Sunday, 30 April 2017

Kore Beauty Hydrogel Face Mask

Kore Beauty Hydrogel Face Mask
Kore Beauty Hydrogel Face Mask 

Hiya Darlins

How much has the face mask/sheet mask trend taken off ?  its crazy there are so many to choose from sheet masks to  lace masks the choice is overwhelming !

Kore Beauty Hydrogel Face Mask

And now I am about to throw a new one in the mix Anti-Ageing Hydrogel Facial Mask from KoreBeauty, The South Korean Founder who is now resident in the UK brings us Korean Beauty in the shape of this Gel Mask.  I have tried many many masks in my time, the good the bad and the indifferent, when this arrived I have to be honest and say I wasn't particularly excited, WRONG it's flippin  gorgeous, Open the pack which is absolutely full of product, and the mask is attached to removable paper, in two parts, one of the things that totally impressed me with this was the application, it was like a second skin, the fit was amazing, and reminded me of something more from a hospital than a beauty counter, the masks contain among other things, my favourites Hyaluronic Acid and Retinol. Left on for 25 minutes the result was astonishing, soft, moisturised plump skin with a real glow, I didn't put anything else on my skin the night I used this, just rubbed in the remainder product and went to bed, my skin in the morning was still looking moisturised and glowing.

Kore Beauty Hydrogel Face Mask 

These masks come in a pack of 5 at £35.00 and it is recommended that you apply them a couple of times a week for the best results. I would honestly say these are worth a try, they are only available direct from the companies own website.

Lyn 💋


The Cost of Beauty Blogging

Hi Darlins

Fancy starting a blog ? ever thought about the cost ? this is a subject that suddenly occurred to me this evening, strange that after 2 years of running a blog that it's only just dawned on me that it is a topic worth thinking about. Before I start please do bear in mind that this is not a how to post, it is purely based on my own experience, and secondly that I do not profess to be an expert in blogging. 

You can, as I did set up for free, with blogger or wordpress, a brilliant way to start and you may end up as I did wanting your own domain, this isn't expensive and is not 100% necessary, it's a personal choice I think, of course you need your computer, and camera, both of these are topics in their own right, most people have a computer however if you are not careful you can get sucked in by beautiful images of white Mac Books ( usually taken in a pure white bed with a tray of Croissants and coffee ( blogger cliche)  as for camera's whoa that's a whole minefield of a subject and everyone will debate as to the best blogger camera, the thing to bear in mind is the end result is what's important, and I know some bloggers who literally do everything on an iPhone and produce stunning images, so again there needn't be a cost.  I have in my two years bought 2 camera's and lenses, did it make my photo's better ? possibly a little bit when I look back at past blog posts, but worth the amount of money I spent ?  probably not.

Hidden costs, can be as little or as much as you are willing to spend, props for your photo's, yep we all get sucked in to wanting to buy the latest must haves in the backgrounds of our photo's, are they essential ? of course not, a leaf would suffice for free.  Another cost that you will come across is the price of attending Brand events, you will get invited to these and depending on where you live you have to make the decision regarding travel costs etc, don't attend an event if you think you will make anything out of it, you won't; of course you will get a goodie bag at the end of it, but in truth you are going to learn about the brand, the price of the goodie bag will 99% of the time not cover your travel cost and time, and it is better to buy the product if you are thinking in terms of cost. 

I do find that you have to try as much as possible not to get sucked into hype, I personally fail in this aspect, I often see something promoted somewhere online, and it drives me bonkers until I own it, 9 out of 10 times I don't get round to writing about the products I have bought myself, as the products that are sent in by Brands and PR companies have to take priority, so in truth, I didn't need to spend the money in terms of the blog.

