Friday, 29 July 2016

Hylamide C25 | Deciem

Hylamide C25 | Deciem

Hello my darlings

Here is a post that has taken me forever to research, I am probably preaching to the converted on Deciem The Abnormal Beauty Company, as by now you have probably heard of them if not already use the products - but let's pretend you haven't, if you are a normal everyday person who buys product because you like the look of it, you will no doubt pick up products from Deciem, read a lil bit of info and put them down thinking - well it could be good but I don't understand it !

Deciem as a company make no apology for their scientific approach to all things beauty, as a Scientist, founder Brandon believes that the products cannot be summed in in simple statements such as "Daytime anti wrinkle cream " or suchlike, the whole brand is focused on skin health from a purely scientific approach, which is what makes it a little complicated for us mere mortals.

I have written about this company a few times previously and even went so far as to call one product Botox in a bottle !  just used the search bar on my site for Deciem.

Right, the product at hand here is from the Hylamide range, which is designed to give more instant results where as Niod is more longer term result driven.

Hylamide C25 would you guess what it is by the name ?  of course you wouldn't, it is Vitamin C for the skin in it's most stabilised form,  a lot of products will claim to have this powerful vitamin in their products, but it will not be stabilised with 25% Ethyl absorbic acid and resorcinol complex, which in lay-mans terms means by the time it reaches us, what with packaging and exposure to light, the Vit C will be hardly present. 
 This little frosted glass bottle with it's glass pipette dropper offers you the vitamin in it's most powerful form, said to visibly target Fine lines, uneven tone, textural irregularities and dullness.

On using a couple of drops into the palms and spread across the face and neck,  I saw and felt an instant warming effect, which only lasted a few minutes but once it subsided left my skin with a positive glow, I LOVED this effect, I love to feel something working instantly, Hylamide C25 is designed to be used as a first base under any other skincare you wish to use, it can also be used at night either alone, ( which is what I did )  or under your usual brand of night cream.

You will, in my for what it's worth opinion see instant results from the Hylamide range and they are definitely worth exploring on the website, be prepared to feel a little bit thick when you get into the science :) 

Hylamide C25 can be found

My * Botox* in a bottle can be seen

Love and hugz
Lyn x 


Thursday, 28 July 2016

Mary Kay Into The Garden Pedicure Set

Mary Kay Into The Garden Pedicure Set

Hiya Darlins

I don't know about you, but the first time you drag your sandals out can sometimes be a bit of shock seeing your tootsies up close and personal, dry skin and cracked heels, not a good look by any stretch of the imagination.

I have recently discovered the solution in a rather snazzy mesh bag from Mary Kay, This great little pack delivers everything you need to treat your feet.

Mary Kay Into The Garden Pedicure Set

A pack of 10 Foot Fizzes ( bath bombs for feet )

Emery board

Two sets of toe separators

And the amazing 85g Into The Garden exfoliating foot scrub.

Having soaked my poor feet for a good 20 mins in warm water with a foot fizzie, I then dried them off and massaged with the creamy exfoliating foot scrub, I actually left this on for 10 mins before soaking again to rinse off with another foot fizzie, the result was beautifully soft refreshed tootsies, I am not saying this will rid you of really bad hard skin areas but it definitely improves them, and am convinced with regular use could actually keep it at bay.

Toe nails were duly painted using the separators to complete the home Pedi  treatment. 

Find Mary Kay at 

Love Lyn x


Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Crystal Dream from ECI Healthcare

Ever have trouble sleeping ?  How annoying is lying awake looking at the clock ?  the night just seems to go on forever, I hate it.

I was offered a trial of Crystal Dream, which I was happy to do as it is 100% free from pharmaceuticals and hormones, so will not leave you feeling drowsy or hung over in the morning.

To be fair Mr LB suffers more than me with sleep problems, so obviously when he wakes up telling me he had a bad night all I can answer with is *I Know ! *  so we both took the 2 little pills half an hour before bed for a month.

