Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Juvederm at Epsom Skin Clinic Surrey | Fillers and Lip Enhancement

Hiya Darlins,

I was recently invited to The Epsom Skin Clinic in Surrey to have my skin analysed with a view to some anti ageing treatments.

The clinic is 5 minutes walk from the Station, and also has free parking should you need it.  On entering I was greeted by a very smiley receptionist, who instructed me to take a seat upstairs, the clinic is small enough not to feel intimidating, and everyone that passes has the best smile and a friendly hello.

I was greeted by a nursing therapist, who gave me the consent form, which is more like a medical questionnaire, really thorough and covers everything, I was asked what I had in mind, and my answer was " no idea "  as I really hadn't thought about the possibilities.  Being led through to meet the Doctor, Dr Gillian Carver MBBch, DRCOG, FP, DFFP I still didn't feel any nerves,  we discussed the fact that 10 years ago I had been tempted by Botox, which was done in a beauty salon not a clinic and left me with drooped hooded eyelids. 

I have never been totally anti surgical assistance but have never been in a desperate rush to have needles put in my face !

Having has numbing cream applied liberally to my lips, after a few minutes  there was totally no sensation at all, I don't know why but I expected numbing cream on my face.......this wasn't happening and the Doctor started with the injectables, Juvederm Voluma for my cheeks, 3 injections on each side, which honestly didn't hurt in the slightest, to be fair I didn't open my eyes, brave but not that brave !  

Next up was my top lip, I was assured by the Doctor that this filler would also help with the smoking lines I had gifted myself with from my old smoking days, with 3 injections  of  Juvederm Volbella on each side of my upper lip towards the cupid bow, the Doctor also placed 3 tiny little drops into the deep lip lines. Again no pain, slight and I mean really slight discomfort but no pain.

I was given a mirror to look at my face, and apart from a slightly swollen top lip I couldn't see any signs of my visit.  With instructions not to touch and no make up for 24 hours, I was almost ready to leave. 

My next step was a consultation with Chloe who is an Aesthetic Therapist to discuss the use of a month long course of Swisscode skincare to enhance and maintain my injectable treatment.  (Post to follow in Feb )

To sum up.
After 24 hours there was only very slight swelling left on my top lip, no bruising at all to my cheeks which I totally expected, and the best of all, is that I can see a difference, as of course you know your own face, but no one else has noticed until I point it out, which is exactly what I wanted :) The smoking lines are 90% gone, and my top lip has brilliant definition without looking at all fake.

I honestly didn't expect to be this impressed. Would I do it again ?  in a heartbeat.

 The Clinic and Staff are fabulous, and I would highly recommend anyone thinking of Asthectics to get in touch with them.

The cost of treatment 1ml of Juvederm Voluma £425.00 1ml Juvederm Volbella £425.00

Prices start at £205.00

The Treatment is set to last 9-12 months.  I actually wished I had gone the whole she bang and had Botox done for my eyes.........maybe next time.

Epsom Skin Clinic

What are your thoughts ? have you had work done ? or would you consider it ? let me know in the comments section. 

Love n Hugz
Lyn x

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  1. 19 January 2016 at 19:40

    So interesting to read about this. I'm nowhere near brave enough to have any aesthetic treatment. Not because of the pain but because I'm scared I could look worse. I have lines on top lip too. Never smoked so must be too much pouting!

    1. 20 January 2016 at 14:33

      I did think about that aspect of it Hazel, but I thought at this age sod it, can only look better lol, and it did, to me it looks fresher, and only when I tell people to stare at my face, they know there is something but not what, which I love :)

      Lyn x

  • 20 January 2016 at 20:02

    Thank you for honestly reviewing this. It is something I am considering under my eyes in a few years. I am only 34 but poor health has led to some real deep indents under my eyes that are ageing me :(

    1. 23 January 2016 at 18:09

      Hi Janine
      Thanks for your comment, if you are thinking of having any sort of treatment, please, please research first.
      Lyn x

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