Saturday, 30 December 2017

Recind Beauty Kit

Hiya to your gorgeous self

As you know, my poor old face goes through lots of product testing on a regular basis, sometimes good, sometimes bad, and sometimes very very ugly !!

When I am asked to try something out I have never heard of there are two emotions, one is desperate to try it, the other is complete fear as to how my face will respond.   When I was offered  Recind to trial once again these emotions were in place.

Starting with first impressions, glamorous shiny black and gold packaging, containing five containers of product, it has the look of something incredibly high end.

Recind is from SNR Pharma Ltd who have over a decade in the pharmacy industry and have now expanded into the anti-ageing/cosmeceutical arena.  The tag line for the product is "Turning back time "....... this caused me a raised eyebrow if I am honest,  I have over time seen similar claims and been disappointed.

Recind Beauty Kit

Moving on, lets get going, I am doing this review in order that the products are displayed in it's packaging. 

Recind Regal BB Cream 30ml

Recind Beauty Kit

Black and gold airtight pump system keeping the product fresh and hygienic, I tend to find BB creams are a Summer product for me, but have been using this as the colder weather has set in, it gives you a bit more than the standard BB it has the lightness in feel, but actually provides an even smooth coverage, I would consider this to be in the same realms of a quality foundation but with the benefits of BB, it was easy to apply ( using fingers ) it may look a little dark at very first use, but give it one or two minutes and it magically looks blended and perfect.

Recind Rejuvenating Youth Serum 30ml

Recind Beauty Kit

Designed to improve the appearance of expression lines and wrinkles over time with regular nightly use, Applied to cleansed skin at night this literally has the feel of liquid silk, comfortable and easy to use and will literally have you touching your face in the morning, and yes you can feel how soft your skin is when you wake up.

Recind Renew Eye Contouring Cream 15ml

This morning and night eye treatment is light non greasy and absorbs within seconds, I have tried eye creams in excess of £150.00 that were not a patch on this, an amazing cream that leaves your under eyes looking smoother and brighter with no puffiness.

Recind Restructuring Moisturising Cream 30ml

Recind Beauty Kit

This for me has to be the star of the show, combined with the Resplendent Brightening Cream it will honestly have you checking yourself out in every mirror you pass !!  My skin looked fabulous, fresh bright, smoother and dare I say it with relaxed lines........there I actually said it because it's true, I looked as though I had a fortnight of full sleep at a luxury spa.  Quite Simply amazing, it's not often I get this excited about a new range, but THIS !

Recind Resplendent Brightening Cream 30ml 

Recind Beauty Kit

I want to take your hand, and give you a little test of this.  Liquid silk that before your eyes smooths out the skin, plumps it and feels like heaven, Combined with Restucturing moisturiser these provide and exceptional combination that you can see with your own eyes, people will tell you that you look well, or maybe I just looked liked rubbish before :)  but I can live with the compliments.

To sum up, Recind has blown me away, I would have expected this range even though it isn't one I had heard of to have a really hefty price tag, given the results it produces, it is in fact £79.00 for the entire kit. which by my reckoning is £15.80 per product !

Available online from  where you can also read about the science behind the brand.

Love n Hugz
Lyn x


Primark Summer 2015

Bargain of the century !


This outfit really does have to be the bargain of the century, My thoughts on Primark is that it's the equivelent to Ikea in that you go in needing nothing and come out with bag fulls, and at those prices why wouldn't you ?
The navy and white zip waist Maxi skirt was the  bank breaking amount of £5.00

and the white cotton crop top a mere £1.00.

Now lets get real here, where else on the planet do you find a complete outfit for £6.00 flippin quid ?

The thing I love is that if you wear something from Primark once, there is no guilt attached, even if you dont wear it for the price of a cheapie lipstick who cares ?

Love n Hugz
Lyn  x


Monday, 18 December 2017

Super Facialist Neroli Firming Skincare Range

Hi Loves
I can't tell you how much I have fallen in love with the brand Super Facialist by Una Brennan, I tried out the Retinol range back in September which you can read here.  I was delighted to try out the Neroli range which is the one on review here. If you are new to this brand, trust me you will be astounded at the quality of this brand, for want of a better word I will name it as budget skincare, although please don't confuse the value with cheapness there is nothing cheap about this brand other than the price. Which it's worth noting is on special offer currently, I will pop a link below.

