Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Spring Re-Decorating #Collab

Hiya Darlins

Do you get the bug ?  as soon as Winter starts to look as though it is on the move my mind starts to think of decorating and Spring, it must be some kind of nesting instinct I always get itchy for change at this time of year.

For years my style has been French Shabby Chic, it is evolving a little in that it's not so much Shabby Chic, the frills have gone although everything is still white, that will never change, I have in my dining room a white vintage set of table and chairs and as much as I have loved it I am now thinking of something a little more minimalist and as such have been having a little snoop around the interwebby.

This is what I have come up with so far, 

My number one choice is

This is from Fishpools who have a huge range of  

Mr LB likes totally modern and wouldn't have a single ornament in the house if he had his way, so I am very tentatively exploring looks that I know he would like, I say tentatively as I tend to call the shots when it comes to decorating and to be fair he is happy to leave me to it, but am wondering if in the dining room modern may be the way to go.

This I kind of like, but am unsure as it reminds me of the glass tables we had in the 70s early 80s but I guess when you get this old everything comes back around :)

This set is from Trendy Products here 

I think I am going to have to run these thoughts by himself, knowing him he will say there is nothing wrong with the set we have now, which is true but sometimes you just want a change.  YES ?

Lyn 💋

 *This post was written in collaboration with Fishpools 


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