exfoliator

Hiya Darlins,

Do you scrub?  no I don't mean floors we are talking lips, your kissing apparatus! or your chatting apparatus whatever works for you :)

Well, as much as I am obsessed by exfoliation, body brushing, body scrubs, face scrubs, facial brushes etc I have to admit to ignoring my lips, until I discovered E.L.F Lip Exfoliators. 

Shaped just like a lipstick these scrubs are applied the same as a lipstick and massaged in using a circular motion, the balm which is infused with Vitamin E, Shea Butter, Avocado, Grape and Jojoba Oil melts onto the lips removing traces of dead skin and as you wipe away with a damp cotton pad it leaves your lips looking and feeling plump and smooth, once you start with these I promise it's easy to become addicted as you will love the look and feel of your lips after you have exfoliated and lipstick applies and looks so much better.

I find these are brilliant for use at night, exfoliate, apply a balm and just see the difference overnight.

E.L.F Lip Exfoliator
E.L.F Lip Exfoliator

E.L.F Lip Exfoliator
E.L.F Lip Exfoliator

Shown here are Brown Sugar that literally smells like warm cake!  Coconut that will have you dreaming of holidays in exotic places and my most used Mint Maniac of which the name speaks for itself.

These Exfoliators also come in Sweet Cherry and Rose.  Directly from E.L.F or here at Superdrug  E.L.F Lip Exfoliator

Lyn x

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links


Mary Kay Enchanted Wish Eau De Toilette

Hi Loves,

This Fragrance from Mary Kay is described as whimsical, fruity-floral scent is inspired by women who find enchantment in the everyday. I'm not sure about finding enchantment in everyday I personally think that's a huge task however, this fragrance is lovely, light soft and very very feminine.

The Faceted turquoise glass bottle topped with a purple flower shaped stopper reminds me of a single flower in a vase, really pretty.  When this arrived I didn't expect to like it at all, I am a bit of a fragrance snob, having turned down offers of celebrity fragrances in the past. My main loves are Penhaligons & Jo Malone, that said and much to my surprise I have been having a little spritz of Enchanted Wish on an almost daily basis.

  • Top notes: granny smith apple, orange oil Brazil, white pineapple, candied petals
  • Middle notes: stargazer lily, peony, fresh ozone, passion fruit
  • Bottom notes: brown sugar, warm amber, illuminating musk
It is definitely the top notes that hit the spot for me as I do love a fresh fruity kick to a fragrance as the fragrance warms you begin to notice the middle and bottom notes as it settles into a powdery fresh scent.

This generous 60ml  spray bottle will last a good while as the fragrance has good staying power and I find it lasts all day, if you were going out in the evening or fancied a top up you would only need to apply once more.

Mary Kay are a brand that I have featured often on the blog and you can read more here if you wish to discover more about the brand.

Lyn x 

Post contains brand/agency samples. no affiliate links.


Wednesday, 20 February 2019



Hiya Loves,

Let's start by getting the elephant in the room out of the way.  The look of this tool could be considered by some to resemble some sort of adult toy!  Not that I would know, but a lot of you naughty girls had some very cheeky comments when I posted pictures of this to my Instagram some time ago when it first arrived!  It did cause quite a giggle. HOWEVER we are grown up mature women who need to stop giggling like school children and concentrate on the job in hand (no pun)



The Sensse Facial Contour Definer does exactly what it says, the shape of the rollers fit perfectly along the jawline and are designed to work your facial muscles to relieve tension, boost blood circulation, stimulate collagen production and activate lymphatic drainage system to detoxify the skin,  smoothing and reducing puffiness in the chin/jaw area to leave you looking more defined.   I flipping love this thing!  not firstly because it's gold but for the simple reason IT WORKS!  You hold the device at the centre of your chin apply light pressure and roll it outwards towards your ear, repeat on both sides for 5 minutes a day and you will visibly see the difference in the definition of your chin from the very first use.  Now the thought of standing in a bathroom using this for 5 minutes everyday I couldn't cope with so being the lazy woman I am I do this while watching TV much to the amusement of everyone else, it is the most relaxing thing ever. I don't particularly use any oils or creams when using my little gizmo, quite often I will just pick it up and roll away, I have tied it on a super clean face with facial oil and to be honest it does feel more or a facial but in order for me to guarantee that I use the Sensse daily I like to have it to hand, plus it has it's own handy little storage bag. If I'm honest I'm surprised at just how relaxing this is.  A definite thumbs up from me that's for sure.