The Neroli range is predominantly aimed at lifting and tightening and is full of  anti-oxidants and gentle acids. At times like these I wish there was such a thing as smell o vision, the fragrance is a powerful clean spa like fragrance which I could imagine you either love or hate, I love it. It reminds me of some of the very best facials I have ever experienced. The last time I wrote about this brand I had fabulous emails from readers who bought, tried and loved it as much as I did which is the best thing ever for me and makes writing the blog 100% worthwhile.

Super Facialist Neroli Firming Daily Cleanser 150ml

A gel like facial wash which emulsifies when added with water for a fabulous refreshing cleanse. I personally don't usually like anything that resembles gel or soap I am a huge fan of oils and balms, I didn't expect this to be anything other than a morning cleanse on clean skin, it did however, melt away a full face of makeup after removing eye make up separately.

Super Facialist Neroli Firming Intense Facial Serum 30ml

I absolutely adore this serum and to be honest it is good enough to use alone and double as a primer if you have skin that doesn't need too much moisture, obviously it's designed to go under day/night cream but it is a beautiful stand alone product for days in the house when you don't want to make any real effort. Containing Hyaluronic Acid and Apple derived stem cells it the best drink you could give your face.

Super Facialist Neroli Firming Super Lift SPF15 Day Cream 50ml

This day cream can of course be used alone but doubled with Facial serum it leaves you feeling as though you have had a full on facial. my skin positively glows and feels really fresh when using these together. The SPF saves you applying this as a separate product leaving you confident that your skin is protected from the dangers of damaging rays. The lightweight cream formula absorbs easily and leaves skin moisturised but not greasy. The moisturising effects last well throughout the day right through to evening. My foundation stayed in place well all day and I didn't experience any dry patches or discolouration of the foundation.

 Super Facialist Neroli Firming Skincare Range

Super Facialist Neroli Firming Super Lift Night Cream 50ml

Completing the routine at the end of the day this night cream hydrates without being greasy, it is heavier in texture than the day cream as to be expected. The fragrance is deeply relaxing while the Hyaluronic Acid and plumping Tetrapeptide ensure you wake up to soft bouncy skin in the morning. There is something lovely about knowing your night time treatment is working for you while you sleep.

I have honestly loved this range and plan on exploring more from the Super Facialist brand as the quality and price has been seriously impressive.

Have you experienced the brand? please let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Lyn x

Tuesday, 12 December 2017


Hiya Darlins,
The Christmas shopping is now in full swing and I think it's too easy to get caught up in panic buying and the buying of a present just for the sake of it. How often do any of us put real thought into what we buy? I think the intention is always there, but the sheer panic of the season often makes us make rash choices just to get the job done.

I spent almost an entire evening browsing which for me is the perfect place for those thoughtful gifts, if your loved one has any sort of hobby just type it in the search and away you go, or just browsing suddenly ideas just pop up and leave you thinking. Oh that would be perfect for .....

I am writing this post in the confidence that my family don't read my blog posts, but I wanted to share with you a couple of the gifts I purchased.  I only found out recently that years ago my eldest Daughter lost her purse, well I did know at the time. What I didn't know until recently was that she had kept a post it note in  her purse  that I had apparently written some years ago simply saying, I love you x.   I honestly can't remember writing it, but apparently that was the only reason she was upset about losing her purse. Of course it would be easy for me to write another sticky note, but while on the site I spotted a key ring which read I love you like jelly tots. BINGO this is something she says all the time, and even better I could have it engraved Love Mum x - better still I could have the reverse engraved with the wording - better than a post it note x
I am so pleased at this little gift, as whilst it didn't break the bank it has thought and meaning for my Daughter and I know will make her smile.