At first I waited for something to happen, dumb because it tells you it wont actually put you to sleep, what it does do is give you the most still restful night ever, we both on numerous occasions asked each other if we remembered dreaming, or anything from the night at all, and the answer was always an amusing no, really odd but really flippin fabulous,  Himself decided on the odd night to go without them to see if it made any difference, and It most certainly did, in fact to both of us, as him throwing himself around the bed like a windmill didn't do my sleep much good either !

I can't tell you how these work, but I can tell you they most certainly do, and we will most definitely be buying these, purely for Mr LB's own safety and the benefit of our relationship :)

These are available directly from

Love and snoozes
Lyn x


Tuesday, 26 July 2016


ARgENTUM ~ l'etoile infinie. TWIN ENHANCING FACE OIL review at

Hiya Lovlie

When it comes to skincare you know by now I am not influenced by price tags, although by nature we get an internal feeling that something with a high price tag is extra special and something to be coveted.   I wrote a while ago about the brand 
ARgENTUM when their showcase product was La Potion infinie  they have now introduced l'etoile infinie Twin Enhancing Face Oil.

In is seductive dark purple almost black glass dropper bottle especially designed to keep the light away from the contents inside, you get the feeling that you are looking at a magic potion.  with ingredients such as Argan Kernel Oil Abyssinian Seed Oil and Kukui Seed Oil, this rich treatment oil is aimed at protecting and hydrating the skin, it can be used either alone, or on top of La Potion Infinie or your usual choice of moisturiser to seal moisture and goodness into the skin.   You could also pop a drop into your day moisturiser or night cream if you prefer.  


I have also been using this as a night oil, it is described as a dry oil and it is if you are not heavy handed with products like me, you really do only need a couple of drops at the most.  Being 100% natural and with oils that have been ethically sourced to help protect the environment.

This Oil really is up there with the top of the range cult beauty products and will deliver ultra hydration leaving your skin looking and feeling radiant.


Lyn x


Monday, 25 July 2016

Lavera SPF30 Sun Cream | Lavera After Sun Lotion

Hello Sun Lover :)

Well, we have had a couple of hot days here in the UK, one of them being the hottest day of the year so far.
We are a funny bunch us Brits, we spend all year lusting after pictures of sunny climes, blazing hot beaches and anything summer related, moaning about our rubbish weather, and when the sun eventually shows it's face we are all melting with frizzed hair and wet patches, unlike the glamorous Europeans who can totally rock the weather we just wander around fanning ourselves and moaning that it's too hot, and we are not used to it, it has come without warning etc etc. ha ha 

I think as a nation we love the sun, it just doesn't feel the same about us, knowing we will turn a fluorescent shade of pink we are unprepared and it gets us every time.

Having been lucky enough to go away once this year and with a holiday booked for September I have been desperately trying out various brands of Sun Care and was sent Lavera SPF30 along with Lavera After Sun Lotion to try out.   I chose our hottest day so far to give it a test.  Mr LB had a day off and we headed to the lake so that he could fish and I could sunbathe, the test began before leaving the house.

I applied the SPF30 Sun Cream to my fair freckled skin, it is incredibly thick and white, it took an age to apply as it won't completely rub in and go invisible, but off we went, I spent no less than 8 hours in full sunshine that day and didn't see a spot of pink, when I showered on returning home it didn't even want to come off easily in the shower with soap ! did I get colour ?  yes a little, nothing like I would have expected from 8 hours full sun. feelings with this product are really mixed, as a brand I love Lavera and have written about them previously Here this company is sheer goodness and really should be more available in the UK.  This SPF is sheer perfection if you need full cover, love to spend time in the water and want something you really don't have to re apply all day, I would imagine it is ideal for children, and fabulous for winter sports holidays, for me ? a little too much protection to use on a beach holiday but I am a wrongun and do like to get lots of colour :)
so if you are a sensible person unlike me, this is 100% perfect for full sun protection.