Lyn x

Post contains agency/brand samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.


Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Being Old in a world of beauty bloggers & Influencers

Hiya Darlins,

Today I fancied a bit of ramble, as is my way!

Firstly I have no clue why I used the word influencers in my title I bloody hate that word. Anyways I was thinking about being old, I think at 62 I could now say I'm officially old- Boots think so I get extra points on my card for being an old bird, plus I get to go to London with a granny rail card, so it has some advantages.

Ya'll know I started blogging when I gave up my full time business, I got bored of cleaning the house and needed something else, so here I am.

I need to start by saying every day I feel grateful that brands and PR agencies have not put me in the "past it" bin and still see some value to my blog posts, all those back handers must have worked! (joke)

It's really strange what got me thinking about this as I have recently had a situation where I am convinced I was overlooked for being too old, and had to question the PR as to what is the deciding factor for them, I am still non the wiser but never mind.  It really is odd this old lark, it never EVER occurs to me that I am too old for anything, my body is another story it reminds me that swings and messing around are probably best left to younger fitter versions.  It's only just recently that it has got me thinking having been passed over for a couple of things, before you raise your eyeballs and think oh here's another entitled mare who expects everything, It wasn't like that at all, It was a couple of people that I had worked really really hard with in the past, all for free I might add, that just left me feeling a little unwanted.  Time to get out the worlds smallest violin LOL

It just got me thinking, I have for the last 4 plus years since I started my blog seen people saying the best opportunities only go to the young, thin and beautiful and I was there thinking nah that's just sour grapes.  But I am now beginning to see it more and more, I have mixed feelings about all of this as some of these girls are seriously STUNNING and I love the way the ordinary girl can now become a talked about star in her own right, but what about us lot who weren't blessed with the best looks or waist long hair, we can still add value, us poor old mutley's can still promote brands, and other old mutleys often like what we have to say!

I have been so so lucky since I started blogging and have been invited to some seriously beautiful places that having given up corporate work years ago would probably never have visited.  At these events you get to meet a whole array of different people, and I have to be honest and say often times I am just so busy people watching I forget to mingle, the ones that fascinate me the most are the crew who literally go out just to take pictures of themselves, whoa betide anyone who stands in the way of the best instagram shot, you are getting shoved lady, this is serious business!  I am stood there like a lost old bird with my mouth open staring.  The other camp of of these gorgeous young things are the loveliest people I have ever met, I have had the best hugs from the most surprising places. I do think it's too easy to judge everyone on face value, I have done it a couple of times and really lived to regret it.

So I guess the moral of this long winded tale is there are some and some in all walks of life. I think in today's world of social media it is way too easy to judge someone by a random selfie or a tweet, and often the most outgoing people on social are the ones crippled with self doubt. 


Lyn x 




Hi Loves,

I have been absolutely desperate to share this offer with you, SBC Gels are featuring on QVC as a Today's Special Value TSV this Thursday 21st Feb You can be one of the very first to grab this offer from midnight on Wednesday 20th

The Original Price of this  5 piece offer if bought separately is over £123.00 you can purchase it at a special price of under £40.00, it is in fact worth a lot more as the prices are based on the usual 500ml product and both the Honey & Almond Bath & Shower Creme & Propolis Skin Gel have been super sized to double so you will receive a whopping 1 litre of each, so in effect you could add another £57.00 to the value of the offer!!

£123.00 = extra product £57.00   Total value £180.00  for Under £40.00

In addition to this value you are also one of the first to try out the Propolis & Safflower Hand & Foot Cream which is a brand new product from SBC released in this offer.

This collection really is * Top to Toe Ritual from the Hive*

PROPOLIS = A complex resin produced by bees to seal the hive.

