Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Mad Beauty

Mad Beauty

Hi Loves

First off I have to say I have just lost hours in the process of writing this post, I totally got carried away with this website and it's huge collection of beauty related fun  products, if you have children or grandchildren or indeed if like me you are a retro child you will love searching through the myriad of bits and bobs. I mean really, who doesn't remember Tony the Tiger ?

Mad Beauty

It's obviously way to early to mention the C word as we have not yet experienced Summer, but I am going there !  This site is just perfect for little stocking fillers, the prices, like the name are mad, serious little bargains with prices starting at 99p it would be easy to fill a basket.  I have to be honest and say until I was contacted by the company I had not heard of them, I am glad I now have, it's best described as a happy little website that will make you smile, after all who wouldn't love a milk carton filled with notebooks ? 

Mad Beauty

Mad Beauty

What I am showing you here is a mere snippet of what the site holds, they even have a huge range of nail polishes and supply salons, they do supply to the trade which was interesting as I have seen some of these products in gift shops with much higher prices, so in my opinion you are better off buying direct.

Enough of my rambling, take a look at see what you think.

Lyn 💋

Post contains Brand/Agency samples unless otherwise stated, does not contain AF links


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