I think so sum up, your blog can cost you as little or as much as you want, and as with most things in life you get back what you put in, don't forget  BLOG is a four letter word meaning  WORK :)

Whatever you do enjoy it, if it's not fun and you find yourself overspending to try and keep up with XYZ blogger as she seems to have it all, forget it, someone will always have more than you, and you will make yourself miserable chasing a fake dream, and there are many people out there that have a lot less and would be grateful for what you have.

Please give me your thoughts on this topic, I would love to know what you all think.

Lyn 💋


Friday, 28 April 2017

Bodhi & Birch Desert Rose Facial Oil

Bodhi & Birch Desert Rose Facial Oil

Hi Loves

Back in 2015 I wrote a post about Bodhi & Birch when I first discovered them, it is a love affair that has grown and I can't see ending anytime soon.  In that post I wrote about Desert Rose Oil which I loved, anything Rose fragrance is always a favourite, this time around Bodhi & Birch have re formulated the Oil, it includes oils of Argan, Rose, Prickly Pear and Starflower, the smell is out of this world, fresh and at the same time super soothing and relaxing.

Bodhi & Birch Desert Rose Facial Oil
Bodhi & Birch Desert Rose Facial Oil

I use this oil predominately at night as I love to breathe in the fragrance when falling asleep, but I have noticed that this formulation seems to be much lighter and finer making it really easy to use during the day, it is now possible to use this as your main moisturiser, if you are an oil lover, your make up will apply easily and not dissolve unlike heavier oils. 

One of my favourite ways to use Desert Rose Oil is to have a no make up day with just this one product, it really feels as though you are giving your skin a massive moisture drink. Suitable for Normal to dry skins and especially suited to ageing skin as it works to diminish age blemishes and produce a more even skin tone. 

Bodhi & Birch Desert Rose Facial Oil
Add caption

Another use is to warm a drop or two in the palms of your hands and apply to hair ends to smooth away any frizzies, I have tried this on both dry hair and towel washed hair, both giving great results, use ONLY a small amount, you will end up greasy otherwise, there really is no need to overdo it, you would be wasting your oil. As always with Bodhi and Birch only the finest ingredients are used, and not tested on animals, 95% organic. 

On speaking to the founder of Bodhi and Birch Elijah Choo on why the re-formulation his answer was this "As for the reasons behind the reformulation, it allows me to select and increase the organic ingredients, omit wheatgerm which can be too "heavy" especially for those with normal or sensitive skin, remove strawberry seed oil which has a light musky scent and improve the formulation with the addition of prickly pear oil. Overall I wanted to make our hero product the best it can be! "

When I asked about the product being 95% organic, he was kind enough to give me this explanation about Organic products. " In order for an ingredient to be certified organic, the crop of plants has to be checked that they are grown to organic standards. Weirdly enough, if an ingredient is wild grown, for example in the Amazonian jungle where fertilisers and pesticides have not been used, where it isn’t farmed organically, it cannot to classed as organic. Brazil nuts and its oil are one such example.
Also not all plants grown for food nor beauty can be viably certified organic; rose for instance. There is organic rose oil but you are looking at a small fortune considering Bulgarian Damask Rose Otto costs £8K per kg. That means, as a skincare formulator, the palette of ingredients you can use is suddenly reduced to a tiny fraction should you use 100% organic ingredients. Bodhi & Birch is first and foremost a natural brand that creates eco-luxury skincare with complex emotive scent journeys using rare aromatics and botanicals. To attain 95% organic ingredients is in itself quite an achievement let alone create products that are original and not “same-y” as often found in most organic skincare formulations. It is very easy to create a 100% organic product; especially if the product is just one or two organic carrier oils. However it doesn’t use any brain cells to create that! I have come across some and I think it’s just plain lazy :) With Desert Rose Facial Oil, the other 5% non organic ingredients are Vitamin E at 2% and some of the oils. Our body oils are remarkably higher with Sicilian Rose at 96.5%, Chinois Blue at 96.8% and Nordic White at 98% (meaning it is mostly organic except for Vitamin E)."
Check out Here 

Lyn 💋

Post contains PR/Brand samples unless otherwise stated, no AF links.


