Thursday, 25 August 2016

SKINN Dimitri James Collagenesis

Hiya Gorgeous

This review has taken me a while to get out, purely because SKINN is a totally new brand to me and I wanted to be able to give it a really good trial.

You may or may not have heard of this Californian brand ?  SKINN by Dimitri James  it is a brand with a Story which you can read by clicking the link HERE
The main point I have taken from this company is they are are insistant that the money goes into the inside product, not packaging, high end adverts or shop rents, available on USA TV shopping channels and now available to us Brits on Ideal World TV which can be found online at www.idealworld.TV or on sky 654 plus other TV channels.

I love it when you discover something you would never have tried in a million years and it turns out to be way above your expectations.

First up in this Collagenesis trio is Stem Regen Elite Age-Delay Facial Serum.

A light easily absorbed Serum, that has the most subtle fresh floral fragrance, I am actually pretty blown away at how much I love this serum, the 33ml  pump container should last you a long while as a tiny bit goes a long way with no hanging around waiting it for it to absorb, use morning and night under your usual moisturisers to feel the difference in your skin, if you suffer from dryness at all this is the solution.

SKINN Dimitri James Collagenesis

Coupled with Collagenesis Eye Stem Rejen Elite, Youth Supporting Eye Serum
Again a beautifully light delicate serum which is fragrance free to treat the delicate eye area, as with any eye cream puffiness will occur if you overdo the application, a tiny weeny drop is all that is needed, recommended as twice a day, I used it at night only as I don't get on with eye creams in the day, this serum literally plumps the fine lines around the eye area, I challenge anyone to do a week on and week off with this serum and just see the difference.

NOW here's the best would expect this quality of product to be expensive, or maybe that's just me, as you all know I don't read brand websites until after I have finished testing as I don't want the product *sold* to me.

I was shocked to discover that these serums come as a pair for £34.99 with free postage !!  no I am not kidding, and you can also pay in 2 instalments if you want to.
This Duo can be found here

Next up we have the big guns !
 Now this cream is some serious shizz,  Collagenisis by Skinn Twenty-Four Hour Youth Preservation Cream Elite

They do like long names !

This thick rich almost waxy feeling cream is pretty flipping good, you would expect it to be greasy and leave a heavy residue, but nope absorbs like a dream, the tiniest sign of fragrance which is so delicate it's almost non detectable, this cream is designed to use alone or over serum, I tried it both ways, and have to say I prefer it over serum, I did however use a liberal dollop as a night cream  with the eye serum and it was gorgeous, it was like sleeping in a face mask, touching your face on waking up is where this cream really comes into it's own, you can feel that it has deep moisturising qualities just by touching your face.

Ah now here's the thing, I couldn't find this as a stand alone product on the site, it comes with other products that I cannot tell you about.  You do get a good selection though for 59.99 again with easy pay interest free payments.

Twenty Four Hour Youth Preservation Cream Elite can be found HERE

Love Lyn x


Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Tria Age Defying Eye Wrinkle Correcting Laser

Tria Age Defying Eye Wrinkle Correcting Laser

Hiya Lovelies

I jumped at the chance to test out this home anti eye wrinkle device from Tria, anything that says it will give an improvement just has to be trialled.

The neat little package contained the small hand held device with full instructions on how to use it, precautions etc.  You are advised to use it for 2 minutes daily for 8 weeks,  one minute on each eye, the laser has a timer so you can't go over time, use in the evenings as part of your skincare routine.

Tria Age Defying Eye Wrinkle Correcting Laser

I have used this little machine regularly for an 8 week period, although I have not used it religiously and have missed the odd evenings, I have also used the Nourishing Eye Renewal Cream alongside the laser, this cream with it's cooling metal applicator soothes an moisturises the eye area after use.

Following the full instructions, there is a   small circular motions around the under eye area concentrating on the crows feet, there is a very slight tingling sensation, it is NOT painful when using the device and you barely know you are using it, after the two minutes my eye area did feel a little sore, as though it has been sunburned, but bizarrely there was no redness, the sensation really didn't last very long, and was really soothed by the Nourishing Eye Renewal Cream, there was no discomfort at all during the day, literally only for about 30 minutes after treatment.  It didn't stop me continuing the treatment as it really wasn't a problem.

