Tuesday, 3 May 2016

NKD SKN Pre-Shower Tan

Hiya my little sunny flowers.

How much better has it felt the last couple of days actually feeling some sun on your skin ? I know it's been slight and typically mixed with random bouts of rain, but here in Surrey it has been showing promising signs, and of course with a glimpse of sun the first thing we do is notice our blue white legs, of course until you needed to expose your snowy white parts to the world you didn't realise just how pale you were, or was that just me ? It also makes me realise how much I have neglected these hidden bod bits, while wrapped in leggings, jeans and jumpers.

Problem solved, talk about well timed, I was sent the newest baby in the NKD SKN range of tanning products to try out, I have tested out the self tan from NKD SKN here  and previously and loved it.  This pre-shower tan is amazeballs, I have reviewed the St Tropez in shower tan here which I believe to be the first of it's kind last year, and if I am honest I actually prefer this one although it does take longer. 10 minutes compared to 3, one of the main reasons, and I think the most important for me, is that there is NO fake tan smell, I hate that smell with a passion, somehow NKD have trademarked an odour remove technology that actually does work.

NKD SKN Pre-Shower Tan The Lavender Barn

Using the product

Remove clothing, you tend to be able to tan better if you apply to skin not clothes.
Apply a liberal amount of the white creamy product in circular movements, no you don't need to spin round, it means HANDS. Nice fragrance, not overpowering, leave for 10 minutes not forgetting to wash your palms.
Shower as usual, pat dry, no need at all for moisturiser as you are left incredibly smooth, the company actually recommend you avoid moisturisers. 

The tan builds gradually between 4-8 hours, to a gorgeous golden bronzy glow rather than a full on TOWIE look, if you like a deeper colour, you could build it gradually, and even make this a daily routine, depending on how dark you want to go, I found just one application was enough to remove my ghost like appearance.

Hope you are getting at least a little bit of sunshine.

Lyn  x


  1. 27 May 2016 at 18:10

    So your skin doesn't need to be wet before you apply this one? That's what I didn't like with the St Tropez, 3 mins flapping about freezing with wet skin!

  2. 27 May 2016 at 21:19

    Hi Cali, I applied to dry skin, I love this one so much easier & warmer :)
    Lyn x


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