Monday, 31 October 2016

Metallic Gloss Liquid Lipsticks

Hey Hey

I have been wanting to write this post for a while and fear if I leave it any longer liquid lipsticks will have been replaced by something else (glue on smiles ) maybe ?

Anyway, I know I know that Matte Liquid lipsticks are all the thing, and I would love to say, Oh yes I wear nothing else dahhling as I am so hip and trendy, I DON'T, I have tried, lord knows I have but I have yet to find one that doesn't go out of it's merry way to highlight every crack and crevice in my ancient lips :)

Move over Cruella !   Not one to be deterred I have been exploring Metallic liquid lipsticks, I use the word metallic but what I mean is ultra sparkly but with a decent pigment, I don't want a clear glittery gloss.  For many years I have favoured pearly, shiny, glossy lips, simply because I think they give a softer look as I have got older, and older and older.  Gone are the days of dramatic Burgundy for me.

The Number One for me for a long while now has been L'Oreal Paris Infallible Mega Gloss in shade 210 Disco Ball a soft nude/gold with a fantastic pigment shine and staying power. and at 6.99 I would never ever be without a couple of these ( in the same shade )  not a matte metallic but liquid gloss.

This one is going to make me sound barking mad, I fell in love with the colour in Superdrug and on returning home and trying it on, I looked like I was all set for Halloween, howeverrrrr on removing with a dry tissue it left the most gorgeous pale nude/silver finish that lasted literally hours, It really was something brilliant coming from a complete mistake. I did actually do a demo of it on one of my YouTube videos to demonstrate just how fab it was.

  This is crazy brilliant, I use it as a base to most lip products nowadays.

Next Up Are two of my latest acquisitions from Jouer Cosmetics you may not have heard of this company but trust me, you will be glad you have !
Pure Luxury, it is like using liquid gold silk that is so highly pigmented and metallic it could be spotted by NASA.

I bought   £15.00 which is described as Metallic Warm Peach.  OMG I cannot tell you how beautiful this is.   I first spotted it on a random Instagram picture and had to hunt it down.

I also Bought  £13.50  this is designed to be worn over any Jouer Lip creme and literally goes on like liquid silk and is totally weightless, I have been using this as a topper over all the Matte shade mistakes I have bought of late, ie: Kat Von D, The Balm Meet Matte Hughs etc.

Another one that I tried was from the US Brand ColorPop This one I managed to get from the US but have found a couple in different shades here and here in the UK.  This is fab for both pigmentation and staying power, it is not quite as metallic as the others, but great.

I am still searching for metallic liquid lipsticks so I doubt this will be my last review.

My personal Fav list.

  1. L'Oreal Paris, isn't quite a dry metallic but has my heart
  2. Jouer liquid lipstick Papaya
  3. Jouer Lip Topper
  4. MUA  for the sheer fact that it's brilliant.
  5. ColorPop was worth chasing down, but last because it's a pain to get hold of.

A Quick bit of gossip for you, I was recently chatting to Adam Minto, the man behind Make up Revolution, Freedom, I Heart Make up and now the brand new brand Makeup Obsession, and he tells me that in December we will see some dupes of ( Lip Kits )  and we all know who makes them, can't wait !!!!!

That's it, hope you like at least one of my choices, although I am a family laughing stock as every lippie I own is almost in identical shade !

Love n Hugz
Lyn x


Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Daniel Sandler Sculpt and Slim

Daniel Sandler Sculpt and Slim The Lavender Barn

Contouring, nontouring schmontouring, does it fill you with joy or dread ?

Here's the thing, every single face you see nowadays on the Internet , TV or magazines is all about reshaping and highlighting what God gave you......I am still waiting for the body contouring palette to arrive which would be the size of the yellow pages !

I am not about the attempt to get clever here and tell you I am an expert of such things and how you should be doing it, Oh no; I have had my trial and error periods of leaving the house looking like I had a facial mud bath !  Seeing the rear mirror in the car and being paralysed with shame.  

Daniel Sandler Sculpt and Slim The Lavender Barn

Once again along come Daniel Sandler to the rescue with his fool proof make up, I say fool proof because somehow his range has to me, simplified applying make up to we go with that word again ( mature ) skin, a lot of brands nowadays assume that we all know all there is no know about make up, and that we are all make up artists !   Again this is one of the reasons I love this brand, it is as though he holds your hand all the way through making it far less scary and leaving you really wanting to make the effort.  If you are already a queen of the contour stay with me as this will blow your brushes off !!

