Monday, 23 May 2016

Reumex Curcumin | Joint Pain

Hiya My Darlins

A bit of a different post for me today, but something I felt 100% needed sharing.

As I spend wayy too much time on the Internet I often come across things that are not widely known or advertised in the main stream and REUMEX Curcumin was one of those products, I have seen reviews and really thought it was worth exploring from Mr LB, you see he is a fella of a *certain age*  and has all his life worked in a very physically demanding job he is an Arborist which to us normal folk is a tree surgeon so has spent his life free climbing trees like a chimp and hanging around in a harness as well as a ton of heavy lifting on a daily basis, couple this with his love of weight training and you have a hell of a lot of wear and tear on joints, a couple of years ago an accident at work left him sleeping on the floor for a couple of weeks unable to move, and after various MRI scans and hospital visits it was damage to his lower spine joints, and the recommendation and treatment was physiotherapy,  well that did nothing !

Reumex Curcumin | Joint Pain

Having spent every day eating pain killers like they were sweets, I did some research and came up with Osteopathic treatment for him to try, this was like a miracle he almost skipped out of the practise having been push, pulled and joints duly crunched,  Yayyyyy problem solved £40.00 per session, it didn't last, it was good but not a solution.  So once again we were back with daily pain, not only in the problem back but to be fair all of his joints are painful and showing signs of wear,  getting out of bed is a slow process watching him stomp to the bathroom was like watching Herman Munster, and rolling on the floor before work every morning trying to get the joints mobile was amusing for the dog !

Anyway..........I contacted  Reumex and asked if we could trial the product, nothing to lose, we will try anything to ease this, oh I forgot to mention we even bought a TENS machine.   They very kindly sent along a box of 60 capsules that would last a month.

OK now here's the thing,  old cynical Sid took them not expecting anything, within a WEEK he was getting out of bed like a normal person, and within two weeks was literally coming home from work saying how good his back had been all day, I cannot begin to tell you the difference these pills have made to his life ! of course I am not saying he is 100% ache free BUT he his pain free and has so so much more mobility he has more energy as anyone with constant pain knows it is exhausting.

With my hand on my heart I cannot tell you how happy I am that we have discovered these, so happy we have more on order and two of his tree climbing colleagues have asked us to order for them too !!!

I am not going into the whole ingredient list but I URGE you if you have joint pain to check out the website for yourself.

Love n Hugz
Lyn xx

Post contains brand/agency samples unless otherwise stated. 



1 comment

  1. physiotherapy meadowbank22 April 2017 at 18:54

    Excellent post! Thanks for sharing about Reumex curcumin. Reumex curcumin can provide your healthy life. It`s very useful and pain free and has so so much more mobility more energy as anyone with constant pain knows it is exhausting.


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