Tria Age Defying Eye Wrinkle Correcting Laser

I am not going into the science behind this little machine as you can get all of the technical details on the Tria website along with details of all the other devices they supply as a company.

Did it work ?

Much to my surprise, it actually did, within a couple of weeks I could clearly see a difference, more in the deeper lines which seemed softened and far less noticeable, also they actually looked shorter in length !  bizarre I know.   Obviously I am not saying this will work for everyone, if you have incredibly sensitive skin, maybe not, but the beauty of this device is that you have a 90 day money back guarantee from the company, which really proves the confidence they have in their products.

Check out this and other devices from Tria Here 

Have you tried anything like this, or had salon treatments ?  do please let me know as this is my first time trying anything like this and would love to know your thoughts.

Love n Hugz
Lyn x

Friday, 19 August 2016


Hiya My Darlins

Here is something very special that I really needed to share with you, as you know by now I have a real affection for all things Dermalogica, and this week I was fortunate to be invited to the Dermalogica HQ for a facial testing out the Ionactive Power Treatment, this treatment is relatively new and available for the last 2-3 months.
Set in  leafy Surrey Countryside, this is where the training takes place for Dermalogica Therapists and consultants.


Once checked in and after completing a fairly sizeable questionnaire I was greeted by my therapist/trainer Sam, who I have to say had the most amazing skin on the planet and the biggest smile to match.

We entered the treatment room which as you would expect looked like a surgery all sparkly white and uber spotless, Sam left me to put on the gown, returned and explained exactly what she was going to do, the treatment started with the famous Dermalogica Face Mapping, if you haven't experienced this you really should, a large circular light is placed above your face where Sam proceeded to examine every pore on my face !  it's like fortune telling for skin, she read everything, told me the areas of fine lines, dehydration, pigmentation, ( yes I used to cook in the sun  without SPF) to be fair as Sam said most people of my generation were naughty, I like to think I am a Granny rebel so that was all good, she even told me area's where I had experience previous breakouts !............ And who knew I had pigmentation on my ears !  bet not many of you can say that with confidence :)

Dermalogica Room at Liberty London 

Being all snuggled up on the warm treatment bed I could of easily gone to sleep, but paid attention as I was there to learn, trust me I suffer for these reviews LOL

My treatment started with Sam removing my make up with a double cleanse I did think I should arrive bare faced, but didn't want to scare anyone so opted for a bit of a face.

Sam then proceeded to do an exfoliation, which actually surprised me a little I was expecting full on grains and a good scrub but no, she mixed a little micro exfoliant with her professional product and proceeded to apply, explaining that our usual exfoliating treatments can only work so far in removing dead skin cells, where as this treatment can go a lot deeper than anything you use at home, a very slight, not unpleasant tingle all the while Sam checking I was happy and that everything was ok, this was removed and the Ionactive Power Treatment started, there are four types of treatment in this range dealing with skin ageing, uneven skin tone, acne and/or dehydration.


Sam chose uneven skin tone for me as I do have area's of high colour and
pigmentation again due to too much sun.
I was pleasantly surprised by this, as it would have been easy to opt for the obvious anti age, this girl knows her stuff !

There were so many stages to this I couldn't possibly explain them all, layer after layer of different products were applied, using a variety of techniques ensuring they reached deep into the skin, in no particular order these included finger massaging, hot stone massaging which was my first experience of that delight :) and what I think are the stars of the treatment the micro current  ( little probes that send micro currents into the skin )  sound scary but just feel like another massage and led light treatment, your eyes are fully protected while the LED light hovers over your face ensuring deep down penetration, while the technology was doing its bit Sam massaged the back of my neck sending me into almost a coma.


