Friday, 10 March 2017

Bidvine | You Will Thank Me For This !


Hi Loves

Here is a company  I wish I had found a while ago, it would have saved me so much time, grief and wasted money, on finding, chasing and hiring trades people for the jobs I can't do myself, It is a Company you need in your browser favourites as they are like the super hero's of the internet.

In a nutshell it is a site that can provide with a professional to any job your heart desires, from a simple room paint to a yoga lesson at home, and pretty much everything in between, reading through the lists of the services available actually makes for fascinating reading and I was very tempted to digress from my path of looking for a plasterer, yes, yes, I know I am boring but the boring stuff has to be done.  You enter a few details into the site, location, what service you require etc, and as if by magic the site asks you a few questions that you had probably never thought to mention, to ensure you get the exact skilled professional for the task at hand, we are talking not even 10 minutes here, next up you click request a quote, sit back, relax and wait for the quotes to appear in your inbox, you can, of course speak to the person prior to accepting any service just to make sure you are happy, and Bob is your proverbial uncle, it's that simple !!


I can't imagine how often I would have used this site as a singleton in London, what a brilliant idea, such a time saver, how many times have you put off getting something done because you can't be bothered with the hassle of finding someone to do the job ?  if you are anything like me, lots.

Now with click of a button, everything is done for you.

Have a look around the site, add it to favourites, tell your family and friends ( who will thank you )  and rest assured that should you need it, help is at hand.

Find Bidvine Here 

Lyn 💋

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