SBC Propolis Scalp Care Shampoo 500ml £24.00

Designed for use for the whole family this soothing, refreshing shampoo is suitable for even the most sensitive scalps. Proplolis is rich in anti-oxidants and bio-flavinoids  that soothe sensitive itchy scalps while adding moisture to the hair follicle itself. This shampoo worked beautifully for me, I am usually left quite tangled before conditioner but this left my hair feeling super clean and soft.

SBC Propolis Hair Care Conditioner 500ml  £24.00

Following on from the Propolis Scalp Care Shampoo you really only need a small amount of this creamy conditioner to get your hair feeling soft and silky, the conditioner is enriched with not only Propolis but Royal Jelly, Vitamin E, and an infusion of Pro-Vitamin B5 and Argan Oil. The combination of these two products left my hair feeling soft and with quite a shine which is not easy on grey/blonde hair, so it was a good achievement. 

SBC Honey & Almond Bath & Shower Creme 1000ml the   5000ml £21.00

This super sized bath and shower gel smells absolutely divine the Honey fragrance has such a soothing effect on the senses, the Creme lathers really well and left my skin feeling clean but not slightly itchy. The blend of Honey, Sweet Almond Extract and Propolis has been designed to cleanse, soften and moisturise the skin.

SBC Propolis SkinCare Gel 1000ml  the 500ml £36.00

Again in a super size 1000ml this is incredible value and will last you and the whole family a really long time, what this gel lacks in it's not very attractive colour it really does make up for it when it comes to moisturising the skin, it's a bit of an ugly duckling story for me as it turned into something quite beautiful.

I would not hesitate to call this a bit of a wonder product, it can be used not only on the body but also on the face, it can be used as a soothing face mask left on for 10-15 minutes, it is out of this world at soothing dry itchy skin, I suffer with horrible dry skin on my shins and this truly has been a godsend.

I would honestly say this gel alone is worth grabbing this offer at lightning speed.

And finally..............

SBC Propolis & Safflower Hand a& Foot Cream 100ml £18.00

This product is being introduced by the brand in the special TSV offer so you will be among the first to own it, our two probably most forgotten areas being hands and feet which is odd as they are our two most hard working areas!
This rich emollient cream absorbs easily and will not leave you feeling at all sticky, I can honestly say my feet are thanking me for this and what a perfect time to start looking after your feet with the onset of sandle season approaching. Don't be one of those people who leave it too late for foot treatment only to get embarrassed when trying on summer footwear, can you tell I am speaking from the voice of experience? 

If you are super organised you can wear a good layer of this cream at night with cotton gloves and socks for a deep down conditioning treatment. Propolis Extract, Safflower Seed Oil and Vitamin E combine with Shea Butter & Glycerin to condition not only the skin but cuticles and nails too!

This is my first experience with Propolis as an ingredient and I have to say it has been an absolute pleasure and I wish I had discovered it sooner, there is something so comforting about the fragrance of this whole range it feels as though you are being wrapped in a warm towel and cosseted.

SBC Simply Beautiful are a cruelty free brand Made in England. All products come with minimal packaging to help the environment, Pumps are included.

Five products that will really bring you a * Top to Toe Ritual from the Hive*

Here are a list of channel numbers plus you can find this offer from Midnight Wednesday 20th Feb online at    Item number 238185 

  Sky Freesat Freeview Freeview HD
Virgin Media
QVC 660 800 16     740
QVC HD       111    
QVC Beauty 677 801 35   35 741 
QVC Beauty HD       112    
QVC Christmas  682 802     35  
QVC Style 663 803 36    35 742 
QVC +1         35

Lyn x 

This is a Sponsored post in collaboration with SBC Gels. Opinions are my own, with no creative input from the brand.


Monday, 18 February 2019

PixiGlow Cake

 PixiGlow Cake 

Hi Loves,

When it comes to glowing skin Pixi are the brand that always have that little extra, with skincare to give you glow alongside shimmering makeup you need look no further.

 PixiGlow Cake
 PixiGlow Cake 

Pixi Glow Cake are such a great name for these huge slabs of glowing cake 3 in 1 luminous transition powder gives you blush, highlight and subtle contour all in one,  infused with ceramides, peptides and antioxidants they are doing your skin good while at the same time looking gorgeous. The palettes have an ombre look to them meaning you can pick out individual shades or sweep a huge fluffy makeup brush across the pan to give you that candlelight glow, on face, shoulders, decolletage in fact anywhere you want the light to hit and highlight.

