Monday, 12 June 2017

Cult 51 Night Cream

Cult 51 Night Cream 

Hello My Darling

As promised I am continuing my love affair with the Brand Cult 51, this time it is with their first and in my opinion hero product, night cream, please don't think this is any old night cream, oh no !  stay with me and find out why.

Cult 51 so named as it deals with no less than 51 ways to improve your skin, as I always say, I am no scientist, so I'm not going to attempt to go into the how and why it works, but what I am going to say is that I doubt you will ever experience anything like it in your life.  This is not a frilly overly packaged good looking jar with no substance, it is a product that works !  it truly does, I am always somewhat reluctant to bring expensive products to the blog as I know that good skincare is a luxury, that said we have all tried and tested brands that will have you applying up to 5 layers of different products ending up costing a small fortune when you add them up, this is everything you need in one jar, shown here is the largest 50 ml size, there is also also a 20 ml available, you need literally a pea sized amount of this cream for your face neck and decolletage, massaged in including the eye contour it is literally your 'one stop' night cream.

Cult 51 Night Cream 

A lot of products concentrate on softening the surface of the skin to give an immediate smooth softened appearance, what Cult 51 does is work in harmony with your skins own metabolism to encourage the cells to behave as they did in our younger years, so while you sleep your skin is being regenerated and renewed, clinical results show a reduction of up to 52% on wrinkles and fine lines. 

Cult 51 Night Cream
Cult 51 Night Cream 

From the very first use I could see and feel a difference literally within a few minutes of application, the morning had me looking in the mirror and touching my skin to feel the 'bounce', the longer the use the better the result, in fact the company encourage you to apply a small amount to one hand only every night just so that you can see the 28 day difference in the two hands.

If I could give this to every reader, I would do it in a heartbeat, just to prove how much I swear by this cream. seriously, forget buying the next pair of shoes, dress or whatever, treat yourself to something that will love you back.

My review on Cult 51 Day cream can be read here  and Cult 51 Immediate Effects Serum here 

Lyn 💋 

Post contains Brand/Agency samples unless otherwise stated contains af link.

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