Monday, 25 September 2017

Calmia Yoga & Wellbeing

Calmia Yoga & Wellbeing

Hi Loves
As you probably know if you are a regular reader, I have had a few hospital experiences this year, and one has led me to discover I have a bit of a heart problem, this post is not about that as I don't like to dwell on the negative it just explains the reasoning behind my lifestyle changes.

I have almost come to the end of a 3 month journey with a wellness coach, there will be a blog post coming soon about this, during this time it led me back to Yoga, I say led me back, but in all honestly I had dabbled before, I took a few classes at a gym which in all honesty were so embarrassing I ended up doing the "class clown" thing that I always seem to fall back on when I feel out of my depth. I decided that I would try to practise at home and purchased a cheap yoga mat from Amazon and a Gerri Halliwell Yoga DVD - Epic fail, the mat was as thin as cloth and bunched up at every move, and if I could have strangled Ms Halliwell and her irritating self I would have put my hands through the TV screen just to shut her up !  all in all this experience did not lead me to feeling calm or even a little bit Zen like so that was another experience that gathered dust.

Calmia Yoga & Wellbeing

Yoga was suggested again as part of my introduction back into gentle exercise, I didn't take it too seriously and dragged out Ms Halliwell and my cloth like Mat ( you can imagine my delight ! )  Moving on I am now the proud owner of  a   and I thought all yoga mats were equal - WRONG.  This mat has made such a huge difference, first and most importantly to my mood, no more irritation at having to stop to straighten out a ruched mat, this lays perfectly flat and still at all times, the lotus design whist being super pretty is there for a reason, the raised pattern is actually grip which aids you in each pose without slipping and sliding, cleverly the more you use your yoga mat the grippier it gets, at 4 mm thick it gives the right amount of depth and comfort with Eco friendly 6P Free and Latex free construction I can imagine this being a trusted friend for years to come.  I am also currently using   Which aids with deepening stretches, correcting alignment and helping you to hold a pose longer,  I find this essential as a beginner as there are many poses that a strap is needed to help you stay in the pose.  

Whoever thought that I would actually get into Yoga ?  definitely not me - but I have surprised myself, obviously at 60 I am not as flexible as I would like, but you know what ?   each day is just getting that little bit easier and it's one of those things that you make work for you on a personal level,  Calmia has now become a bit of an addiction for me as well, because not only is the site about Yoga Equipment it is also a fabulous wellbeing site with a fabulous blog by founder Lucy Wakefield, it offers hints and tips at all levels as long as clothing that you wont want to take off.  Take a look and see what you think.   There is also currently a Sale on !!!

Lyn 💋

Post contains Brand/Agency samples, unless stated, may contain AF links.


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