The formula of these  Pixi palettes  is most definitely high end, smooth creamy butter soft powders that have a great lasting power and a little goes a long way.  The palettes come in 2 colourways.

Pixi GildedBare Glow  palette is the more natural of the two while

Pixi PinkChampagne Glow  palette has more defined shades.

 PixiGlow Cake

These huge palettes will last you forever.

Check out Pixi Glow Cake Here Save 15% using Code LF15

Lyn  x

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Playtex Invisible Elegance Bra & Brief

Playtex Invisible Elegance Bra & Brief
Playtex Invisible Elegance Bra & Brief 

Hi Loves,

Have a look in your underwear drawer, does it make you feel proud? *sang in my best Heather Small  M People Voice*

If you are anything like me then probably not, at what stage do we give up trying to look smexshy and opt for comfort?  We can all remember the cheese wire G String days but when did we give them up and opt for something far more bloody sensible?  I think my pants started to get bigger at about 55, I remember holding on to a draw full of pretty little things from Agent P and the like  just because they were too girlie to throw away, I had a complete fit one day and got rid of them in exchange for sensible drawers!  If I am completely honest my mindset wasn't to look for attractive drawers in my mind I had passed all that and needed to be comfy!  

Playtex Invisible Elegance Bra & Brief 

Who knew you could have pretty and comfort thrown into one?  I have discovered Playtex, yes these were sent to me to try and if I am honest, I was quite looking forward to them arriving but had half a mind that they would be too fussy for my ripe old age. WRONG so so WRONG I have never worn more comfortable underwear in my life, AND I could get hit by a bus and not be embarrassed, they are a little twit twoo! I opted for a full cup bra just to keep the girls firmly in place and I expected this to feel restricted and binding, it is both pretty, secure and you hardly know you are wearing it.

The bottom half are a fabulous pair of nix with a cheeky lace back and a little ruching for incredible fit.

  • Material Content: 84% POLYAMIDE / 16% ELASTANE
  • Washing Instructions: Hand Wash Only
  • Bra Style: Full cup
  • Matching Items:
  • Full cup shape for great coverage
  • Invisible flat and bi-stretch lace feels like a second skin
  • Moulded cups, no visible seams for invisibility
  • Lined lower sections of the cups provide perfect fit
  • Decorated straps, refined bow and ultra feminine lace

I am absolutely sold on Playtex and have placed an order for different styles, It looks like I may be having yet another clear out and replacing my old girl drawers :) 

Having left you with that fabulous vision you can check out the 

Lyn  x 

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

MakeUp Revolution Skincare

MakeUp Revolution Skincare
MakeUp Revolution Skincare 

Hi Loves,

for quite a while now I have been trying out Makeup Revolution Skincare, there are a lot of products in the range so some of my thoughts will be more in depth than others which will be first impressions.

Firstly let me start by saying my initial thoughts when I first saw this were of Deciem and the Ordinary range, I don't say that in a bad way and in fact for me personally it came at the perfect time.  Any of you that saw the struggle Brandon Truaxe went through  before his untimely death will maybe understand where I am at with this.  It literally broke my heart to see such a genius man suffer and lose his brand, I vowed that I would never buy a Deciem product again no matter how much I had loved them. He was always kind and polite to me on a personal level and as such had my utmost sympathy.

Moving on!!!  to what we are actually here for - Makeup Revolution Skincare.

MakeUp Revolution Skincare

Revolution Skincare Quinoa Night Peel 30ml

I want to say that this has been my favourite product so far, if not it is right at the top, the clear serum is applied to clean skin at night and left to work it's magic overnight, and actually magic it is.

  •  Apply a few drops to clean skin.
  • For best results, use in the evening before serum or moisturiser.
  • Use 1-3 times per week.
 Don't be put off by the word "peeling"  you wont wake up and find your face on the pillow but you will wake up to incredibly soft fresh skin that looks as though you have just had a facial in a salon - I love it!
Vegan & Cruelty Free

Revolution Skincare 30% AHA &BHA Peeling Solution 30ml

Now this is where peeling gets a little more serious, the serum is NOT to be used on sensitive or damaged skin.