Thursday, 20 April 2017

Strive Footwear

Strive Footwear
Strive Footwear

Hiya Beautiful

If you are young and gorgeous you will of course be prepared to suffer in pain for gorgeous shoes and sandals, I remember once in my teens buying a pair of shoes in a size down because I had set my heart on them and they only had them in a size too small !!  The things we went through to look good :)  nowadays, although I am still a shoe addict, and yes, I have been known to buy shoes that I will 100% never wear just because they looked to flippin gorgeous in the shop, I find myself ignoring anything that I own that is slightly uncomfortable and reaching for the safety of comfies, I am soooo boring now that when I go to events the comfy shoes are in the bag for the journey there and the journey home.

Strive Footwear

I am delighted to have been introduced to Strive Footwear. The sandals I chose were metallic gold leather ( who doesn't love gold ? ) and are shaped to fit the contours of your natural foot, the real term is Biomechanical Footbed Technology this technology works to support your feet in their natural position.

Strive Footwear
Strive Footwear

When you first put a pair of these sandals on they feel really quite odd, there is nothing natural feeling about them at all, this is of course because we are used to wearing flat soles and our arches have had no support, they company are well aware of this and recommend that you gradually break yourself in to wearing them starting with one hour on the first day and building up.  Sounds like a faff ?  trust me you will be glad you did, mine are now like wearing slippers, and the beauty is that now I have got used to having a better posture my back feels great,  and they have now become my go to comfies !  so, you see there is a lot to be said for being sensible :) 

Check out my Sandals at Here 

Lyn 💋

Post contains Brand/PR samples unless otherwise stated

Blogger Freebies

Hi Darlins

This is a subject that has been on my mind for a while, obviously this post will be read by bloggers, but for the majority of my readers you will have no clue what I am talking about, in 2015 when I first decided to start blogging, you all know the story, had a retail biz, got sick, closed biz, got bored, started blogging.

Naive was not the word, I was clueless, I had a Twitter account that had been dead for years, I had a blog that my daughter had set up for me for my shop, I used it I think 3 times in 3 years, so I picked it all up and started writing, thinking there must be women out there my age still interested in Beauty and Fashion, Duh of course there were, and they were already very successfully writing about it, so... little fish, big pond !  however I was happy to write about my own bits and bobs, and whenever I bought something new it was all very exciting as I wanted to share it with my at that time 2 readers 👭 I had no clue that people got sent things to write about, long story short I was lucky enough to be contacted over time by brands and PR agencies offering suitable things to try out, I was like a kid at Christmas and still a bit naive, so when I turned down things and got a horrible response it was a real shock, equally when I wrote to people to say sorry this product didn't work for me and I wont be writing about about, that too went down like a lead balloon.

Here's the thing, why would I spend my time ( approx 2 hours ) taking photo's and writing about something that was grim, you don't want to hear and it, and I will definitely not slate a company in public, ( I may tell you in private lol )  
I am sure there will come a day when something will tip me over the edge and I will rip the backside out of something, but for now I will carry on in my own way. 

 Right, the point of this post is to talk about FREEBIES, firstly they are not FREE, it's business, it's WORK, it takes time and effort to produce a blog post, so if you are reading this thinking it's a way to learn how to get free stuff, I suggest you sling your hook, Some brands are just gorgeous and appreciate everything you do, I was going to name names but thought better of it as they will know who they are, some PR's are gorgeous and appreciate everything you do, SOME are not, now here's the thing that worries me for the younger girls, DO NOT allow yourself to be treated like rubbish for the sake of a lipstick, once you lose your pride you won't get it back.

I don't want this post to sound negative, BUT please be realistic, when someone sends you something they of course want something back, if they don't appreciate what you do, or make you feel not worthy in anyway you have the choice not to deal with them again, it isn't a one way street. Everyone blogs for different reasons, but whatever the reason as long as you are happy that's all that counts, it's not about who got what, and this blogger is treated better than you, only YOU determine how you are treated in life and the same goes with blogging.