Sculpt and Slim is a beautiful stylish two step palette filled with buttery soft finely milled powder that literally glides on, non streaky, non patchy and so simple to use it's almost mistake proof.   A quick suck in of the cheeks gives you your guideline to shape, and a pop of highlight to really give your face a 3D effect, don't believe me ?  then have your hand held all the way through the process by Daniel himself on the this

You can find Daniel's products on his own Site HERE with free shipping over £15.00 or at Cult Beauty Free shipping Over £50.00 plus free gifts  £24.50 on both sites.

Love n Hugz
Lyn x


Saturday, 22 October 2016

Vincent Longo Pearl X Eyeshadow + Vincent Longo Lip and Cheek Gel Stain

Vincent Longo Pearl X Eyeshadow + Vincent Longo Lip and Cheek Gel Stain The Lavender Barn

Hi My Loves

As you know from previous posts I am really quite getting into Vincent Longo Cosmetics since their launch in the UK from the US this year, You can see previous posts here or by using the search bar on the blog.

This time round I have been playing with the beauty that is Pearl X Eyeshadow in the shade Gypsy Rose £19.00, now I say shade but really should be quoting shades, there are a myriad to choose from in this beautiful hand made Italian compact, and I bet you will love this !  No two compacts can ever be 100%  identical !!!!!! 

This shadow is so finely milled it almost cream in texture, the pigmentation is out of this world and if you like a little bit of shine glam then this is for you. Long wearing and easy to apply, I found no crease lines or fading with this shadow even after a good few hours and that was without a lid primer :)  If you are not a huge shadow wearer just take a small liner brush and run it along the top lash line and a little under the bottom lashes to just give your eyes a wide awake treatment with a little added glamour. Nothing about this product will ever look harsh or overdone.

Vincent Longo Pearl X Eyeshadow + Vincent Longo Lip and Cheek Gel Stain The Lavender Barn

One of the great things about the way these are made is that you can either simply sweep or swirl your brush to mix the shades into one, or you can use a tiny brush and pick out the individual specs of pigment, it is one of those products that you could quite easily get lost in by staring at it, It resembles a thousand tiny gems all compressed into one elegant little package.

Next up, is The Lip and Cheek Gel Stain in the shade Baby Boo £18.50.  Right........I was really unsure about this when I first saw it, I am a lover of all things shiny when it comes to lips and am not really into anything dark or matte, on opening I am left thinking, not a chance !!!!   but being the brave soul that I am I gave it a whirl, hmmm first impressions, is this really make up ?  OK so this may be completely wrong and the company may well recoil in horror but it has become my absolute ultimate gym product, bare with me lol.

Vincent Longo Pearl X Eyeshadow + Vincent Longo Lip and Cheek Gel Stain The Lavender Barn

I am one of those people who can't stand to see a whole full face of make up in the gym, the thought of all that make up seeping it's way into my sweaty pores is the stuff of nightmares, BUT being of a *Cough* certain age, I cannot go out 100% bare faced, firstly I look like a new born Piglet and secondly I feel like rubbish when I see myself in those vile huge mirrors they insist on having !
OMG this lip and cheek stain is the wonder product for those times when you want a face but don't want a face, or if you are a lady that needs a lil lil something just to perk up your colour.  It makes you look good but with magic trickery that makes you look like no effort or make up was used !  genius.  The stain gives you fresh natural coloured lips while lasting forever, and a tiny weeny bit applied to the apples of your cheeks gives you enough to look glowing without the half marathon look.

Vincent Longo is available

Love n Hugz

Lyn x


Friday, 21 October 2016

A very hard post to write

Hiya Darlins

As I write this post I am sat in a hospital bed feeling somewhat of a fraud, I am in an isolated care room on the acute medical unit of my Local Hospital ( if it's good enough for Peter Andre it's good enough for me )

As you know if you are regular reader, my attitude to life is one of tongue in cheek humour with a huge dose of sarcasm thrown in for good measure, I tend not to take life too seriously and my blog posts never contain anything too personal, as I think who wants to hear about the crappy bit's of someone else's life ?  we have all been through our own battles, each and every one of you have had huge problems in your life so I'm sure you don't need mine too.