 Talking of Daughters, my youngest Daughter has an absolute passion for art work especially Typography. While searching through the huge variety on offer, it suddenly dawned on me that she needs to conserve wall space as she is downsizing. This led me onto wall art in the form of stickers and I found the most adorable feather design, nice, although they were in black! A simple click and I discovered I could have them in any colour of the rainbow, so the obvious choice for my girl was gold. I can't wait to see these up on the wall, in fact I am quite jealous.

While I was at it, I couldn't resist staying with the personalised theme.

I have used stock images in this post as I wanted to share my finds with you quickly, I will add my own photo's after Christmas of the real thing.

If I had walked the shops for days I wouldn't have found better presents that had meaning to them, plus I was able to drink copious amounts of tea while making my choices so win, win.
Lyn x 

Post contains Brand/Agency samples, may contain AF Links.


Friday, 8 December 2017

Cosy Christmas Home #AD

Hi Loves,
I bet you were thinking cosy Christmas home would be full of red tartan and log fires? I am not for one moment saying that traditional isn't perfect for some but for me personally I prefer the thought of glowing copper, fluffy rugs, and warm cosy throws. Any of you that know me know that I like to keep things light when it comes to the house, which in truth goes against cosy, so I have been having a little think of how to get cosy without dark and traditional, these are my thoughts, let me know what you think and what would be your idea of cosy? 

Firstly thinking about keeping the windows covered but not draped in thick fabric, shutters have always been at the top of my wish list. Am thinking possibly Cafe style shutters so that they could still give a view if we are lucky enough to get a white Christmas.

To get some warmth into the room with little copper accessories and possibly a statement lighting piece in copper.

And for the ultimate in cosy you couldn't get better than a sheepskin rug, especially when it comes in pink, and to put your feet up with a large steaming mug of hot chocolate, a little pink furry friend in the shape of a sheepskin foot stool. both from

Stay Cosy
Lyn x


Thursday, 7 December 2017

Hollywood Browzer Hair Removal Tool

Hi Loves,
OK, now we have all heard and seen the craze of women shaving their faces, Instagram pictures and social media have made it look incredibly glamorous to have a face full of foam and pull faces like a man in a mirror, not for me I'm afraid. There is no way I am using shaving foam on my face and attacking it with a mans razor, call me a coward but I can live with that.

I have seen blog posts written where women say no tough hair grows back through and that when they shave their face they remove " Peach fuzz" and that make-up applies easier, which does make sense as the skin is automatically exfoliated, however I am still not brave enough to do it.  I have been testing out The Hollywood Browzer  a little tool that quickly removes unwanted hair with no wet shave.  

Hollywood Browzer Hair Removal Tool

A few areas that may be of interest to you.
  • Brows - well obviously! it is a fabulous tool for tidying brows and I have to say it removes any need for plucking, waxing or threading, it simply tidies and gives you a really neat defined brow line.
  • Toes - OK odd I know, but I get random hairs on my big toes, well nobody needs that!  The Hollywood Browzer made short work of them.
  • Arms - I don't usually remove hair from my forearms as they are blonde and fine, however I know a lot of women remove this hair and I wanted to give it a try to see if this little tool would work. It does, no need for soap or water. I may actually keep this up it felt so nice.
  • Random sprouters - Of course you know what I mean with this one, those pesky little buggers that appear, usually when the sun catches a glimpse of them and you didn't know they were there!
  • Fingers - I don't have hair on my fingers. But darker haired ladies often suffer with them and I know remove them, in the interest of this post I had Mr LB remove his. Easily done in seconds with no pain at all. I snatched back my tool before he nabbed it.
The uses for this little tool are listed by the brand as
  1. Eyebrows
  2. Upper lip hair
  3. Chin hair
  4. Uneven hairline
  5. Stray hairs
  6. Sideburns/Peachfuzz
  7. Hair on fingers & toes
  8. Back of neck
  9. Stomach
  10. Bikini line
The pack includes 2 Hollywood Browzer tools and a protective pouch.

All in all I am pretty impressed with this, especially on the brow front, not only will it save me time and money it means I don't have the dread of coming out bald by an over enthusiastic woman with string in her mouth!

Lyn x

Post contains Brand/Agency samples unless stated, may contain Affiliate Links.

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