 The gels were whisked away I was treated to Serum,eye cream, SPF Moisturiser and a huge sigh of contentment.  In the dimly lit room all snuggled and cosy I could have stayed for the night, Sam left me to get dressed and said she would be waiting  outside at the skin bar for me.

Once dressed and outside I had the first look at my face, apart from it feeling super clean and literally bouncy to the touch, it looked brighter and way more relaxed than when I entered, I was instructed to leave everything in place for the night. At this point Sam showed me my face map and explained which areas needed which treatments, she also prescribed the products that I need to best suit me.


If you are a fan of Dermalogica or just treatments I would 100% urge you to experience this Ionactive Power Treatment as there is nothing you can do at home to rival it, my skin was fabulous in the morning and I was sorry to cleanse the products away. The whole experience was fantastic I came away with not only great skin but the feeling of well being and relaxation was priceless. Ionactive is available at Dermalogica Salons.

Learn about Face Mapping HERE

Sam if you are reading this, thank you so much darling you made my day, good luck with bubba xxxx

I have reviewed a few Dermalogica products which can be found using the search bar on the blog.

Love n Hugz

Lyn x


Monday, 15 August 2016

Vincent Longo Cosmetics. Water Canvas Base | Cream to Powder Foundation | Sheer Pigment Lipstick

This is the second part of my Vincent Longo review, you can read the first part HERE

This new to the UK brand straight from the US is really worth keeping an eye out for when it hits Cult Beauty this September.

Water Canvas Base 

Vincent Longo Cosmetics. Water Canvas Base | Cream to Powder Foundation | Sheer Pigment Lipstick

This truly does give a fabulous coat to the skin ensuring you have the perfect face canvas to work with. Designed to work alongside Vincent Longo Foundations,  I personally would describe this as a primer, but also an essential part of your daily make up.  I have only used primers for the last couple of years since discovering the knack of still having your face on from day to night, by mid afternoon my foundation would be almost gone, and what was left was patchy and miserable looking.  This Vincent Longo Water Canvas Base really will go a long long way as you only need the smallest amount smoothed all over, left for a couple of minutes and ready to go.

Water Canvas Cream to Powder Foundation.

This actually was very new to me, I am au fait with cream foundations, and am not a huge lover of powder in the sense that it can be both ageing and drying, but this !
what looks like a cream compact is really quite deceptive, you would imagine it is going to be a heavy full coverage base, in fact it is light, sheer but with the ability to cover blemishes  *a bit of a miracle* it does give a powder like finish, but subtle and non drying, I would use this if I wanted a fresh faced look without the need for heavy concealer, it is of course build-able but in my opinion would be a waste of product.

Sheer Pigment Lipstick

Vincent Longo Cosmetics. Water Canvas Base | Cream to Powder Foundation | Sheer Pigment Lipstick

If you like your lipstick to actually do your lips good as well as looking pretty this range will certainly work well for you, they actually remind me more of a pigmented balm that an actual lipstick, with subtle colouring and drenched in lip saving Mango Butter moisture, I tried out Debue which is a subtle soft peach, great for an everyday wash of subtle colour.

Vincent Longo Cosmetics. Water Canvas Base | Cream to Powder Foundation | Sheer Pigment Lipstick

Vincent Longo Cosmetics will be available in the UK from September online at

Love n Hugz

Lyn x


Sunday, 14 August 2016

Stop Excess Sweating Anhydrol Forte

Hiya Darlins

I honestly felt I needed to share this discovery with you, it's not a subject I would usually chat about but it's something we all suffer from at times, excess sweating.

Sometimes caused by nerves, the underarm patches you really don't want when walking into an interview or any other stressful situation, sweaty clammy palms, or anyone that suffers from sweaty tootsies.

I have discovered the answer to all your prayers, well actually my daughter discovered it and I pinched a bottle from her to test it out.   OK it did look really scary at first, and no I had never heard of it, but me being me I will try anything once, PLEASE NOTE I AM NOT SELLING THIS PRODUCT TO YOU, THIS IS MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE,YOURS MAY DIFFER.

This is a link to an article on NetDoctor about the product.