My reason for writing this ?  I don't know to be 100% truthful, maybe I feel like a fraud on more than one front, here's the thing, I have had a condition called Ulcerative Colitis for around 11 years, for those of you that don't know what it is, it's a lifelong condition similar to Crones Disease,  It is not something I speak about ever, outside of my immediate family, I like to pretend to be the life n soul of the party, probably with too much Prosecco and the biggest mouth :)  this illness in truth is a twat and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, I am not going into the gory details, needless to say it's shit LOL

The second reason I feel like a fraud is that, in a way I have learnt to live with this as best I can, not to speak about it and just crack on, however having recently had some more biopsies, I had a conversation yesterday with the hospital that resulted in me being given a couple of hours to pack a bag and get here, after various tests blah blah, i get informed that I am staying until they can get the condition under control, which is definitely a week if I am lucky, or could take weeks!................

Ha  ha they don't know me, there is no way on gods earth I will be here weeks, I have shizz to do.

I am at this moment a little bit stressed as I have some fabulous events next week that I so don't want to miss as I am looking forward to meeting so many on my online friends, so keep your fingers crossed for me that I will be out n about with a glass in hand by next week.

If by any chance you are reading this and expecting work from me, please bare with, I will do my best to keep doing my thang, but with no products and camera here things maybe a bit slow :) 

All I can say is thank the gods for the internet, I would be going out of my mind without you all.

Love n hugz
Lyn  x

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Skin by Herbalife

Skin by Herbalife The Lavender Barn

Herbalife ?  what's the first thing you think of ? certainly not skincare I'll bet.

The company will hate me for saying this but I was very underwhelmed at the thought of trying this, and I thought, if I am honest it was a bit of a gimmick.  Well shame on me, I am embarrassed to even admit that I thought that in the first place as I definitely did the company an injustice, which just proves first thoughts aren't always the right ones, and you would have thought at this age I would have known that !

Basically the range comes as a simple numbered step by step process, making it simple to do as much or as little as you like within your routine.

Starting  Step 1  cleanse   Polishing Citrus Cleanser. Normal/Oil skin 150 ml
A beautifully fragranced clear gel formula containing Jojoba beads, I love this with a passion, probably because I am cleanser obsessed and love anything citrus, it did a good job at cleansing, I used it as a second cleanse after an oil.  It says it removes make up, which it does, but I am a belt n braces type of gal when it comes to cleansing, however I did use this as a stand alone cleanse in the morning and it was fabulous, fresh and fruity, the perfect wake up call, my skin was not even slightly dry or itchy, it was left feeling squeaky clean as you would expect from a non cream.  I am going to be sad faced when this runs out if I am truthful.

Step 2 is the Tone Phase, I tried Energising Herbal Toner  50 ml  A spritz bottle that can be spritzed directly onto the face or soaked onto cotton wool if you prefer. Containing Aloe and vitamins B3, C and E it does have a slight herbal fragrance to it, it worked beautifully leaving my skin feeling quite moist and refreshed, the only downside is that it is only a 50 ml bottle so would run out quite quickly if used twice a day.

Step 3 is the Treat Phase which contains a Line Minimising Serum 50 ml 

Skin by Herbalife The Lavender Barn

Step 4 is the Target Stage which includes 2 different eye treatments I tried out Hydrating Eye Cream 15 ml  this little pump action bottle produces the exact amount needed for each eye in one pump, I would say almost fragrance free, a light delicate eye cream that applied well and didn't give me puffy eyes as some creams do. Containing Vitamins B3, C, E, Aloe Vera, and Macadamia nut oil,and Cucumber extract, it has a super cooling effect on the eye area.

Skin by Herbalife The Lavender Barn

Step 5 is the Moisturising Stage  where you can chose from Daily moisturiser, SPF Cream or Night Cream, I tested out the Replenishing Night Cream 50 ml & Daily Glow Moisturiser 50 ml

Again a pump action container that delivers just the right amount to smooth your face and neck, a further pump will cover the decolletage, as you would expect for night a rich ( but not thick and greasy ) formula, with a very delicate subtle almost fruit fragrance.  The daily Glow moisturiser is almost identical but in a much lighter formulation that disappears quickly into the skin leaving it touchably soft. These two  products claim that you will see a difference in 7 days !!!!!!!  HUGE claim in my opinion.

