Saturday, 16 May 2015

Teacups and flowers

There is something just lovely about vintage tea cups and saucers, and as lovely as they are to own, how often do we give visitors a cup and saucer ? apart from turning them into candles or having them just sat in some sort of display cabinet the idea of using them to display floral displays really appeals to me.

Easily done, all you need for a basic display is some oasis, either from a garden centre or florists suppliers.

Now you may even want to get a little bit more exotic and add some layers, with matching plates and a little moss !

Or even totally go overboard with this stunning display of flowers seemingly falling from the cup :)

For this you will need a hot glue gun, I have seen this done with gluing a bent fork into place rather than the plastic tubing, it's stronger and can be used time and again. A little oasis taped to the fork and glued into both the cup and saucer seemed a good idea to me to keep the arrangement fresher for longer.

Would love to hear your comments and ideas.

Lyn x

Friday, 15 May 2015

"Mutton dressed as lamb "

This afternoon I was in the shower thinking, as you do :) the reason for showering in the afternoon was that I had been pottering in the garden, anyway, my thoughts turned to a saying my mum used to use quite often,   "mutton dressed as lamb ". How strange is it that women would think so badly of each other, when nowadays we celebrate the fact that a woman looks good for her age, in fact we are  a world obsessed with age,  but I think now it's in a good and positive way, no longer do women of a certain age have to look like a woman of a certain age, the world is our oyster !
Totally Glam

 I think in fairness to my mum's, comments  there is  still a risk of looking like mutton, too much boobage, too much leg showing, logo slogan T shirts and most definitely muffin tops are really things best avoided lol. Other than those few rules it seems that anything goes, back in the day you wouldn't have dreamed of owning a pair of elasticated trousers or comfy jammies and fluffy slippers, today the kids have made it  cool to be comfy win lol.

Elastic waist palazzo pants, flats and oversized jewels, way to go us , could it be any better ?,   I have  recently seen examples of women up to their eighties who are still rocking the look, and why bloody not ? I for one at the ripe old age of 58 do not intend to ever give up being interested in clothes, make up and the latest trends, my girls and granddaughters are testament to that, even borrowing  Mums/Nannas  clothes and jewellery.

Do what makes you happy ( you deserve it), know yourself, know your style, and do it with confidence.
Big hugs
Lyn x

I would love to hear your comments on this subject, please use the comments box.


Monday, 11 May 2015

Excited much ?

Today I had the joy of my latest H&M delivery, I had been desperately waiting on it's arrival as the parcel seemed to go via Australia,  thanks to Hermes.
Inside my little box of joy were 2 jumpers and the nude handbag I had been lusting after, I have an absolute obsession with this colour as I find it so easy to wear with most things and is for sure the most flattering colour around at the moment,  and my purchases were an absolute bargain, handbag 29.99 online, for some strange reason it is 39.99 in store ? ,Powder blue cotton short sleeved jumper  7.99 that I needed go go with  recent purchase of white boyfriend jeans. And a nude long sleeved jumper that is in the finest knit ever ! At 12.99 and really is a bit of a bum coverer, heaven lol.

Saturday, 9 May 2015



Friday, 8 May 2015

Summer's on the way

What a feeling when you know Summer is on it's way, it seems that winter is just something to get through until the Daffodils show their little faces, proving Spring has arrived. With the event of closing the retail shop last year this is my first Summer at home, yippee for me, that said, I am no gardener so really had no plans other than sitting in the sun catching some rays :) easier said than done methinks the garden is a mess ! and being the tidy freak that I am couldn't sit without at least attempting to tidy it up, ohhhhhhhhhhh here we go ! the bug has bitten and I now have grand illusions of growing veg to feed my new found healthier lifestyle, will wait for you to stop laughing, I am a bloody disaster and it is not going to plan, I stand in wonder looking at dying seedlings until it suddenly dawns on me that I have drowned the poor things by over loving them with the wet stuff !........moving on, one of my absolute favourite things about summer is being able to use the washing line, sad I know but bare with me I don't get out much lol, there is something just lovely about the smell of clean air dried washing, to the point that I even fake it indoors with Fresh cotton Yankee Jars.
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