Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Micheline Arcier Aromatherapie Review

Hiya Darlins

Let me start this post by saying I know NOTHING about Aromatherapy practises, but what I do know is what I like, so when given the opportunity to try out Micheline Arcier Aromatherapie I was a little nervous that I didn't quite understand what I was getting into.

Micheline Arcier Aromatherapie Review Aromatherapy

I needn't have worried after a long chat with Catherine Milne one of the two owners of the company, I was chomping at the bit to try out this product, Catherine rightly said that nowadays we do not properly invest in " Me" time and by actually bathing to relax, rather than my usual 10 minutes in the shower I would feel both physically and mentally rested, I did confess that I actually don't much like bathing, and that the bathroom for me is just a place to get clean, I would love to say that I had a bathroom big enough for a chaise and that I spend hours in there pampering, I don't It's a bit pokey to say the least, and is not a room I could lounge in, unless I wanted to lay on the floor with my feet up on the loo seat !...........I digress, 

Madame Micheline Arcier lived from 1923-2006 and had a very highly regarded private practise in Knightsbridge, London. she was a student of Marguerite Mary who pioneered the use of essential oils for the promotion of holistic well being. The Company is now owned by two dedicated adherents of her philosophy, Catherine Milne and Germaine Rich.

Catherine's enthusiasm was totally well founded, I have bathed in both Harmonie and Lavender Bath oils which were part of the sleep kit, Harmonie is strictly for night time only, and no wonder, I cannot imagine trying to function after a soak in this, I swear I felt so zoned out I could have slept for a week.

Lavender is for calming, soothing and re balancing and can be used morning or night.  Also in the Sleep Kit is  Sommeil a bottle of pure Essential oil,  where one drop can be used to massage the solar plexus , or one drop can be placed on a tissue and inhaled, again only to be used at night time, I have actually placed one drop on my pillow, which was heaven, if you have one this oil can be also used in a diffuser.

To sum up, if you want the ultimate   " me " time, and need help sleeping then this kit is for you. the company do have a huge range of treatments on their website.

Micheline Arcier Shop

Love N Hugz
Lyn X

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  1. 13 January 2016 at 07:47

    I love the Micheline Arcier products though I must admit I've not used any since I became a blogger! Beautiful range x

    1. 13 January 2016 at 11:42

      I Love it Sandra, a new discovery for me x

  • Catherine Milne13 January 2016 at 09:47

    Glad you enjoyed the kit Lyn - and hoping that you make more "me" time in 2016!
    Warmest relaxing wishes, Catherine

    1. 13 January 2016 at 11:43

      I certainly will Catherine,thank you. x

  • 14 January 2016 at 09:53

    Sounds fabulous, Lyn please save some for me for when I next come to visit you! Love and hugs, Liz

    1. 20 January 2016 at 14:35

      You will sleep for a week Liz I promise :) should definately try it out.

      Lyn x

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