I made a YouTube Video back in 2015 which I am wholly embarrassed about as again, naive me running my mouth, but one thing that I still stand by is that if someone sends you something, bloody well do your job and appreciate that there are people out there that think your blog is good enough to send products to and pay you for the job you do.  Alongside the fact that it is work, there is also something rather nice about your work being acknowledged as being GOOD enough.

At the end of the day, remember nothing in life comes FREE, and do what works for you, it's your little space on the interwebby.

Good or bad experiences, let me know in the comments below, I would love to hear.

Lyn 💋


Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Giveaway By Terry Eye Designer Palette

Hi Loves

It's Giveaway time again, this time it is a fabulous Eye Designer Palette By Terry.

I was given this at Christmas and while it is a great looking Palette the colours are not for me, so why not share it with some who will love it. The price of this is valued at £69.00

Entry is by Raffle Copter below, the winner will be drawn automatically by the system, entries are UK only. You will need to contact within 72 hours of the winner being announced to claim your prize, or the prize will be re entered into a new draw. No Exceptions.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Murad Retinol Youth Renewal System

Murad Retinol Youth Renewal System

Hi Loves

This post has been a while coming to fruition as I wanted to give this product a really good trial before I even thought about making a comment.

As a regular reader will know my love for Murad dates back to the beginning of my blogging days, I have a huge respect for this brand, it is quiet, wont scream at you with TV ads, reasonably priced for the quality and just simply delivers great skincare.

Murad Retinol Youth Renewal System actually got me thinking, that's a BIG claim in a product name, plus I have to admit to being quite nervous about committing to a Retinol regime, although it is totally the buzz ingredient that is on everyones lips, I keep hearing stories and seeing YouTube Videos of the Retinol flaking period that everyone seems to strive for and love, I personally don't want to shed my skin in a visible way, of course I love all acids, and I am an exfoliation addict, but the thought of walking around with bits of skin hanging really didn't float my boat at all !  Dr Murad has solved this problem with Retinol Tri-Active Technology.

  • Fast acting Retinoid.  Accelerates results by quickly boosting cellular turnover.
  • Time released Retinol.  Encapsulated in a lipid shell that slowly melts into the skin, it delivers consistent, sustained levels of retinol over time 
  • Retinol Booster.  Enhances efficiency by acting like a magnet to help enhance skins receptivity to retinol's benefits.

Murad Retinol Youth Renewal System

Murad advise you to use a thin layer of theserum at night under moisturiser. It feels and looks like a serum, absorbs really easily with almost no fragrance and is actually comfortable to wear, honestly I was nervous, but you know me, I will try out anything for my blog so I persisted in using the product nightly, I didn't wake up to any miracle on the first use, or the second or third, but equally and most importantly no adverse reactions, as time went on I had no flaking but after around day 10 it was like a skin awakening, it truly looked different !  fresher, firmer and the lines were definitely  softened, I have one deep vertical line near my eyebrow that has almost disappeared and is now more of a fine line than a crevice.

Murad Retinol Youth Renewal System

The area in which I saw the most improvement were the lip lines, those little demons that we all want rid of.

You can read about the ingredients and science on the Murad website, this post is purely based on my own personal opinion of using this product, I am no skin expert.

Would I buy it ?  100% yes 

Find Murad  Here

  or from

Lyn 💋

Post contains PR/Brand samples unless otherwise stated.


Hello Canvas

Hello Canvas
Hello Canvas 

Hiya Darlins

This beautiful sunshine we are having on the odd days here in the UK really does set your mind off on dreams of exotic locations, or just fabulous old fashioned days out on the beach with the kids, whatever your thing you are bound to take some great pictures that you want to treasure forever, you know, that odd one that you fall in love with as it was so natural and so easy to take.