Skin by Herbalife The Lavender Barn

I would quite frankly say that  this stage is the star of the show, they are a delight to use and really do leave you touching your skin when you wake up and wanting to check the mirror throughout the day,  any misgivings I had about this range were beginning to wane at the Polishing Citrus Cleanser, but a complete turn around happened with these creams, I would BUY them for sure, and the 7 day claim ? well yes I would 100% give it to them !

find out more about Herbalife Skin Products Here

Love Lyn x


Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Fountain from Deciem

Fountain from Deciem The Lavender Barn

OK Lovelies

what diminishes with age ?  nope, not memory, girlish figure, or the will to live !

It is Hyaluronic Acid, yes yes I know you probably know that, but for those of us that don't, why do you need this magic substance ?  well grab a cuppa and let's chat.

Hyaluronic acid

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid (HA; conjugate base hyaluronate), also called hyaluronan, is ananionic, nonsulfated glycosaminoglycan distributed widely throughout connective,epithelial, and neural tissues. It is unique among glycosaminoglycans in that it is nonsulfated, forms in the plasma membrane instead of the Golgi, and can be very large, with its molecular weight often reaching the millions.[2] One of the chief components of theextracellular matrix, hyaluronan contributes significantly to cell proliferation and migration, and may also be involved in the progression of some malignant tumors.[3]

That's boring, In a nutshell it's all down to moisture, Hyaluronic Acid is purely and simply the magic that keeps your skin retaining moisture, It will retain 1000 times it's weight in water, as we age we lose suppleness and firmness and no matter how good we are with out 8 glasses of water a day, your skin will age due to lack of moisture, we all know of topical products that contain Hyaluronic Acid, as it really does seem to be the buzz ingredient of the moment, but what if there were something you could take on a daily basis that is literally moisturising you from the inside out ? 
 When we talk about moisture it is not only the skin that benefits, our joints, eyes, and bodily functions are all aided by Hyaluronic Acid.

Fountain from Deciem The Lavender Barn

Dah Dah  in steps Fountain..... Hyaluronic Molecule Dietary Supplement that you literally take daily, 2 teaspoons. neat or mixed with your favourite juice. Ginger flavour which really isn't unpleasant even tho I detest Ginger :)
How brilliant is that ? 

240ml bottle contains  Water, Sweetner Xylitol, Hyaluronic Acid, Ginger Flavour,Zingiber Officionale Root Oil, Preservative Posassium Sorbate, Preservative Citric Acid.

Having tried this I am keen to explore the other Molecules in the Fountain range, The Happy Molecule sounds really interesting so watch this space.

Love n Hugz
Lyn x


The Ordinary from Deciem

These I had to share, I have just been online shopping having heard the news that one of my absolute favourite skincare brands have introduced a new range that is accessible to any budget THE ORDINARY by Deciem is anything but ordinary, full of the best ingredients at prices that I first thought were mistakes.

I chose a couple of bits just to sample the range there are 10 items in the collection.

For  "him indoors" I chose Buffet at 12.70 a complete collection making it simple for him to have a "go to" product.


I will of course be reporting on this at a later date.

For me Lactic Acid 10% + HA 2% I really fancy a gentle peel/exfoliate. 



Watch this space for reviews soon :)

Lyn x


We have both been using these products as I said previously Mr LB has been using Buffet Multi Technology Peptide Serum, he loves it it sinks in quite quickly, actually improves the look and feel of his skin, I do use him a lot as a tester this time he has decided that this product is a keeper, I tried it a couple of times and although I loved the way it made my skin feel I wasn't keen on the fragrance which is a bit chemical for my taste, that aside for the price you really are getting fabulous quality skincare that works.

Lactic Acid 10% + HA 2% Was my product of choice from this new range, I do love anything that offers to peel or exfoliate, please do note this product is not suitable if you have sensitive skin, breakouts or any kind of skin damage, it is also available in a lower 5% formula.  For comprehensive advise please see the Deciem website, this review is based on my skin only, which is pretty normal but with age can look a little dry and dull.

