Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment

Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment
Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment

Hi Lovelies

I have tried out Dr Perricone Blue Plasma previously and you can red the post here I have also reviewed a couple of the No Make Up Make up Items here  It is a brand I love, that said I was really quite wary of a make up remover that claimed to be this easy !

Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment, is used simply by soaking a cotton pad in the product and whipping over your face to remove make up and dirt 
"Get out of here "  I hear you cry,  It's true it does, I used this on a full face of make up that would usually be dealt with by a balm cleanse first, followed by a cream cleanse and always removed with a warm damp cloth, I didn't expect this to work on make up if I'm honest, but it does, you do however need to soak the cotton pad so this could work out quite pricey, what it does do, is deep cleanse and exfoliate leaving you with incredibly soft and glowing skin.

Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment
Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment

I used this for a night time cleanse, I didn't wear any night products as I wanted to see how my skin responded overnight, I woke with it touchably soft and looking shockingly moisturised, I used the cleanser again as my single morning cleanse and again gorgeous soft skin.  I have to be completely honest and say I didn't expect it to be as good as it is, it reminded me of the cleansers of old ie: Anne French and lotions that literally stripped your skin raw.  But as always with Dr Perricone things are never as they seem, and all you have to do is trust and never be disappointed.  This would be ideal for holidays, hospital or anytime you don't want to carry your full cleansing kit with you.

Discover Dr Perricone Here  At Cult Beauty 

Lyn 💋

Post contains Brand/PR samples unless otherwise stated, does contain AF links.



  1. 9 May 2017 at 19:31

    This sounds great! I'm bored with all the faff that goes on now with cleansers. I've always liked the Perricone products too ( with the exception of the foundation).
    Gail (Mutton)

    1. 15 May 2017 at 21:13

      I love this Gail, especially for lazy days :) Lyn x

  • 19 August 2017 at 17:13

    Having read many good reports about Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment, it was your review that made me think "Must try it"

    Have been using it for a couple of months and it's great! But tad expensive to use for every cleanse

    So, when in lazy mood I use either B. Pure Micellar Water or Garnier Skin Active Micellar Cleansing Water first then quick sweep of Perricone MD

    Best of both worlds as B. Pure and Garnier remove every trace of make-up and Perricone MD is a nice finish

    When I do a proper cleanse I finish off with Perricone MD

    In morning have choice of which one to use

    Inspite of what "they" say I use what I fancy .... even been known to use wipes when been away

    Many thanks for all your great reviews

    1. 30 August 2017 at 06:53

      I am so sorry I don't know how I missed this comment, you are totally right about the cost, I don't use it as a total cleanse, I tend to, like you finish off with it at night, althouhg I do use it on it's own in the mornings, I do love the way it leaves the skin feeling :) Lyn x

    2. 1 September 2017 at 19:02

      Not to worry, Lyn, I've been known to reply to emails weeks after got them

      Surveys on bungalow were ok, searches start Monday, vendor found place so we're going through things with a vengeance

      I need a wife!! Lyn

    3. 1 September 2017 at 21:50

      Ohhhh Lyn it sounds as though everything is gong really well, am so pleased, we all need a Wife ha ha, when you find one can you see if she has a sister ? I have the biggest pile of ironing :)
      Lyn x

  • 8 December 2017 at 15:31

    I've heard good things about this ♥ product... Going on my wish list now..... ☺

    1. 12 December 2017 at 08:09

      Hi Maral, thanks for stopping by. This is one of those products that I repeatedly replace as soon as it runs out.
      hope you are staying warm wherever you are.

      Lyn x

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