Hello Canvas
Hello Canvas 

I am now going to sound ancient, whilst I love all that today's technology brings us, I do hate the idea of great memories being lost on the hard drive of a computer only to be forgotten about.  I am of course of the photo album generation, which I think ceased in this house around the 80's sadly. 
  I bring you Hello Canvas a great site in which you can have your favourites put onto canvas from £8.00, whilst I am not a one for family photos all over the place, the thing I think personally would be my number one use of this site would be for wall art, you just send your pic and lo and behold you have affordable wall art,  how many times have you searched for the perfect prints for a newly decorated room ? my recent choice from the site was wall art as a gift for one of my Grandaughters, she is an Air Hostess and gets to visit some fantastic locations on her travels and and the map prints from Hello Canvas come with little flags that you pin into the canvas to mark your travels it seemed ideal. 

Hello Canvas
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I can tell you it was a huge success, she loves it, and is now desperate to fill up all sides of the globe, the maps are a great piece of art even if you don't want to pin them, they do come in a few designs the one I chose was the School map as I loved the colours. Delivery was super quick, and safely packed, the canvas also comes with a hanging kit which is really handy.

Have a look for yourself, I think it's worth bookmarking this site for future use, as it occurred to me, that it would be a cheap way of personalising the decorations for a birthday party of celebration.

Find them Here at Hello Canvas

Lyn 💋

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

AlphaH Liquid Gold Rose

AlphaH Liquid Gold Rose 

Hiya Darlins

I know you have heard of AlphaH Liquid Gold, I don't think there is a woman on the planet that has not heard of it, now, in addition to this miracle product there is a new limited edition with the same amazing properties but with the addition of the softening effects of Rose, unlike the original which smells like a salon chemical ( don't be put off ) the New Alphah Liquid Gold Rose brings you all the power but with a therapeutic Rose fragrance. 

AlphaH Liquid Gold Rose 

Use this "toner" I use this word lightly as it is more of a liquid treatment, 2-3 nights a week applied to clean skin, and wake up to a miracle, richly aromatic botanicals, antioxidants, minerals and clinically proven moisture boosters - including rose, lotus and orchid petal.along with  with Glycolic Acid and Liquid Gold’s world-renowned low pH delivery system, it literally stimulates your skin into renewing itself overnight, you wake up and literally have to keep touching your face, I adore the Classic Liquid Gold that was introduced in 2000 in fact I would go so far as to say it is one of my favourite beauty products of all time.

Michelle & Tommy from AlphaH

I was lucky enough to be invited to the launch party for the Liquid Gold Rose and once again had the pleasure of chatting with Michelle Doherty  her passion and enthusiasm for the brand is totally infectious, and why wouldn't it be ? when you own something that you are proud of that truly works it needs shouting from the rooftops. If you have yet to discover AlphaH as a brand I urge to you to try it, I can say this with absolute confidence that you will thank me at a later date.

AlphaH Liquid Gold Rose
AlphaH Liquid Gold Rose 

Find AlphaH Liquid Gold Rose Here £33.50 100ml  with Free Delivery 

Are you an AlphaH fan ?

Lyn 💋 

Post contains PR/Brand Samples unless otherwise stated.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Mini Moderns Darjeeling Washbag

Mini Moderns Darjeeling Washbag
Mini Moderns Darjeeling Washbag

Hi Loves

Holiday season is coming up, and if you are anything like me to take far too much shizz with you, but there is always that fear of going away and not having that one item you forgot to pack.

I am a nightmare with beauty products for travelling, as the fear of not having the right cream or serum grips me, and of course I take far to much with me :)
I have recently discovered Mini Moderns a company that was launched in 2006 by London based designers, Keith Stephenson and Mark Hampshire, Mini Moderns is an interiors brand specialising in applied pattern across a range of products including wallpapers, fabrics, cushions, rugs and ceramics. The initial collection was snapped up by Heal's and the brand continues to go from strength to strength, selling online and via selected stockists around the world.
My introduction to the company was by way of a fabulous washbag, which is the perfect size for filling full of products just to ensure I don't miss out on anything on my travels !