 After our day at the lake and using the Lavera SPF30 I didn't need to use any aftersun, although I have tried it out with other products that didn't give much protection and also on a day I stupidly got my shoulders caught with nothing on,  I would buy this again for sure, it is fabulous, it has a light texture than is immediately absorbed allowing you to dress quickly, it has a fresh almost herbal fragrance, and totally gave 24 hour moisturisation, it has an incredibly cooling effect on my sore bits * hangs head in shame* a definite winner in the after sun stakes, and being 100% Vegan perfect for those seeking purer skincare.

Both of these products are incredibly well priced as is all of the Lavera Range. 

Find Lavera SPF30 Here 

Love n Sunshine
Lyn x

Friday, 22 July 2016

Vichy Neovadiol Eye & Lip Contours

Hiya Darlins

As you know I have spoken before about products for us Menopausal gals, who even knew that that were any ?  You don't need me to tell you the changes our hormones play on our skin, euughhh

The Scientists at The Vichy Labs have really got this issue nailed with the introduction of ranges specifically designed for us ( forgive me if you are reading this and are no where near having *Tropical Moments * )  I have reviewed the Neovadiol Range previously and you can read about it here and here, this time I have reviewed a double trouble product 

I say double trouble as it deals with not just one, but two problem areas, Eyes and Lips !!

Both of these areas are notorious for showing signs of age and really do need addressing in their own right.  And I am pleased to report this little wonder tube does just that, a light almost invisible cream that is a joy to apply with the smoothing and cooling applicator tip, I love this it feels very (salon)

Vichy Neovadiol Eye & Lip Contours for menopausal skin

Literally the smallest amount smoothed in tiny circular motions from the inner to outer corners of the eye produce a non greasy surface that instantly looks plumper and more hydrated, I used this both morning and night, I must admit to being really wary of any product around my eyes at night as I tend to wake up looking puffy eyed as though I have spent the night sobbing broken hearted !  not so with this cream :)

On the Lip area you apply to the contours of the upper lip again in small circular motions and it it really does feel as though you are ironing out the lines, and under the bottom lip, sweeping motions from side to side, it absorbs almost instantly so is perfect for under your daily moisturiser and make up.

At £23.00 I think it is fabulous value as you would expect to pay that and more for an eye cream alone.

Should you want to give it a try click here 

Love n Hugz
Lyn x


Thursday, 21 July 2016

My Vanishing Act

Hello Gorgeous

I wanted to write this post to explain my virtual vanishing act from all things internet, I have popped on and off my social media really just to support and share other peoples work, as I have myself been very lacking in producing my blog posts and for that I apologise from the bottom of my heart.

Things here have been a little bit hectic of late, how dare real life get in the way of my blogging !  Although I do blog full time and have the *luxury* of being home full time, it is due to illness that I never talk about and sometimes it just gets in the way, I am lucky in that I don't need to earn a full time living from blogging so do have the luxury of no pressure being placed on me to produce posts, although as a workaholic I put enormous pressure on myself to write, firstly as I enjoy it, and secondly I feel that if something has been sent to me that is good and needs sharing I have a duty to the brand and or PR to get it out there, plus I get pretty excited when I love something so feel the need to share.

Lot's of things have been going on with us of later, some good and some bad, BUT nothing to stop me getting back to my passion, so be prepared to be bored of my twittering and rambling as it coming soon.

Thank you so much for your support, and a huge thanks to all of you that have written asking if I am OK :)    Huge cyber hugz to all.

Lyn x 

Monday, 11 July 2016

Lavera Face Self Tanning Cream

Hiya Sweet cheeks

This weather is totally letting us down on the sunshine front, plus it's never a good thing to cook your own face :)

I have to be honest and say that I have been a total failure with trying to apply self tan to my face and tend to rely on bronzers for a bit of a healthy glow, I was delighted to discover that Lavera a company that I have had a fantastic experience of previously read here  had introduced a facial self tan.

I was obviously a little dubious with my previous tanning errors, but in the interests of being a nosey mare I gave it a go.  100% better than expected, it was even, no streaks and actually gave a seriously good healthy glow without the whole tango look, impressive !