This product put paid to any dullness, I love it, it to me is a bargain version of some other high end Acid products, the result is the same in that it literally eats away dead or dry skin leaving you smooth and glowing.

Reading back on this I realise I may have made it sound a little scary, I promise you it isn't, your face wont peel off, you are not left red or sore, although you may feel a little tingle it is by no means unpleasant, as I say it just leaves you looking fresh and glowy.

I have placed links above for you to look at these and other products in The Ordinary Range, which is 100% far from ordinary :)

Love Lyn x


Monday, 17 October 2016

Daniel Sandler Invisible Radiance Foundation & Concealer

Hello Gorgeous 

This !  what a clever idea from the beauty Icon known as Daniel Sandler.

I love the idea, packaging and the brand, read previous post here .

Having a huge collection of foundations, mostly redundant, as having mature ( I love that word ) skin.   I am incredibly fussy I didn't really expect any miracles, although I absolutely love the concept of foundation and concealer in one easy pot saving the hassle of finding matching shades, plus it's a pretty good money saver not forgetting the fact that it saves rummaging around in your kit, I really wanted to like this.

Daniel Sandler Invisible Radiance Foundation & Concealer The Lavender Barn

This foundation/concealer combo comes in 5 shades, Porcelain, Beige ( the one I tested ) Sand, Honey and Deep Sand making it simple to find a shade that suits, not forgetting the sample service that the company offers, so no expensive shade mistakes need happen. 

The lid contains a handy little mirror, 3g of concealer, unscrew the jar and you are presented with the 30 gram foundation including its own hygienic spatula.

With Sweet Almond oil and preserved naturally with Japanese Honeysuckle oil, you know your skin is getting a super dose of vitamins, Paraben and perfume free. thoughts ?

It is freaking amazing, feather light and giving a fantastic smooth finish, it will not float into lines like a lot of foundations (perfect) if you want a lightweight fresh look, this is for you, if you want a buildable base for full coverage, this is for you, if you need all this AND want to cover dark circles or pigmentation then look no further.

I have used this with and without primer, both as a light base for day and full coverage on a night out, it works whatever ever way you want to play it, the lasting power is superb it will not dry out during wear, in actual fact it feels like moisturiser that is doing your skin good while looking gorgeous.

At £28.00 this is incredibly good value, a high end foundation, concealer and handbag mirror.  I LOVE it.

If you take a look at the site, it is more than just an online shop, lot's of tutorials from the man himself guide you through with videos and hints.

Love n Hugs

Lyn x


Roger & Gallet Le Soin Aura Mirabilis Skincare

Roger & Gallet Le Soin Aura Mirabilis Skincare The Lavender Barn

Hiya Darlin

This is something you may never have heard of and would be forgiven for thinking of Roger & Gallet as a perfumers creating fabulous fragrance and soaps since 1862.

 Now they have produced what is in my opinion one of the most stylish and beautiful ranges  I have seen in a long while Le Soin Aura Mirabilis is a range of 4 products each created with 18 distilled officinal plants each one individually chosen for it's healing properties.

  1. Ultra Fine Cleansing Mask
  2. Beauty Vinegar
  3. Double Extract
  4. Legendary Cream

Today I am bringing you Beauty Vinegar and Legendary Cream as these are the ones I have personally tried.

Le Soin Aura Mirabilis Beauty Vinegar.

I can honestly say I had never heard of beauty vinegar, nothing about the word vinegar put me off as it is the natural wonder product for so many things, so why not skincare ? 
The Bottle is so simple it's honestly beautiful !   -  A bi-phase product which I love, the skin contains both oil and water so to me it is a perfect fit, the clear fruit vinegar in the water phase is mixed together with the essence phase  ( oil that sits at the top of the water ) and combined they give you the magic that helps remove all traces of make up , smooths the skin leaving it feeling refreshed and looking refined. You would imagine this to leave your skin feeling taught, but no, it just feels perfectly balanced.   The fragrance is very slightly citrus, not enough to make you think of a lemon grove but enough to give it a beautifully fresh boost.

I apply this with a cotton pad after cleansing and there is something in the fragrance that really does lift your spirits, The price is not bank breaking at £15.00  for 200ml  I would 100%  purchase this, when this one runs out. 