Mini Moderns Darjeeling Washbag
Mini Moderns Darjeeling Washbag

The site is a riot of fabulous colour, and my washbag is no exception featuring one of the most colourful and iconic designs Darjeeling.  The exotic Darjeeling print is described as ‘a riot of tessellated eastern motifs’ and fuses images of British domesticity with strong Eastern influences. It was debuted as part of the 2013 Mini Moderns Buddha of Suburbia collection, an illustrated homage to Hanif Kureishi’s book of the same name.

Mini Moderns Darjeeling Washbag

If you are a lover of modern interiors and bold colourways then the site really is worth a visit.

Lyn 💋


Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Style Freedom Dry Shampoo

Style Freedom Dry Shampoo

Hi Gorgeous

Hair washing, love it or loathe it sometimes you are just hard pressed for time and need a solution to getting ready and out the door in super quick time.

I have never been a lover or user of dry shampoo as my outdated ideas were from the time when it very first hit the market years and years ago, back then it was little more than a can of talc that left you feeling grubby and looking powdery, oh my word, how things have change, I often read about dry shampoo's and still secretly think ( Yuk ) my daughters and grandaughter's wouldn't live without it and yet I still wasn't tempted.

Style Freedom Dry Shampoo
Style Freedom Dry Shampoo

Recently I was sent this Dry Shampoo from Colour Freedom to try out, reluctantly I did.  My hair was on it's second day and looking limp, I gave myself a liberal dose of this spray paying particular attention to the roots, firstly the smell was amazing, it instantly made my hair smell just washed, secondly it felt amazing, not clogged just clean. I was seriously impressed, it looked and felt as though it had been washed !  full, with bounce and no sign of powder at all.

I can see now why the girls love it, how flippin handy to have in your bag or drawer at work, or for those days of waking up feeling slightly worse for wear from the night before and needing to get ready for work feeling like hell ! I can honestly say my opinion has changed and this little can of help will be replaced when this one is empty.

Find Style Freedom Dry Shampoo Here 

Are you a dry shampoo lover ?

Lyn 💋


No7 Softening Generations of Laugh Lines

No7 Protect & Perfect Restore & Renew Lift & Luminate
No7 Protect & Perfect Restore & Renew Lift & Luminate

Hi Loves
What with Mothers day only the other week I was delighted to have 3 generations in my house for the day, my Daughters and Granddaughter's filled the house with laughter and I could imagine the room if we still had my Mum and my Nan, as a family I have to say we are blessed with fairly good skin although some of the things I have done over the years and seen the girls do really don't bear thinking about ! yes I used pure Lemon Juice and flour in my youth in an attempt to diminish freckles ! 

When I think about skincare and think back to my Mum, Nan and how I am with my girls today times have changed in ways that are incomprehensible, my Nan was happy with soap and water only, I can't say what soap although I do recall it being brown and not smelling great at all, it was probably used to clean shirt collars and cuffs with a scrubbing brush too !  Mum was a little more exotic, still with soap but I think she was of the generation that actually believed the black and white TV ads that told her Lux soap would make her beautiful, when I dared to suggest Pears soap one day, I was quickly put in my place with the words "Do you think we are made of money, that's for posh people "   flipping heck you would have thought I had suggested that she bathe in asses milk ! she did however discover that all of the soap was rather drying and a good dollop of cold cream eased the tightness.

No7 Protect & Perfect Restore & Renew Lift & Luminate
No7 Protect & Perfect Restore & Renew Lift & Luminate

The thing I learnt from these two powerhouses was to avoid soap, thus to be labelled "soap shy" bearing in mind both of these women thought it was OK to spit on a hanky and rub it across my face at any given sign of dirt as a child.