Lavera Face Self Tanning Cream


It didn't come with any major instructions or developing time, it just said to avoid brows and hairline and to wash your hands after using.

I applied it in the morning to clean dry skin, I wanted to use it on a day when I was at home so I could keep an eye on it developing.  After keep looking in the mirror I kind of forgot about it and carried on my day, I caught a glimpse of my face in the bathroom after a couple of hours and had to do a double take, it was looking lovely, well I decided not to wash it off and really go for it on the developing front, and it didn't get any darker after the next couple of hours so I decided to rinse it off with plain warm water.

I think I would prefer to do it in the day where possible in case I ended up wiping it off onto the pillow at night.

I would definitely put this down as a keeper, it was lovely to have a healthy natural glow knowing I hadn't damaged my skin in the sun and hadn't ended up looking like a Satsuma, win win.

Have you had any self tan experiences you are brave enough to share ?

Love Lyn x

Thursday, 7 July 2016

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream

Hello Gorgeous

The current trend for matte lips has been around for a while, but has managed to bypass my make up collection, well this week I thought I would give it a try.

I bought NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in shade 16 a really lovely pinky nude shade, I had visions of having chalky dry lips that cracked and looked pretty rough after a couple of hours, not so with this lip cream, it is highly pigmented so you dont need tons, while looking matte it is soft and creamy and never feels dry at all, in fact it feels quite moisturising ( odd I know )  it has a light almost fruity fragrance, and if you like Matte I think it is definately one to pop on your shopping list, and at £5.50 I would say pretty well priced too.

I didn't like it, not that I didn't like to product, I didn't like it on me, I honestly have to say that the look is fabulous on someone young, and the girls who wear it look gorgeous, I didn't, I think on a mature face it just looks dull and ageing.
At least I tried to be trendy, but think I will stick with my shimmer glosses, far better suited to this old face of mine.

Please don't be put of this lippie it's fabulous, just not on me :)

Available Here 

Love n Glossy Kisses
Lyn x

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

SBC Gels Simply Beautiful Collection

In 2015 this British Brand celebrated 25 years, and I am ashamed to say this is my first outing with them.

SBC which stands for Simply Beautiful Collection, is a company with a very strong botanical bias, it prides itself on being practical, effective and affordable.

A super thick creamy cleanser that is applied directly to a dry face and rinsed off with warm water, using either the SBC shammy cloth, or your own washcloth, the 3-in-1 label is formed by the products ability to cleanse away all make up and grime, remove eye make up and also gently exfoliate.

I loved this as a cleanser, I didn't like it for removing eye make up, but that has nothing to do with the product it worked beautifully, I just done like cleansing my eye make up that way, and prefer to use cotton wool and a cleanser, but it totally did the job on my non waterproof mascara, and waterproof eyebrow pomade.  As a cleanser it left my skin feeling really soft and ultra clean, not tight or itchy at all.
Especially recommended for dull mature skin although I would say this is ideal for anyone who likes the hot cloth cleansing system.


Next Up

SBC Collagen Skincare Gel

Designed for both face and body this cooling gel absorbs quickly leaving your skin moisturised but not sticky, I tried it on both my face and body and I have to say it worked beautifully under the SBC Day & Night Cream but my preference was as a Collagen shot for the outside body, easy to apply and you don't need to hang around for ages waiting to get dressed. One of the things I really liked about this was that the fragrance is almost zero, which means there are no conflicting mixes of fragrance with your perfume.
I would go so far as to call this a hero product, it is one I have constantly been reaching for as a body moisturiser, and my skin has been thanking me for it.

And finally

SBC Day & Night Cream

A thick creamy moisturiser including Shea Butter, Sweet Almond Oil, Kukui Seed Oil
 ( known as The Candlenut Seed which has been used for centuries in Hawaii )
and Passion Flower Oil combine to soften and smooth dry skin with concerns of ageing.
I found this cream worked best combined with the SBC Collagen skincare gel, it was too rich for me as a daily moisturiser but perfect as a night cream, fortunately my skin does not suffer from dryness on my face, had it have been even slightly dry this cream would be ideal, I found it gorgeous at night, a little goes a very long way, so you don't need to slather this on, just go easy with it and you will see the benefit in the morning.