It is a roll on liquid that you use at night for two nights every two nights until you completely and utterly stop sweating !  YUP true, I used this for the first two nights and didn't use regular deodorant for the following two days and no sweat, again I used it on the two day cycle, I was then able to go 5 days without deodorant at all, no damp, no smell, nothing !!

This stuff stings, not an unbearable sting, but you can feel it, the first night I found it really uncomfortable, second night not so bad, please note, my daughter got a horrible rash on day two of using this which made her give it a break for a week or so, upon starting again she was fine, but please be warned this is no fancy flowery product, it is serious shizz, I have not used it on my hands or feet as I have no need to, but even on the hottest days so far I have not needed any deodorant at all, even with going to the gym daily.

I am now on the tail end of using this roll on, as once you experience sucess it is recommended you stop until you need it again, I have now been two weeks deodorant free, and still over the moon with this product.

Hope this may have helped someone, please note I take no responsibility for your use of this product.

Lyn x


Friday, 12 August 2016

Vincent Longo Lush Length Mascara | Everbrow Micro Pencil

Yee Haa, Howdie, Word up,

That was my impersonation of an American greeting :)

And the reason for this frivolity is to introduce straight from the USA the award winning Vincent Longo Brand of Make Up that will be available exclusively in the UK online at Cult Beauty from September.

You would be forgiven for not being blown away by the packaging on these products, but to be honest I have found that some of the very best products don't need to yell at you, and after all you are not buying the overpriced packaging, you are buying the product inside, and what we need to know is does it work ?

Starting with eyes here we have;

Lush Length Mascara

A generous 11ml of product, most mascara's are 7 or 9ml, not that we ever, ever check. The brush is a great size in my opinion small with dense spiral bristles, the formula contains both Argan and Jojoba oil to help grow and condition the lashes. 

I LOVE this, it applies easily, gives a very generous first coat making the lashes look much much longer that they actually are, and it also stays soft throughout the day, so I didn't experience any flaking.  Easily removed with your usual eye make up remover, I would 100% say this is winner. I can't give you the actual retail price at this time but it is available in the US at a very reasonable $24.00 

Eyebrow Micro Pencil

They are not kidding with the term micro, although not in length this is the thinnest pencil I have ever used, the precision is stunning, it comes complete with its own pencil sharpener keeping the pencil sharp allowing you to actually draw on tiny individual hairs, Great lasting power, it stayed until I wanted to remove it.
I have to say the shade I tested was blonde, and quite unlike almost every blonde shade I have ever tried it really was true to it's colour description. 

Again the price point is reasonable in the US $20.00.

Watch this space for more Vincent Longo Products on trial.

Lyn x

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Gosh Copenhagen Contour N Strobe Kit

Hi Lovelies

From the new AW16 collection from Gosh Copenhagen comes this genius Contour N Strobe Kit, a handy Compact that sits perfectly in your hand delivering everything you need to contour and highlight, and if you are yet to hone your face shaping skills this great kit comes complete with illustrated instructions on the back.

The shimmer highlighter, 1 semi matte Blusher and 2 matte contour shades so finely milled they actually feel like a cream, the shades are subtle enough that even if you are not an expert they still look great.

The Kit comes in both light and medium so will suit any complexion.

Love Lyn x


Millionaire Hair Mist from JKB Argent

Hiya Darlins

as you know by now I do love a brand with a story and I am a firm believer in supporting start ups (if they are good) 

JKB Argent is indeed one of those brands, the gorgeous Jasbir Braich Or Jas as she is known, produced Millionaire Hair Mist with recipes handed down from her Punjabi family and tweaked with the help of her chemist husband. This beautifully fragrant lightweight hair oil is made with 99% natural organic ingredients and contains only one preservative, as such it has a shelf life of 8 months, although I very much doubt you will hang on to it for that long.

The mist can be used in three ways and although you can indeed notice an immediate effect, Jas refers to it like a healthy diet which works better over a longer period.