No7 Protect & Perfect Intense 

Things have come a long way since then and I often wonder if it's all gone a little mad when I see girls evening skincare routines being displayed on Instagram posts consisting of sometimes 17 different products, my eldest daughter learnt her skincare ways from me over the years and swears by No7 skincare, to the point that regardless of what exotic jars I have up the office she still insists on being bought No7 for Christmas and Birthday, starting with Protect & Perfect in her 30s for fine lines and wrinkles and moving on to Lift & Luminate in her forties covering not only fine lines and wrinkles but addressing firmness and pigmentation too. 

No7 Protect & Perfect Restore & Renew Lift & Luminate
No7  Lift & Luminate

Over the 10 years since the very first No7 Serum hit the shops Boots have gone on to discover more and more ways of combating the laughter lines that come with a family of nutcases, it is definitely not a case of one size fits all,  each Serum is developed for each stage of our ageing process and now for my 60+ friends we have the joy that is Restore & Renew a multi-action Serum that not only covers Fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and firmness but also deals with the thing that gives away age at a glance, the neck, no longer do you need a separate neck cream when you can have it all in one tube. 

No7 Restore & Renew Face & Neck Multiaction 

New No7 Restore & Renew contains Calcium Amino Acids and Ceramides which are designed to target the specific needs of mature skin, I found that when trusting this serum to work alone it gave me better results than I expected from one single product, I could visibly see an improvement in the neck and decolletage area and the skin on my face had more bounce and firmness to the touch, which really goes to show that good skincare needn't be a complicated affair, another thing that really impressed me was the speed in which the serum was absorbed by my skin, no hanging around waiting for it to sink in, while using Restore & Renew I found that my foundation applied better without the use of a primer, it also seemed to keep my foundation in place longer.

The adage that you get what you pay for certainly gets blown out of the water with No7, you would expect to pay a lot, lot more for something that delivers visible results.

I will be joining the Thirty Plus Twitter chat group @WeAreThirtyPlus to discuss beauty tips & skincare through the generations.
For a chance to win a goodie bag targeted to your skincare join the Thirty Plus twitter chat on Thursday find details HERE

Use the hashtags: #Generations30Plus #No7Ready 

Find No7 Restore & Renew Here at Boots

Lyn 💋

Post Sponsored by No7.


Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Scalp Scrub

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Scalp Scrub
Lee Stafford Hair Growth Scalp Scrub

Hi Lovelies

Yep, you heard it right Scalp Scrub !  I have to be honest and say that this was something I really wanted to try as I had never heard of anything like it before, but you know what I am like for any kind of scrub/exfoliating !  so when I heard about one for your scalp, I was all over that !

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Scalp Scrub
Lee Stafford Hair Growth Scalp Scrub

The product from Lee Stafford is designed for hair that gets to a certain length and refuses to grow, I don't have this particular problem, but the idea of deep cleaning your scalp and unblocking the hair follicles actually makes really good sense to me, I mean why wouldn't you ?  the idea of unblocking follicles actually encourages hair to grow faster, it's such a genius idea, I can't imagine why it hasn't been done before ? 

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Scalp Scrub

The treatment as you would imagine feels and looks the same as a skin exfoliating product, it is a creamy pink solution filled with exfoliating grains that scrub your scalp clean prior to hair washing, rub into wet hair and scrub away, rinse out and shampoo as normal, the feeling is amazing, clean clean clean tingly clean scalp !

I am sure it's one of those products that you would never have thought you needed until you try it !!

Find  Lee Stafford  Hair Growth Scalp Scrub 

Lyn 💋


Smartbuy Glasses Prada

Smartbuy Glasses
Smartbuy Glasses Prada Journal

Hi Darlins

Whoa the Sun is finally showing it's face, all of a sudden we are thrown into this amazing feeling that Winter is gone and it's sunshine all the way.