Le Soin Aura Mirabilis Legendary Cream

With it's beautiful white and gold packaging this really does have the look and feel of something three times it's price, Designed to renew, even out and illuminate the skin it really does not disappoint, I LOVE this cream, it's lightweight delicate formula literally sinks into the skin leaving it silky soft and fresh with a very slight fresh clean fragrance, and I do mean slight, this really is a little wonder jar.  I actually used this a few times with no primer to see if my foundation disappeared, it didn't, I was good for at least 6 hours before my constant face touching took it's toll.

Without checking the website my guesstimate on price was around £75-80 NOPE £32.00 for 50ml glass jar ! 

Seriously, treat yourself of get this on your Santa list, you won't regret it.

The complete range are available direct from  Roger & Gallet    or you could add to your Christmas shop at     

Love n Hugz

Lyn x



Make Up Set Including Case

Hi Loves

This is a very quick post that I wanted to share with you, if you have Daughters / Grandaughters / Nieces or little sisters that have just started getting into make up, this kit is perfect and at such a mad price It actually made me double take, as ever I was searching for more storage for my ever expanding collection and spotted this case only to discover that for £24.99 with free postage it included 63 other items !

The best thing about this has to be the case, Ideal for keeping their shiz nice and tidy !

Have a look at it by clicking HERE

Lyn x


Friday, 14 October 2016

Vincent Longo Water Canvas Blush

I have previously written about the amazing Brand Vincent Longo prior to their launch in the UK Here and Here, this time we are testing out the Vincent Longo Water Canvas Blush, it comes in 4 shades and the shade I have tested out here is Swan Lake a gorgeous subtle pink that I think would suit most if not all colourings.

As always with this brand the secret is water well, Vincent Longo "Microwater" to be exact, it cleverly identifies any dry patches and boots them with moisture leaving you with an even finish,  working with Vincent Longo over the past few months I have come to appreciate that this brand is not for those that want to look over made up, it is subtle and sophisticated bringing out what nature gave you, the colours stay true and due to the Microwater, never leave you looking dry or flaky.

Water Canvas Blush is a creme to powder formula, I would usually avoid anything too powdery but this applies like cream and never looks dry or dusty, perfect for mature skin as we know powder often highlights our "smiley lines"  simply apply with fingers in a dabbing motion to the apples of your cheeks, ( the round bits you see when you smile) or if you want a full on glam look, apply in a sweeping motion across the whole cheek using a sponge applicator.

This blush has the ability to make your skin look very lightly flushed and dewy without the doll face look, in the words of the brand "lit from within" 

Oil Free, Fragrance Free, Non Comedogenic and most importantly Cruelty Free.

Find Vincent Longo Water Canvas Creme to Powder Blush   

Love Lyn x


Thursday, 13 October 2016

Dermalogica Phyto Replenish Oil

Hiya My Loves

As you know I recently had the most amazing facial from Dermalogica at the HQ In Guildford Surrey, read about it here.

It was while I was there I first learned about the new Phyto Replenish Oil that had just been released, so many people are scared of oils, this will  not make your skin a greasy mess and it will not  produce spots, now we have that out of the way I can tell you  what It will do, this next generation formula takes a three stage approach to replenishing lipids that are lost through the ageing process and environmental stresses.

Dermalogica Phyto Replenish Oil

Full of beautiful ingredients like Orchid flower, Chia seed oil, Sunflower, Rosemary and Rice Bran, Phyto replenish oil has been produced using no artificial fragrances, colours or parabens.

Formulated for normal/dry skins this feather weight oil instantly smells and feels like the most luxurious salon treatment, when I say feather light, it really is, it applies like a delicate veil of moisture leaving no greasy or sticky residue, used either day or night alone or under make up it leaves your skin totally moisturised and softened, the thing I truly love about this oil is it's multi function capabilities, A daily skin oil, a night oil, mixed with foundation or your usual moisturiser to add a dewy glow, used as a home facial massage oil, ( instructions included for this ) it's quite the little miracle.  I personally like the idea of a product being multi function, especially as they provide further value for money.

I think on a personal note this really is going to come into it's own during the winter months for me, when my poor old skin suffers from central heating, wind and weather dryness.

Dermalogica can be found direct at Or Here at John Lewis 

Love n Hugz
Lyn x

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