I have used this mist in two of the three ways and have to say I am 100% impressed, anyone that uses hair oil knows there is always a danger of ending up looking greasy, and of course this product is no different if you overdo it, you don't need to drench your hair a light misting is all that is needed.

1. It can be applied to damp hair after washing, dry as usual.

2. Apply to dry hair, for a quick perfumed shine that settles frizz.

3. Use as a treatment, wash hair apply oil and wrap in a warm towel for 10 minutes.

There is something quite luxurious about this product, in it's simple classic looking packaging it could be quite easy to overlook, until you open the box and discover what looks like a very expensive perfume in it's glass bottle, with amazing fragrance.

Millionaire Hair Mist from JK Argent

On a side note, I also tried this out on a day when I should really have washed my hair, I was in a rush so thought I would chance it, the result was that my hair actually looked and felt cleaner, certainly good enough to get me through the day.

You can find Millionaire Hair Mist at    

Love Lyn  X 

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Gosh AW16 Lash Sculpting Fibre Mascara | Brow Sculpting Fibre Gel | Giant Pro Liner

This is the second part of my review for Gosh AW16 collection, you can read the first part here 
In this part we are talking eyes starting with - 

Lash Sculpting Fibre Mascara

I took one look at the word fibre and instantly decided I wasn't going to like this mascara, if you are of my generation you will remember the original fibre mascaras when they first came out, long hanging spidery bits that barely held on to your lashes, fell in your eyes, fell onto your cheeks and pretty much left your lashes looking like crippled spider legs.

OK lets give this a go - with flower shaped fibres up to 2mm long I was curious to see if it actually did what it claims to do, incredible sculpted length with fibres positioning themselves between your natural lashes for a double volume effect, well straight off the bat that sounded different to anything I had tried. 
OMG coat, seriously just one coat and you could start to see the effect, the tiny Tynex brush lifts and curves the lashes, I was quite frankly shocked, no fibre drop, no spider leg just gorgeous long thicker looking lashes.  Definitely a keeper :)

Brow Scultpting Fibre Gel

Here we are again with fibres, this time they attach to the individual brow hairs to give you thicker looking brows, it comes in two colours Nutmeg and Chestnut, I tried out Nutmeg.
Let me start by saying I am a bit lacking in the brow department, yes we over plucked in the 70's and are now paying the price, I was curious to see if this would actually make the brows look thicker with more volume.

 It actually does, but if you are sparse on the brow area it takes a little practice, if however you are more gifted in the brow department, this has an amazing effect, it literally brushes through like a mascara, giving your brows both shape and volume, the thing I loved most about this was that you can do a quick little sweep at the edge of the brow nearest your nose and it looks like individual little hairs !

Giant Pro Liner 

I am probably not the best person to review eyeliner as I am awful at the application, one eye yes, but the chance so unless I am going out dressed as a pirate, it's really not happening.  Not one to be beaten I tried out this liner and have to say the application was really easy, it's a giant felt tip which has the capabilities of doing both thin and thick lines.

It applied really easily with no dragging, if you are clever enough to do a wing or wedge then this is one for you, intense black that although is water based has really good staying power and is easy to remove with your usual eye make up remover.

A tip from Gosh it that if you are not confident in creating wings and wedges, use a white kohl liner to draw your outline and simple use it as a guideline. 

Gosh AW16 Lash Sculpting Fibre Mascara | Brow Sculpting Fibre Gel | Giant Pro Liner

Gosh is currently on 3 for 2 offer

Love n Hugs
Lyn x


Gosh Overnight Primer Oil + Foundation Plus + Velvet Touch Lipstick Matt

Hiya Beautiful

I know we are still hanging on to Summer but the gorgeous Gosh Copenhagen have released their new Autumn / Winter collection and it is just lovely.

One of the things I love about Gosh, and there are many !   is the use of natural elements from their Nordic/Danish heritage.  This collection features Bladderwrack Seaweed which is found in the shallow waters of the Danish coastline, famous for it's healing and regenerative properties it contains 10 times as many minerals as any other plant.

Gosh is never going to give you an over made up look, the emphasis is on untouched and flawless and that we are all perfect in our own  imperfect way.