The shops are now full of beach wear and flip flops and a ton of cheap sunglasses, you know the ones, they look cute but you can't see a thing when the sun shines, and offer absolutely no protection to your eyes at all ( been there done that ) try driving in rubbish glasses, seriously dangerous !!

Smartbuy Glasses
Smartbuy Glasses

I have had the pleasure of discovering a website that supplies the very best designer glasses at seriously discounted prices, at SmartBuyGlasses not only do they provide bang on trend sunglasses they will also add your prescription should you be a wearer of glasses.  I selected a pair from the  Prada Journal Collection in tortoiseshell that are both lightweight and practical, they arrived well packaged with their own box, glasses case,  & 2 cleaning cloths. And with a two year guarantee, the thing I really like about these is that although they are designer it's not totally obvious, literally the name is on the arm of the glasses so you don't feel like an advertising billboard.

Smartbuy Glasses
Smartbuy Glasses

  The process was really easy, from ordering to delivery was really quick and efficient the longest part was actually deciding on which glasses to buy, as there are so many to choose from ! with  up to 50% off and worldwide delivery it really is worth taking a look if you are thinking about buying new sunglasses, glasses or even contact lenses, but be prepared to spend some time, as I say the range is HUGE. 

Smartbuy Glasses
Smartbuy Glasses Prada Journal

The website offers a virtual try on service allowing you to literally see what each pair looks like on, it is quite fun to use it's like being in a shop but in the comfort of your own home, the only downside to this is that settling on one pair is really hard, I love these glasses so much I now have my eye on another pair in the range just for a change, when you think about it sunglasses are the one Summer item that you will get the most use out of so they deserve to be nice.

Take a look at SmartBuyGlasses and see if you agree with me.

Have the best Summer ever.

Lyn 💋

post contains PR/Brand samples unless otherwise stated.


Thursday, 6 April 2017

Check your Tumble Dryer

Hi Loves,

This is a super quick post as I really want to get this message out there, a couple of weeks ago my tumble dryer was getting a bit hot, as It happened my daughters were over that day, and informed me of this huge recall a lot of suppliers were doing, I said oh mines ancient it won't be one of those, well my daughter insisted on checking online, and yes it was a dodgy dryer !!!

It was really easy to do apparently she just typed the model number into google and there is a link that allows you to check, long story short, we filled in the online form ( well she did ) and I received an email that day saying it was being dealt with, one week later an email asking me to chose a new delivery day and a new dryer for £59.00 they are coming in two days to remove and replace !

I URGE you to do this, please don't get a house fire for the sake of a couple of moments online.

Lyn x 

Le Savon Lune Argentum Apothecary

Hi Gorgeous
Here's an interesting question, when is a soap not a soap ?  for all intents and purposes this is a bar of soap right ?  well no not really, it contains no soap !

Argentum Apothecary are not a company that will churn out product after product, in fact there are only 4 products in the entire range I have written about them here 

As always with this Company there is a huge emphasis on the Patented formula of Silver Hydrosol  DNA HP along with Betonite a  colloidal clay made from aged volcanic ash, the cleansing  bar has been formulated as skin care in it's own right rather than just a bar of soap.  

 When I used this I actually found it to be pretty good at removing make up, which surprised me, I used it as a first cleanse at night, and as a stand alone cleanse in the morning, to be fair I was terrified of it as I don't do bars of soap in any shape or form, but once again this is NOT a bar of soap, and it left my skin with no redness, itching or tightness, the fragrance is one of a very expensive salon treatment, I did also test it out on my body although that isn't what it is designed for and it was lovely.  Mr LB also tested this out for me as a shaving soap, and loves it, so it looks like I will need to share my bar !

Find this and Argentum Apothecary products Here 

Lyn 💋

As always, products featured are Brand/PR gifts unless otherwise stated. No affiliate links are used in this post.

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