Saturday, 20 May 2017

The English Mineral Makeup Company

The English Mineral Makeup Company
The English Mineral Makeup Company 

Hi Loves
This is a really interesting post for me as it has been a real discovery and somewhat of an eye opener. The English Mineral Make Up Company is the brainchild of Mother and Daughter duo Jeanette and Grace Burrows, and was founded with the desire to find a product that could enhance mature skin whilst gentle enough for younger skins.  The reason I say it's been a discovery is that I don't like Mineral make up, this opinion was formed a few years ago when mineral make up first hit the market ( I wont mention the brand name ) but you will probably have guessed when I say it was everywhere, and you couldn't go shopping without being accosted by one of the sales girls, well !!!  yes one of them captured my daughter making her purse £80.00 lighter and she had a starter pack, yipee !  NOT it was horrible, she hated it so passed it on to me knowing I was eager to try this miracle foundation out, WELL  I looked like the corpse bride, I liked nothing it about it, well, maybe the brush, and it was banished to the back of the cupboard, my affair with mineral make up was completely over and anytime I saw an advert for any kind of mineral make up my face screwed up. 

 And when my friend Rebecca at Rougepout Beauty did a post on  English Mineral Make Up which you can read here I still wasn't convinced enough to try it.  When I was contacted by the company, I did initially say I didn't think I would be suitable to review for them as I didn't like Mineral make up, they confidently assured me that I would like theirs and here we are.

The parcel arrived, and the first thing that totally blew me away was the packaging, I know we don't use the packaging, but there is something really lovely about receiving something beautifully packaged to make you feel special before you even start trying the product, so yes I am by my own admission a packaging trollop. I also love the fact the company is 100% English 100% organic, never tested on animals and is run by a Mother & Daughter.

Starting with

This finely milled powder containing crushed pearls was originally developed as a night time sleep product, which shows how good it is for your skin, the product contains millions of microscopic prisms which reflect light therefore minimising the look of lines and wrinkles, used as a primer it is the ultimate *do good* base, being clear it just sits on the skin like fairy dust doing it's magic, as a primer it works beautifully under the mineral foundation and equally as well over any foundation you choose as a finishing powder, it can also be used as a highlighter, so all in all it provides multi benefits.  The Product comes supplied with it's own Kabuki brush which I have to say was probably one of the softest brushes I have ever had the pleasure of using. Totally easy to use, you don't need to have any special make up skills to enjoy this powder it really is as it's name implies a Fairy Godmother for your skin, whatever your age, and the beautiful little gold and ceramic pumpkin that comes on the package it just the cutest thing ever !

Following on with

This is the part where I really got scared :)  100% pure mineral ingredients with no additives this foundation promised to minimise the look of lines and wrinkles by softening and blurring while adding SPF15 and anti-inflammatory properties to my skin. Applied with a Kabuki brush the powder was the lightest thing I had ever used, you can use as little or as much as you want without it ever looking cakey and corpse bride, it was a joy to use and I am so pleased to have had my opinion changed on the use of mineral foundations, although I cannot promise they are all equal, what I do know is this one works, and it works beautifully.  There is a vast range of shades to chose from and to allow you to have the 100% right shade for you the company offer 3 good sized   for a mere £3.50 which to me shows a huge confidence in the product as well as being totally helpful.

And to finish

I have totally fallen in love with this blush, not sure about it being a contour unless you maybe bought a very dark shade, but I can live with that, at this age I am not really into the whole contouring thing too much anyway, but the thing I have always found difficult is finding a blush that doesn't leave you looking painted dolly, this is delicate and should you wish buildable for deeper colour, beware though, being pure it is highly pigmented which means you only need the teeniest amount for a perfect  *flush* 

Talking of *flush*  the thing that really did occur to me was that I wish I had found this brand during menopause, it would have made wearing foundation/make up so much easier, no more melted face, that said I am really glad to have discovered it now as It is ideal for the Summer when you need a little something to keep you from looking damp but not overly made up, if you get my gist :)

Check out    for yourself and see what you think. 

Lyn 💋

Post contains Brand/Agency samples unless otherwise stated, No AF links



  1. Tahira20 May 2017 at 17:26

    Wow! This sounds great! I felt TOTALLY the same about the mineral makeup that shall not be named and all other minerals for that matter. But I feel like there is a new generation and seems finer milled and just ... BETTER X

    1. 21 May 2017 at 20:15

      Tahira, Ha ha I'm glad you guessed it ! This one totally changed my mind about mineral make up, and the fact that you can sleep in the Fairy Godmother blew me away. must catch up soon, let me know where you are out and about this week, I am only doing a couple of events. Lyn x

  • 24 May 2017 at 17:50

    Hi Lynne
    Fantastic company. Emailed and said what foundation I was using and samples sent + Fairy Godmother sample

    Just ordered foundation and Fairy Godmother .... very early birthday present to me

    Don't think anything will dimish deep set wrinkles (laughter lines) and enlarged pores but at least I'll look like a healthy prune!!

    Being as no longer get to the big shops I've discoverd MAC chat, very helpful. And free postage

    Thanks for telling us about things you've tried

    1. 24 May 2017 at 21:42

      Hi Lyn I am glad they were good for you, they are such lovely people who really care about their customers, talking of skin, have a look at the offer I have just put up for Alpha H skincare, the lotion is amazing for softening lines.I was in MAC myself the other day, like you I don't get to the big shops often, so that was good to hear. Lyn x

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