  • Apply evenly to clean, dry skin.
  • Leave on for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • Do not use more than twice per week.
  • Do not use with any other skincare product containing AHA, BHA or retinol.
Don't be alarmed by the red colour of the serum, this intense exfoliator will literally munch away at your dead skin cells leaving you pink and glowing, the pinkness won't last but the glow certainly will.
Vegan & Cruelty Free

Revolution Skincare 10% Niacinamide + 1% Zinc  30ml

This blemish and pore refining serum is designed to ease skin congestion, tackle oily skin and ease blemishes.  I have not personally tested this out on blemishes as I have normal/dry skin.

  • Apply a few drops to clean, dry skin.
  • For best results, use morning and evening.
Vegan & Cruelty Free.

Revolution Skincare 2% Hyaluronic Acid

Another massive hit with me as I swear by Hyaluronic Acid for plumping and hydrating. This serum really does what it claims, my skin looked plumper and fresher and actually improved with regular use. 

  • Apply a few drops to clean skin in the morning or evening.
  • Follow with moisturiser.

Vegan & Cruelty free

MakeUp Revolution Skincare

Revolution Skincare Superfruit Extract 30ml

THIS!  oh my lord I love this, the coconut fragrance and the mother of pearl look serum literally sinks into your skin giving an added  boost of moisture, this dual purpose serum can also be used as a primer under makeup which is actually my favourite as the pearl like liquid gives a lit from within glow to the skin and gives the perfect base for foundation.
  • Apply 2-3 drops onto clean skin in the morning.
  • Use before any water-based serums or moisturisers.
  • To use as a primer, apply 1-2 drops before makeup.
Vegan & Cruelty Free.

Revolution Skincare Gold Elixir 30ml

This Rosehip Seed Oil is literally filled with tiny gold shimmering particles to give you a subtle yet golden glow, although it's an oil it's not extremely greasy and massages in quite well, if you have dry skin it will drink this Gold Elixir up and thank you, for super dry skin this can also be added to your usual foundation.  It leaves the skin feeling both  soft and supple. 

  • Shake well before use.
  • Massage a few drops into skin before makeup or after any water-based serums.
  • Use alone or mixed with foundation for a dewy finish.
Vegan, Fragrance & Cruelty Free

MakeUp Revolution Skincare

Revolution Skincare CBD Oil  30ml

There has been a huge amount of chatter in the beauty world of late regarding CBD Oil, Cannabidiol extracted from the Cannabis plant, I have seen huge results when using it and am a bit of a fan, this oil nourishes the skin and somehow manages to make it look more relaxed, I personally don't think it chills your face out like the drug BUT it does seem to have some sort of effect on the skin in a totally good way. You are not getting high from this!
  It has amazingly impressive soothing properties so if you suffer from ultra dry or sensitive skin this will be your answer.

  • Massage a few drops into the skin.
  • Use whenever you feel it's required to soothe the skin
Vegan, Fragrance & Cruelty Free.

MakeUp Revolution Skincare

Revolution Skincare Hydration Boost 50ml

This jar of gel like cream is an absolute dream it absorbs easily, has a water like feel to it when you apply it to your face so you feel as though you are giving your skin a huge drink, one of the best things I found with this is that the moisture lasts as though it's locked in, probably due to the Hyaluronic acid content.   Even when you get to the late afternoon, early evening tiredness slump your skin still looks good and is bouncy to the touch.

  • Massage a small amount into the skin morning or evening.
  • Apply after water-based serums but before oil-based serums.

Vegan & Cruelty Free

Overall I am seriously impressed with this range, the price as always with Revolution is a crazy bargain which makes it affordable for all budgets, but low price is not an indication of low quality, I am particularly in love with Quinoa Night Peel, Skincare Hydration Boost & Superfruit Extract.

To be fair you could buy yourself half a dozen of these for the price of one average pot of cream. With 15 items in the range I have more to try so watch this space!

Check out the complete range here   or buy direct from Revolution Here 

Lyn  x 

Post contains brand/agency samples unless stated, may contain affiliate links.

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