Overnight Primer Oil Essence 

This really is a new concept, one that I personally have never tried before, we are all familiar with night oils and the need for 8 hours sleep, but this is not just a night oil,  packed with antioxidants, fatty acids and gentle caring oils such as Lavender, Blackcurrant Seed Oil, Argan Oil and Jojoba your skin is in it's optimal state during your sleep hours to regenerate and absorb nutrients, so this oil provides everything needed to wake with fresh moisturised skin which is primed and ready for your days make up.  

Gosh Overnight Primer Oil + Foundation Plus + Velvet Touch Lipstick Matt

 I used this every night for just over a week and although they are not long term results, I was seriously impressed at the condition of my skin in the mornings, at £14.49 it is surprising value for such a quality product.

Foundation Plus + Cover + Conceal

Gosh Overnight Primer Oil + Foundation Plus + Velvet Touch Lipstick Matt

Two products in one, a really clever concept from Gosh that really works, if like me, you like a full cover without an over made up look, this gorgeous light weight liquid foundation is for you, if you prefer a natural skin but just need a concealer in places this will work as a non heavy looking concealer, a brilliant product for both make up days and no make up look days, containing Hyaluronic acid, liquid Sea minerals and Seaweed it not only looks good but is doing your skin good as well.
This time of year it is especially important to have SPF in your base, this Foundation contains SPF15.   Available in 5 shades.

Velvet Touch Lipstick Matt

Gosh Overnight Primer Oil + Foundation Plus + Velvet Touch Lipstick Matt

The Velvet Touch Matt Range has 4 new shades added for the AW16 collection the range now comprises of 16 Matt shades.  Although Matt these are not dry or chalky, natural waxes and hyaluronic acid give a smooth intense colour that stays feeling moisturised with seriously good staying power !

Gosh Overnight Primer Oil + Foundation Plus + Velvet Touch Lipstick Matt

The three shown here are 015 Grape 014 Cranberry and my personal fav 013 Cinnamon.

All of these can be found using the links below, they are currently on 3 for 2 Offer 

Love Lyn x


Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Skin Chemists Instant Facelift + Instant Eye Lift

Skin Chemists Instant Facelift + Instant Eye Lift

Hiya Darlins

as you know I have a real fondness for Skin Chemists and have written about them previously here and here.

I have recently tested the Instant Facelift and Instant Eye Lift which are new additions to the vast range of skincare available from Skin Chemists, I have to be honest and say I have tested out a lot of similar products with similar claims and have been hugely disappointed, as they all tend to work immediately, only to crack and flake within under an hour, to me it is no better than applying egg white under your eyes and letting it dry, works brilliantly until you attempt to smile, so if you are a misery guts go for it !  but if like most of us you love a giggle it is best avoided.

First up was the Instant Facelift, a fine almost clear gel like formula which when applied to wrinkles on the face Instantly goes to work in plumping and smoothing even the deepest lines, it does feel dry but it doesn't feel tight and uncomfortable like other products I have tried in this category, there is no smell at all and feels really quite pleasant to use, it will have you doing a double take every time you pass a mirror as it is a bit of a miracle formula, it isn't intended to permanently aid with wrinkle reduction but it will knock YEARS off for an occasion or nights out. At a COST this is not cheap by any means at £167.00 it really did need to be good, and it is - but at a premium price, that said I have tried out "egg white" versions at over £100.00 that seriously didn't work, this does !

The only warning I would give you with this product is that it could become  addictive, once you get used to seeing your skin looking seriously younger it would be easy to get used to. 

Skin Chemists Instant Facelift + Instant Eye Lift

If your only concern is wrinkles around the eyes, then this is good news, the Instant Eye Lift works just as beautifully as the Instant Facelift, but just targets your eye area at a much lesser cost, £100.00 this really will give you the look of surgery but without the pain, please do bear in mind that these are not permanent, BUT really will give you instant lift.

You can find Skin Chemists Here 

Love n Hugz
Lyn X 

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