Tuesday, 21 March 2017

DHC Olive Corn Body Scrub and Polish | DHC Olive Body Butter

DHC Olive Corn Body Scrub and Polish | DHC Olive Body Butter
DHC Olive Corn Body Scrub and Polish  |  DHC Olive Body Butter 

Hiya Gorgeous 

What is it about a bit of sunshine that suddenly sends us into body panic ?  all those area's that you know you should have look after over Winter are suddenly looking a bit dry and grim, if you are anything like me I know you meant to do it everyday, but somehow just didn't, way warmer to jump out of the shower and straight into something cosy, I know that feeling !

DHC Olive Corn Body Scrub and Polish | DHC Olive Body Butter

DHC Olive Corn Body Scrub and Polish | DHC Olive Body Butter

But now we have those neglected bits to deal with before we face exposing them to daylight, as regular readers know I am addicted to exfoliation of every kind be it face or body, and my favourites from Japan DHC skincare have just launched the most beautiful body scrub/polish.  As we have come to love from them it is based on Olive Oil, contains both Vitamin E and Lavender Oil and the scrubby part is made up of both large and small grains of corn cob powder, I am in love with this it exfoliates without being harsh it has the fragrance of Lavender although not heavy in a granny Lavender bag way, but gentle and soothing, once you have exfoliated and rinsed you could at this stage leave your skin with nothing on as you will be left soft and smooth and the product does leave a moisture layer on the skin: 

DHC Olive Corn Body Scrub and Polish | DHC Olive Body Butter

 However if like me you need a little more care and attention to counteract the naughty neglect you can then follow with with Olive Body Butter either all over or on specific areas that need extra help, I found this perfect for knees, heels, elbows and shins, while it is called butter I would describe it more as a balm and a tiny bit really does go a long way, I can imagine this tub lasting me ages, it literally melts into the skin leaving it soft to the touch.

Check out my other posts on  the DHC brand here 


Have you tried anything from DHC  ? let me know your thoughts.

Lyn 💋

Post contains Brand / PR samples unless otherwise stated.


  1. 21 March 2017 at 15:51

    I've read several positive reviews of DHC from you and others so I keep meaning to check them out! Always looking for effective body products that won't break the bank.

    1. 12 April 2017 at 02:01

      You really should Gail they are an amazing brand.
      Lyn x

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