Thursday, 14 September 2017

Nads Hair Removal

Nads Hair Removal 

OK OK I know the name causes a giggle in the UK but Nads is the name of the Australian Hair removal company that started in 1992 by Founder Sue Ismiel, it has become a world leader in the home hair removal market, with a huge range of products that are a solution to any hairy problem :)

I tested 3 products in the vast range and was lucky enough to be able to use Mr LB as a Guinea pig.

Nads Hair Removal

Starting with Nads Facial Hair Removing Creme.
This cream is specifically designed for the delicate facial area (upper lip & chin )  I usually wax my upper lip maybe once or twice a year, it's quite blonde but even so I don't want to see it, I tried this facial cream with a huge amount of hesitation, many years ago I remember my Mum using something on her top lip when I was a child which resulted in her having a huge scab with burnt skin for months, ever since then I have been terrified of facial cream removers, however, I had committed to testing this out, so test it I did. I followed the instructions to the letter and applied the cream in a thick layer to my top lip using the handy in built applicator, the products tells you to leave on for 4 minutes minimum with a maximum of 10 minutes, well given that I was scared to start with I went for four minutes and removed it the very second my timer reached it's ding! you remove with a soft cloth or tissue, I used a cloth and then rinsed thoroughly, I then applied the soothing balm as instructed.
NO redness or irritation occurred,  I was left with one or two hairs that I attacked with tweezers, but to be fair to the product this would not have happened had I left it longer, also there was no horrible hair remover smell which I expected to experience.

Nads Hair Removal

Nads Natural Hair Removal Gel

This tub of gel comes complete with 170g of gel, 5x cotton strips, 1 x spatula and 3 x Nads Cleansing Wipes.  I have no experience of home waxing other than many years ago attempting to use sugar hair removal from The Body Shop which was a total disaster.  This time I used my Guinea Pig tester Mr LB, he has never experienced this method of hair removal and has sworn that he never would, he is a total baby when it comes to anything  like this and yells and shouts if the odd eyebrow is plucked, so I was really looking forward to this !!  The Gel is a no heat product, however we did have to pop it in the microwave for a couple of seconds just to soften it for application, once it was soft it spread easily in the direction of the hair growth, I applied the strip and through crying tears of laughter warned him to get ready, Oh my lord !! literally one rip and it was like I had a rug in my hand, the hairy beastie had a perfectly bare stripe on his back, it literally removed every single hair and left baby soft skin behind. after he has stopped dancing around the bathroom he was highly impressed and said it didn't hurt as much as he expected, so I think it's safe to say that if a woman used this it would be almost pain free !!  It 100% did it's job and left nothing behind.  I didn't continue with his back as I wanted to move onto testing the next product on him.

Nads Hair Removal

Nads For Men Hair Removal Cream.

This product contain Aloe Vera which is known for it's soothing healing qualities. It can be used on a mans back, chest arms and legs. we used it on his back.  ( monkey )  As with the facial cream the recommended time was 4 to 10 minutes, I like to err on the side of caution as it was a new product and went for 4 minutes, in actual fact this was all that was needed, it removed every hair, now he does do this on a regular basis with another hair removal cream brand BUT usually suffers with a bit of soreness and redness, there was nothing like this with the Nads, it does however have a really strong hair removal fragrance which I wasn't keen on while applying, but it didn't last and was easily rinsed away. I do believe he is planning on switching to Nads from his usual brand due to the lack of discomfort when using Nads.

Nads can be found easily in the UK from Boots 

Lyn 💋

Post contains Brand/Agency samples unless stated, may contain AF links.


  1. 30 September 2017 at 08:54

    That hair removal gel looks like it could be a game changer! Definitely need to check it out!

    Char xo

    1. 8 October 2017 at 06:28

      It grips every last tiny hair Char x

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