Friday, 8 September 2017 

Hiya Darlins
This post is all about shopping or to be more precise Sale Shopping, now I know we all love a bargain, especially if it's something special that you have had your eye on a while, but I don't know about you ? as much as I love a bargain I detest going to the shops when the sales are on, all that rummaging - no thanks, it's not for me, however I always end up sighing when someone says " Oh this ?  I got it in the sales "  it's at times like that I regret not making an effort. 

WELL !  No more rummaging, no more missing out, I have discovered a website that brings you 600 shops sales all under one roof, with savings of up to 70%  I know !!! features the brands that we know and love and covers everything from designer dresses, high end makeup to garden furniture and electrical all in one place, so you have no need to even pay for a car park, just grab a cuppa and be prepared to be amazed at the savings.

You can search by saving percentage, brand, style size, whatever you like, to be honest I just sit and browse without narrowing my search as I like online browsing, but if you are looking for something specific it can be done easily by narrowing the search, to give you an example click on Women's Dresses and you are presented with 41,450 to choose from so you might want to narrow it down !

I found these Michael Kors Trainers down from £130.00 to £39.99 , with a click you are taken directly to the store with the item and away you go. It's nothing less than genius and why it's not been done before beats me, it's a fabulous way of shopping, you can probably tell I am in love with it already, I have told everyone I meet about it, but only if they aren't my size ha ha
No seriously,  take a look I am convinced you will love it as much as I do, I mean who wouldn't want Gucci at a discount ?

Find here.

Let me know what you think of the site please, I would love your opinion.

Lyn 💋

Post contains Brand/Agency samples unless stated, may contain AF Links


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