So to sum up, I actually really like this brand and am especially in love with the Collagen skincare gel.

To view the whole range Check out the SBC Website Here 

Love n Hugz
Lyn x

Post contains A/F links 

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

DHC Rich Eye Zone Care Pack

Hiya Gorgeous face
If you are a regular reader of my little corner of the interweb you will already know my love of the Japanese brand DHC I have written about them many times before, just hit the search bar.

This time it is to bring you a brand new to the market product  the DHC Rich Eye Zone Care Pack, which is basically a pack containing fabulous soft cotton feel eye masks that are packed into pairs in a peel off type system which retains all the serum filled moisture to each set, all held in a clear plastic container for hygiene. 

As always with DHC the use of Olive fruit oil is included along with Hyaluronic acid and Elastin to support skin Collagen, at first I found these a little fiddly to apply mainly because I didn't read the instructions and was trying to put them on upside down !   Once applied the correct way up they are really easy to position as the moisture content allows them to slide into place, once in place they simply stay put, leave for 10 minutes, remove and gently massage in any excess cream.

Move over Zorro !!

You are advised to use these once or twice a week, although I don't think you will look in the mirror and see 12 year old eyes looking back at you, what you do get is a really relaxing treatment, which softens fine lines by plumping the skin with moisture, so I would say to do this a couple of times a week would definitely feel as though you were treating the eye area to a moisture boost.

Do you mask ? let me know.

Lyn x


Monday, 4 July 2016



Hiya Darlins 

You know the disappointment you feel when a brand stops making the product that you absolutely love ?  well I suffered that this weekend, as you know living in a village I have nowhere to buy anything decent, so when my daughter was taking my grandaughters into Bromley I was up for the trip, the Boots there is to die for ! and I always head for the Kiko store, I had a particular reason for my Kiko Visit I was out of my favourite foundation which is actually a BB cream in a compact.

WELL, only to be told that it is no longer in existence, had I have known of it's upcoming death I would have stocked up....grrrrrrrr


I was informed that this compact was the nearest thing to it, what's that all about ?if it's the nearest thing why not leave my thing alone ? anyway I bought it, so felt it deserved it's own little write up as it's actually quite lovely, and as loathed as I am to say it as good as my old favourite but now in a far more gorgeous compact.


I like a full cover foundation, or almost full cover and this creamy delight hits all the right notes, it gives plenty of cover without being slightly dry, does not creep into lines, and has a pretty good lasting power, I am not saying it will take you from day to night, but with a little touch up you are good to go until bedtime.
It does come with it's own sponge applicator which works really well but I prefer to use a brush which uses less product.

Kiko has a fantastic sale on currently and is available here 

Love n Kisses
Lyn x

Anastasia Beverley Hills DipBrow VS NYX Tame & Frame


I have been using Anastasia Beverley Hill Dip Brow for some time now and have previously written about it HERE I recently got very excited to find that NYX Cosmetics are now available in larger branches of Boots, I discovered what I thought would be a bargain alternative to the famous DipBrow.



On first impression I was really disappointed in the size of the NYX pot compared to ABH  but we are talking about £10.00 difference.

If you have ever used DipBrow you will know that it's not a case of perfection on first use, it takes practise to get the hang of this product, but once you do there is no going back in my opinion to pencil or powder.

Pigmentation ABH 10/10   NYX 8/10

Ease of use ABH 7/10  NYX 10/10

Staying Power ABH 10/10 NYX 10/10

Ease of Purchase ABH 7/10  NYX 10/10

Anastasia Beverly Hills 34/40

NYX  38/40 

So...............Not a lot in it but the winner is NYX  ( in my opinion )

Anastasia Beverley Hills DipBrow

NYX Tame & Frame

Would love to know your favourite Brow Products ? Let me know by leaving a comment.

Love n Hugz
Lyn x

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